Is there anything you regularly watch/read/etc that cheers you up?

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Enpatsu No Shakugan

Well-known member
Apr 2, 2018
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Is there something really special to you in the entertainment circle, you find yourself loving even more when times get tough?

For me, it's simply one thing:


This is just about everything you can imagine it is, if you don't know. The most twisted, upsetting, dark, disturbing, depressing, hopeless, and yet thought-provoking, sincere, human, and even touching story you can ever possibly read.

Berserk is an epic tale spanning back since 1989; most of my whole life, but I didn't get into until 2010 and since then, I absolutely grew addicted to it. I think I read 7 full volumes my first time in a single day. And since then, I've read it at least twice through after buying the entire thing physically (best translations).

But because I love it so much, and it's infamous for hiatuses, I really take my time with it. It's weird, I don't indulge and binge things I truly love; I almost dip into them only when they are most poignant, so I can really absorb and cherish them.

Since getting the physical books, I believe I was on volume 24 at the time, and I restarted everything to continue. I am now on volume 31 of... 39 so far.

And in that timeframe, I can remember every place in my life I was at upon reading each. Volume 9, for example, was when my grandmother passed away in 2014.
Volumes 10-15 was when I was doing a lot of yard sales and had it as my primary entertainment source.

And after this year in particular, I had stopped for quite awhile on volume 28 and resumed. And it was just what I needed. I took a literal break from absolutely everything that week.

Talking to anyone, making money, selling, etc.... I just sat there everyday for a moment and read Berserk alone. And it was just what I needed to really relax and find myself.

Berserk has so many life lessons in it, it's not even funny. The main character of Guts is a character that defines inspirational. Anything you could possibly experience in your life, he's had it 100x worse, and yet he only keeps moving onward.
What a great lesson to take from it; that the one character who buckled from his life wound up becoming the antagonist, and even though it's hard, the protagonist Guts on the other hand, does the exact opposite.

It was especially poignant for me regarding Guts and his lost love Casca; a woman of darker skin. That really hit close to home in that was a similar situation to what I had lost this past year myself, not to mention that the relationship between them, even now, simply brings me to tears every single time. It's probably the the most well written and touching romances in manga history, as far as I'm concerned.

So needless to say.... volume 28 was really rough when I started it very fragile. But since then I'm now on 31 (dialogue heavy volumes) and I love that Berserk is always there for when I need it.

And it doesn't just stop with actual volumes; I can always use Berserk in any medium to satisfy a poignant urge. As I said, it's the most human story possible and it's just cathartic for me.

Something like even a music video that people have made with just manga pages, or even from the subpar animes. Berserk is still Berserk and it's always something great for me.
Like this:

Anything like that for anyone else?
The Magicians, Dead Like Me, Daria, Sliders, Stranger Things, Black Mirror, How The Universe Works, and Xena. Those are pretty much the only shows I watch. American Horror Story on occasion, but sparingly.
IncolaVacui said:
The Magicians, Dead Like Me, Daria, Sliders, Stranger Things, Black Mirror, How The Universe Works, and Xena. Those are pretty much the only shows I watch. American Horror Story on occasion, but sparingly.

So everything you watch is something that will also always cheer you up?
My collection of Batman movies both live action and animated. Sometimes I like to go through my comic book collection and reread issues from 25+ years ago. And of course there's always these guys below that make me laugh.
Wow that sounds like an enticing story, it's good that you've got something to entertain you and inspire you.

For me it's Will & Grace.

I first saw it when I was 14 and I got sick with pnumomia, so I laid on the couch all the day waiting for something good to come on and  Will and Grace came on in the evening for an hour or two. And I just loved it, I waited each day while I was sick for it to come on and brighten my day.  It was hilarious and heartwarming and comforting to see a gay character live a normal happy life with friends and job and relationships. I still wouldn't come out until years later and it was still hard and scary.  But any time I was sick or depressed, which I was a lot I would watch it and it would make me feel better. After I got sick and discovered Will and Grace each Christmas for a few years I would get one or two of the seasons on DVD, then I would watch it over Christmas break. I've seen each episode so many times, i could probably quote them verbatem. Then a few years ago when I got really sick and was in a resident care facility after being the hospital for a month my family brought up the DVDs for me, so I had something fun to kill the time in that boring hell of a hole.

I just feel a sense of joy and comfort from that show, and still find the new recent seasons funny and entertaining.

Here's a favorite scene of mine from the second season 

Enpatsu No Shakugan said:
So everything you watch is something that will also always cheer you up?

Yes, actually. I don't watch much television, some of those shows are quite old. I haven't even owned a television 7 years now. So if I do watch something, it's usually as a distraction.
evanescencefan912 said:
Wow that sounds like an enticing story, it's good that you've got something to entertain you and inspire you.

For me it's Will & Grace.

I first saw it when I was 14 and I got sick with pnumomia, so I laid on the couch all the day waiting for something good to come on and  Will and Grace came on in the evening for an hour or two. And I just loved it, I waited each day while I was sick for it to come on and brighten my day.  It was hilarious and heartwarming and comforting to see a gay character live a normal happy life with friends and job and relationships. I still wouldn't come out until years later and it was still hard and scary.  But any time I was sick or depressed, which I was a lot I would watch it and it would make me feel better. After I got sick and discovered Will and Grace each Christmas for a few years I would get one or two of the seasons on DVD, then I would watch it over Christmas break. I've seen each episode so many times, i could probably quote them verbatem. Then a few years ago when I got really sick and was in a resident care facility after being the hospital for a month my family brought up the DVDs for me, so I had something fun to kill the time in that boring hell of a hole.

I just feel a sense of joy and comfort from that show, and still find the new recent seasons funny and entertaining.

Here's a favorite scene of mine from the second season 


I recently started watching my 'Will and Grace' DVD's in sequence - I'm currently half way through. I love it. :D
Hanakimi live action jdrama, 2007 or 2008 version I think. Watching those ******* really lift me up.
For me the best think is to learn and be productive everyday.
And there is no bad side in it. Now i am thinking about opening my own E-commerce and thinking about magento.
Found thees guys *link removed* and think that they got everything hat i want.
I understood that we all have tough times but our mindset playing a big role in our future!
It used to be Doctor Who. Now, it takes talking to people to cheer me up. Or work. It distracts me enough from myself.

I have little interest in the things I used to enjoy. Not sure what to make of it really. I feel like an entirely different person these days.
Whenever I feel sad or so, I just need to watch some My Little Pony episodes and I'm happy again. :)
"The Battle of the Bastards" episode of Game of Thrones

The Ride of the Rohirrim scene in Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

George Carlin stand ups
RandomFella said:
Whenever I feel sad or so, I just need to watch some My Little Pony episodes and I'm happy again. :)

Ha! Ha! That's awesome!

Random Conan O´Brien clips on youtube never fail to put me in a better place when I´m losing it. They are always arbitrary and goofy. Its nearly impossible to stay in a funk watching Conan.


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