Not sure who else is dealing with this and/or how you found a solution but my bf and I have an issue with cleaning.
He’s not a bad bf by any means. He’s very loving, caring, and supportive. He’s the first to offer financial help or pay for something and I truly believe it’s because he cares but also because doing that requires no real effort on his part. When it comes to cleaning and sharing household chores…that’s another story. He’s in therapy and working on his issues that he says are the reason he is like this.
For background, we both have full time jobs and WFH. We split the bills evenly and pay for each other evenly. I have to almost beg him to clean or we get into an argument about it. We’ve had heart to hearts 30x. He says he’ll help and change, but then he doesn’t. Or he does for a week and goes back to the norm. He seems fine living in filth. I’m sick of cleaning the bathroom by myself. When he does the dishes, he half-***** them just to be done, so then I have to re-do some of them. He does take out the trash but I think he feels like that’s his only chore.
I cook and clean and have to ask him 10x to do anything. Then I get the “adolescent” huff and puff. I ending up not cleaning in protest (which I know is not the right thing to do) but I get fed up, and it will stay like that because he won’t do it. Then I’ll end up doing it because it’s disgusting or he does do it because I basically tell him, nicely and not demand, to clean it and not ask because I’m tired of asking nicely for the 10th time. I’m tired of doing it myself. I’m tired of having the same conversation over and over again. I do feel like sometimes I see the spark of him understanding sometimes but then he just goes back to way he was.
And then I get to the point where I boil over and get mad. So then I’m yelling and he’s trying to defuse the situation by making jokes.
He’s not a bad bf by any means. He’s very loving, caring, and supportive. He’s the first to offer financial help or pay for something and I truly believe it’s because he cares but also because doing that requires no real effort on his part. When it comes to cleaning and sharing household chores…that’s another story. He’s in therapy and working on his issues that he says are the reason he is like this.
For background, we both have full time jobs and WFH. We split the bills evenly and pay for each other evenly. I have to almost beg him to clean or we get into an argument about it. We’ve had heart to hearts 30x. He says he’ll help and change, but then he doesn’t. Or he does for a week and goes back to the norm. He seems fine living in filth. I’m sick of cleaning the bathroom by myself. When he does the dishes, he half-***** them just to be done, so then I have to re-do some of them. He does take out the trash but I think he feels like that’s his only chore.
I cook and clean and have to ask him 10x to do anything. Then I get the “adolescent” huff and puff. I ending up not cleaning in protest (which I know is not the right thing to do) but I get fed up, and it will stay like that because he won’t do it. Then I’ll end up doing it because it’s disgusting or he does do it because I basically tell him, nicely and not demand, to clean it and not ask because I’m tired of asking nicely for the 10th time. I’m tired of doing it myself. I’m tired of having the same conversation over and over again. I do feel like sometimes I see the spark of him understanding sometimes but then he just goes back to way he was.
And then I get to the point where I boil over and get mad. So then I’m yelling and he’s trying to defuse the situation by making jokes.