An unfair comparison

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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2024
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I feel it is unfair if a parent equates their child to a parasite on a regular basis. A parasite is an organism that invades the body of another organism and utilises all its nutrients for its own benefit. In case of a parent-child relationship, the parent themselves chose to give birth to the child, so I feel that the parent voluntarily signed up for all the responsibilities that come along with it. If the child is an adult still living off his parents' money, then maybe it is a bit justified (although I still wouldn't endorse it); but to call a child a 'parasite' frequently right from when he is just six years old and cannot provide for himself by any means, feels not only harmful for the child, but also factually incorrect. I feel it is unfair to expect a child to provide for himself from right after he is born; at such young ages, I feel it is expected that the parent themselves must do the providing and protecting. So I don't think that the parent is doing any great favour by providing food, clothing and shelter to the child, it is just what they should be doing. Hence, I also don't think that a parent-child relationship is ever equivalent to parasitism. In a case of parasitism, the host organism has no choice and it just boils down to a battle of power between the parasite and the host's immune system. But in case of a parent, they chose to give birth themselves, and therefore consented to the responsibilities it brings.

As always, I can be wrong about this, and would like to hear others' thoughts; but, for some reason, such behaviour just doesn't sit right with me :(
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It's a disgusting and immoral act to call your child a parasite. A parasite is an uninvited entity for a start, so from the get go the description is erroneous, let alone all the rest that comes with that.
It's a disgusting and immoral act to call your child a parasite. A parasite is an uninvited entity for a start, so from the get go the description is erroneous, let alone all the rest that comes with that.
I thought so too :( but why do some people do it?
Some people have children because they want power and control and/or to leech off the government (at least in my country). There are many many reasons people children and sadly, not all of them are good reasons.
My niece and nephews didn't have the greatest parents. They had a good father in their early years, but that went to hell after he met his current wife. He used his children as pawns. They have never had a good mother. My niece is very scarred from what she experienced growing up. My nephew chose the drug path and he's not doing too well mentally either.
I've seen it many times in my life. I've reported many people to CPS (child protective services) because the child should be and needs to be protected.

Anyway, people can be cruel and heartless. Some people shouldn't be parents. Whether you are talking about yourself or someone else, try to not let it get to you. Try to not believe because it isn't true. Though, I know from personal experience that's easier said than done. It has a way of seeping into your subconscious without you even realizing it. You do matter, you are worth something, you are definitely not a parasite. In a few more years, you can get out of there.
Whether you are talking about yourself or someone else, try to not let it get to you. Try to not believe because it isn't true. Though, I know from personal experience that's easier said than done. It has a way of seeping into your subconscious without you even realizing it. You do matter, you are worth something, you are definitely not a parasite. In a few more years, you can get out of there.
Yeah it does have a way of seeping into the subconscious mind. Even with me, a lot of my experiences from early childhood have shaped my mind to the way it is now, and some of them I'd undo if I could. But since a few months, I try not to let such words get to me, whoever may be the person saying it.

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