If you could be the world's foremost expert on one topic, which one ...

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Incognita said:
wow...how do u come up with all these threads..

It's not easy. I just wonder if anyone will reply...lol You never know what a good question is to ask people or if they will want to talk.
I bomb a lot- that's for sure. And sometimes, I get it right.
this is a great thread! ive got a few topics and fun stuff id like to put on this site but im to shy and i think people might think it dumb

anyways.....i already am the worlds foremost expert on music so i guess ill stck with that. i love music, all aspects, i live for it
Myself. I have the sneaking suspicion that if I understood myself fully, then I'd be a lot less hard on myself. I've always been my own worst critic lol. Plus, music was already taken!

loketon - gfi! There's no such thing as a dumb question.
Naleena said:
If you could be the world's foremost expert on one topic, which one would you like it to be?

For me, it would be relationships and how to foster good ones.

psychology... I did go to school for it but since we're talking about being a "world's foremost expert", I'd like to be that in psychology... And I'd like it to be a "behavioral psychology"... I'd like to understand people & what ticks them off... What I've learned in school was fascinating to me...
The high secrets of life and creation, both literal and within the imagination for elaborate worlds of fantasy campaigns using my own D&D systems I create.
Both culminating in one when you use enough creativity and spirituality to begin mixing fantasy and reality, to where authors such as Philip K Dick, create characters
and circumstances who turn out to be real, as if picked up on, rather then invented. The same holds true for Remote Viewing. You can use it to get facts, but only in the
first couple seconds or so before creative imagination kicks in. It is a path of creating worlds, history, interactions, and can potentially teach one anything.
If I was rich, can you even imagine the king of gaming rooms I would have?
Nice. Resurrecting the thread after a six year slumber.

I'd choose English composition and criticism. I've always been a fan of the well-constructed sentence, so this seems like a natural fit for me.

If I were thinking of fantasy topics, I'd love to be an expert on Formula One racing so I could travel around the world commentating on the races as an expert analyst. That would be fun.
Boring but sensible answer: The stock market

More fun answer: Natural medicines/wood/nature stuff. Plants. Botany. Knowing all the different properties of plants and wood. Something like that :p
Rubber stamps, their history and evolution.
So many different ones:
Mental Health
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