Under the dirt, that’s my home ⚰️
Lool my fella is insane, this man really said he wants to propose but he wants to lay on the table all the cheating he did before and for me to be honest about if I ever cheated on him… I mean… aside from the countless dreams about his hot brother i’ve been faithful in mind body and spirit
Really feel excited to potentially achieve one of my life goals to be prosed to at a young age… I was so depressed yesterday and its like I hope the proposal is not based on me feeling suicidal and all that and actually based on wanting to start a family with me.
Had me thinking… did you have a confess all time before you settled down with someone? Do you think its healthy to tell all… then propose if you’re ready to move forward? Hmm let me pick ya brains

Had me thinking… did you have a confess all time before you settled down with someone? Do you think its healthy to tell all… then propose if you’re ready to move forward? Hmm let me pick ya brains