Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery atop Point Loma in San Diego is a cool place to hang out, the views are spectacular and some of the gravestones are quite interesting.
Here in Cochise County, I have options for "happy places"---my home, for starters, as it's so peaceful here and the view of the Stronghold is magnificent! Then there's the Stronghold itself, so much open space and so much natural beauty out there... I'm ALWAYS happy when I'm in the wilderness, and there is wilderness to be found in every direction. All these mountain ranges which surround me have fire roads or BLM roads leading up into them, so the public can easily ditch "civilization" and find pure freedom in these wilderness areas.
I know this website focuses upon loneliness, but I don't really feel that lonely, and I'm used to going solo in the wilderness, though I'd go with friends in the past. I suppose I need to make more friends here, lol, but I'm currently involved in a job search. I figure when the time is right, I'll meet some new friends, maybe co-workers on whatever job comes my way. Still, when I'm out there at the Stronghold and I encounter another person, usually we'll stop and chat for a bit as each of us takes a breather.
That's another thing I like about living in a small town, folks are so much more friendly compared to back in the Big City. No foul city attitude to botch things, lol. Sometimes when I'm in one of our local stores, I'll start talking to some other resident and it's like we've known each other for years... laughing our ***** off the whole time. Even the gals are friendly, compared to those 'sand crabs' back on the beach in Coronado. I'm definitely liking that aspect of small town life, where folks aren't so jacked up with hostility, lol.
Oh, yeah, there's another "happy place" here in Cochise County... my car. Back in ****, I was beginning to hate driving, as it was such a chore in that insane traffic... here, we have open country roads and back highways where you won't even see other drivers, lol. And the dirt roads are fun too, I fly out the dirt road leading to the Stronghold at freeway speed, raising a dust trail half a mile long as I drift through the broad turns, stereo cranked and yours truly having the time of my life, lol. No stinking badges either, it's all about FREEDOM, aye?