I feel like love is just a game

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user 188685

sunflower lover
May 29, 2022
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I feel like love is just a game,no guy has ever loved me,I mean really loved me,all I got told was lies,and all I knew was cheating,games and lies,all anyone wants to be is loved and cared about,why must I get this kind of treatment by all the guys that I have ever been with?Love is not worth it,if all you are going to do is be lied to and cheated on.
Regardless of what people say there's a lot of decent people out there, and if it keeps ending in failure and lies you have to ask yourself what kind of people are you meeting. Are you stuck in the same circle of people?

Generally if you're young then the chances to meet someone mature enough for that kind of stuff is pretty low, especially guys. Sometimes you can all too easily let your guard down or expect too much from someone if you let your heart (or fantasy) rule your head, or thinking you can change someone (or them change for you) is also a recipe for disaster... just like seeming desperate or seeming vulnerable can be a put off for many people, and appealing to others who are only interested in one particular thing.

Meeting someone can sometimes be a minefield and as stupid as it sounds it's best to stop looking, because that in itself can sometimes have the opposite effect, weird.
I'm basically king of the friend zone. Granted, it's been with women online but i can't even begin to imagine how ****** that would be in reality. I've never been loved ever by the ones i have liked, only by the ones i don't like. I've had the 'actions speak louder than words' special and that ended up with me in the friend zone, yet i still want love but at the same time i don't. My brain is just mega weird.
I never understood the women who say they're love life has been a string of unending cheaters and liars. I mean I get it, I'm sure that would suck; it's just, I don't believe I've ever encountered this type of woman in the wild, so to speak.

No woman I've ever dated, has been with liar cheater types. None of the women in my family, well, except my sister, her ex-hubby was a tall tale teller; but, I don't think he ever cheated on her, that we know about, anyway. He'd lie about things like how much money he lost on poker and probably guys night out type stuff, heh (so maybe my sister counts as one.)

I can see how some women would not only attract those types; but, also be drawn to them. But, it's just curious, to me, as I haven't come in contact with these types of women.

I can definitely see the allure though. A confident, handsome, smooth talkin', guy who makes you laugh; and you are so caught up in how amazing this person is, that, by the time you stop to think for a second, "this is too good to be true," then it turns out to be, heh... :( Then you dump that dirty cheatin' liar, and sing the blues for a while, till some handsome knight in shining armor suddenly comes to the rescue for your blues... and then... turns out to be a doosh, all over again...

like 9006 said, I think we tend to do these types of things to ourselves, and it bespeaks of the need to reflect a little bit... I do it too. We keep going back to the same restaurant expecting different service and different items on the menu. Or we keep going back to the same bar, expecting something different than a hook-up, when, that's pretty much what bars are for, besides sports and booze.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, sort of thing...

Anywho, better to have loved and lost...

Not all men are bad, and not all women are bad; it's just the good men and women, tend to be taken, hehe :( or, out of our league... Or we're too blind to see them... Or our 'life game,' isn't quite up to par... etc.. etc..
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I never understood the women who say they're love life has been a string of unending cheaters and liars. I mean I get it, I'm sure that would suck; it's just, I don't believe I've ever encountered this type of woman in the wild, so to speak.

No woman I've ever dated, has been with liar cheater types. None of the women in my family, well, except my sister, her ex-hubby was a tall tale teller; but, I don't think he ever cheated on her, that we know about, anyway. He'd lie about things like how much money he lost on poker and probably guys night out type stuff, heh (so maybe my sister counts as one.)

I can see how some women would not only attract those types; but, also be drawn to them. But, it's just curious, to me, as I haven't come in contact with these types of women.

I can definitely see the allure though. A confident, handsome, smooth talkin', guy who makes you laugh; and you are so caught up in how amazing this person is, that, by the time you stop to think for a second, "this is too good to be true," then it turns out to be, heh... :( Then you dump that dirty cheatin' liar, and sing the blues for a while, till some handsome knight in shining armor suddenly comes to the rescue for your blues... and then... turns out to be a doosh, all over again...

like 9006 said, I think we tend to do these types of things to ourselves, and it bespeaks of the need to reflect a little bit... I do it too. We keep going back to the same restaurant expecting different service and different items on the menu. Or we keep going back to the same bar, expecting something different than a hook-up, when, that's pretty much what bars are for, besides sports and booze.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, sort of thing...

Anywho, better to have loved and lost...

Not all men are bad, and not all women are bad; it's just the good men and women, tend to be taken, hehe :( or, out of our league... Or we're too blind to see them...
very true,yes all the good ones are already taken

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