She's hardly a saint...quite devilish actually...
Trigger Warning: What are some of your OCD's you suffer with? We all have different things. That's if you're comfortable talking about them. I can talk about mine as they don't bother me. Most of my family has OCD to a degree. People think it's funny to mess with someone who has it, but little do they know how debilitating it can be for the sufferer. It doesn't bother me, but others will go into a fit of rage over things. My uncle is a prime example.
Here are some of mine:
Here are some of mine:
- When I read a book, if I noticed I've skipped a couple of words, I have to go back a few times to reread. Then, I'll tell myself enough is enough and I'm sure I've read it by now, and to just move on. But, it doesn't always happen this way, and will have to reread it several times until it sinks in.
- I tend to buy more than is needed, and it's often in 3's and 4's.
- I buy a lot of the same black and white piece of clothing as they're worn the most, and like to have backups for when the ones I'm wearing, ware out. But, with white, I'm extreme, because I fear I'm going to get it dirty, but want to wear it, and stay extremely bright white at all times.
- I'm an extremely organized person and everything has a space. I like things to be facing each other for the most part, but if a couple aren't, I won't freak out, but it might bother me until it's fixed.
- When writing or typing, things have to be perfect, and if they're not, I have redo the entire thing over. Whiteout doesn't cut it, because I don't like the "paint" on the paper, as it's not as white and professional looking at the original.
- I'm a Grammar Nazi, and although I do make mistakes, I try to go back and correct them if I do. Sometimes when we're in a rush, we don't think about it so much, but I'm a perfectionist with such things.
- Perfectionism doesn't exist, but for the longest time it did in my mind and drove me crazy. I had to get away from that obsessive thought process.
- I don't like dirty feet. I'm obsessed with keeping my feet clean at all times of the day, especially in summertime when I wear flip flops. I always have to wash my feet. I'll be out and about, and have to stop somewhere just to wash my feet. I don't go to bed with dirty feet either, even the slightest bit of dirt will freak me out. If someone comes over and their feet are dirty, I cringe, but I won't allow someone in my bed with dirty feet, that's for sure!