Recent content by reynard_muldrake

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. reynard_muldrake

    What are you eating/drinking right now?

    Water (am mulling over another cup of coffee, though)
  2. reynard_muldrake

    Disappointing Movie Sequels?

    Halloween 5 Scream 3 Come to think of it, I don't think I'll rewatch the fifth or sixth Scream films anytime soon...
  3. reynard_muldrake

    What Book(s) are you Reading?

    The X-Files: Perihelion-Claudia Gray. So far, I like it. The author has gotten the characters of Mulder and Scully right.
  4. reynard_muldrake

    Film/TV Characters Who Irritate You

    I completely forgot about Season 12 and wondered who Siobhan was. Now that I remember, I agree: Siobhan was not a great character.
  5. reynard_muldrake

    I’m a 30 year old male friendless virgin

    lol Please watch this, by the way.
  6. reynard_muldrake

    I’m a 30 year old male friendless virgin

    This is a woefully unintelligent comment.
  7. reynard_muldrake

    What are you thinking right now?

    I remember when "snowflake" meant someone made a concentrated effort to "unique" or stand out. How are we defining snowflakes? More often than not, I've seen it used to describe people who speak out against bigotry or just ask for more empathy. Either one is not bad...
  8. reynard_muldrake

    What are you thinking right now?

    False. :D
  9. reynard_muldrake

    10 movies where...

    9.) Walkabout
  10. reynard_muldrake

    Looking to voice-chat on Discord - regularly

    A lot of posts get responses from varied people. That's not a one-on-one conversation to me. I don't see what's so desperate about it. Maybe OP tried Discord servers and didn't like what he saw?
  11. reynard_muldrake

    What are you thinking right now?

    I still look forward to any deliveries, especially if it's a book or Blu-ray.
  12. reynard_muldrake

    Looking to voice-chat on Discord - regularly

    What if some people just want one-on-one conversations?