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I'm not from USA, health care is free. :D

On topic.


True, I'm leaving very soon. Imagine being on this planet till 80. Thanks, but no thanks.
I'm not from USA, health care is free. :D
Might be free, but are you in full time care, or at home? If at home, can't that be any more comfortable?
I'm leaving very soon. Imagine being on this planet till 80. Thanks, but no thanks.
no opportunity for you to do anything positive for the world before you go?
Might be free, but are you in full time care, or at home? If at home, can't that be any more comfortable?

I'm at home, no need to make it more comfortable. I'm also in super super early stage, so pain meds do the job for now.

no opportunity for you to do anything positive for the world before you go?

F*** society. I owe nothing to them.
I'm at home, no need to make it more comfortable. I'm also in super super early stage, so pain meds do the job for now.
So being in such an early stage, are you enjoying yourself as much as you can? If not, wouldn't money help that?

F*** society. I owe nothing to them.
I didn't mention society. You don't care about the planet at all, animals?

Anyway, who owes the world anything, or society anything? If everyone thought like you, we'd be tenfold worse. Why not be an example to others? Why not be proud to know that at least you were one that tried making a difference?

I'm sorry you're going through your situation, like I'm sorry for most of the people struggling on this forum. I hope you don't suffer too much pain.
I am at the stage of focusing on myself, and collecting as much knowledge as possible before you-know .....

Btw. All good all good, Religion promises me new body and stuff .... I always joked how I want my hair back. xD See, no big harm done. :D I get to leave early, get new body and my hair back ... And I don't have to be a part of this future sh1tshow which will happen on planet. :D Win win win. :D
I am at the stage of focusing on myself, and collecting as much knowledge as possible before you-know .....

Btw. All good all good, Religion promises me new body and stuff .... I always joked how I want my hair back. xD See, no big harm done. :D I get to leave early, get new body and my hair back ... And I don't have to be a part of this future sh1tshow which will happen on planet. :D Win win win. :D
you raise an interesting point. you're willing to believe in that afterlife and have a positive outlook for it, which is fine and can help you along in life, any yet, did you exude as much feeling and hopefullness in the life you were given? By your maker nonetheless? I'm not sure how your reconcile with that thought, that where you're hoping to find ultimate joy, is provided by the same entity that has provided this life for you? Help this atheist understand.

And what knowledge are you collecting and for what purpose?
Well, I'm not sure how to answer this one in first paragraph. But your soul is eternal. And Christianity says that we will be raised from the dead in " new uncoruptable glorified bodies " ( means eternal body and live forever ".) , and that we will live on something called " New Earth ". So .... if Christianity doesn't lie, it's useful to plan your future life in eternal life segment. :D Unless someone else has other plans for you. So I mostly explore and learn about like, hobbies which I haven't have time / money to be into .... Or like collect worlds knowledge or stuff like that. The more you get from this planet, the more future use you will have from it. I always joked how in eternal life I want to have private like continent , have a house in the woods and just be introvert there and do simple jobs in free time, and have food from gardening. :D I always joked how I will be a beer maker in eternety, cause I love beer, but I've never tried to make one here. :D
Well, I'm not sure how to answer this one in first paragraph. But your soul is eternal. And Christianity says that we will be raised from the dead in " new uncoruptable glorified bodies " ( means eternal body and live forever ".) , and that we will live on something called " New Earth ". So .... if Christianity doesn't lie, it's useful to plan your future life in eternal life segment. :D Unless someone else has other plans for you. So I mostly explore and learn about like, hobbies which I haven't have time / money to be into .... Or like collect worlds knowledge or stuff like that. The more you get from this planet, the more future use you will have from it. I always joked how in eternal life I want to have private like continent , have a house in the woods and just be introvert there and do simple jobs in free time, and have food from gardening. :D I always joked how I will be a beer maker in eternety, cause I love beer, but I've never tried to make one here. :D
So are you admitting that you have wasted your life?
Hey , I wasted 14 years on going to school. Education pretty much gave me PTSD. If you want free advice on how to waste time and have 0 usage out of it - I suggest - try education. -.-"

Bottom line: School is for idiots. I'm soo jelaous of home-schooled kids. Much better solution.
Hey , I wasted 14 years on going to school. Education pretty much gave me PTSD. If you want free advice on how to waste time and have 0 usage out of it - I suggest - try education. -.-" Bottom line: School is for idiots. I'm soo jelaous of home-schooled kids. Much better solution.
Well, it is true that many uneducated people became wealthy people. Sometimes it comes down to determination, inspiration and motivation.
News article says something along the line: " World bank suggestion: work until 72 (years of age) . ".

Thank you , but no thank you. I'm super happy to leave this 5h1tty a$$ planet super early.
Feeling kinda bummed.
Someone I'd been friends with on Discord for over a year, suddenly removed me from it with no warning or indication of anything, no goodbye, nothing. They also unfollowed me on another site as well. As far as I know I didn't say anything that offended them, but I don't know.

All I can think of is that I take a long time to get back to people, it is a very bad habit that I developed, but I don't usually, actually mean it as disregard. It's usually just me dealing with myself, sometimes for extended periods of time and not having the attention/energy for others at the moment.

I'm talking about a male friend here, not a female crush, but nevertheless, I liked them as a person and when you talk to someone for over a year, and they just up and go without any warning or closure, it still hurts.

I am going to try one more time in a month or so to let them cool off, try to get back in touch or at least ask what happened and try to get some closure, and then if that doesn't work I guess I have to give up.
This sucks.
Feeling kinda bummed.
Someone I'd been friends with on Discord for over a year, suddenly removed me from it with no warning or indication of anything, no goodbye, nothing. They also unfollowed me on another site as well. As far as I know I didn't say anything that offended them, but I don't know.

All I can think of is that I take a long time to get back to people, it is a very bad habit that I developed, but I don't usually, actually mean it as disregard. It's usually just me dealing with myself, sometimes for extended periods of time and not having the attention/energy for others at the moment.

I'm talking about a male friend here, not a female crush, but nevertheless, I liked them as a person and when you talk to someone for over a year, and they just up and go without any warning or closure, it still hurts.

I am going to try one more time in a month or so to let them cool off, try to get back in touch or at least ask what happened and try to get some closure, and then if that doesn't work I guess I have to give up.
This sucks.
Just wondering, do you alert people beforehand that it might take a while for you to reply? I am the same way with not responding super fast (I have to be highly motivated), but I always drop people a note right away that it might be a while :D

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