What is your go to happy place?

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Tobakki3 said:
I live in India ,
Its covid 19 times here ,
I have no place to go .
No good places nearby to visit

Good places to see are at least 300 kilometers away from here

I hope India will recover soon. Hopefully the US will more help since Covid is not very active here any more.
Last year I moved from a city of 300,000 to a really small town in a rural area. It's made my sense of isolation and loneliness about 1000X worse. The only place I felt a small relief since I've been here is the old cemetery on the north side of town. Cemeteries are peaceful, some of the last quiet places in the world. I like to walk in them, especially that one, because it's very old and kept nice with beautiful landscaping and huge Victorian statues and monuments and ornate tombstones and mausoleums with ivy growing everywhere. I wish I could afford a good camera so I could take photographs there. I always think about going there but it's on the other side of town from me so it's far to drive with no other reason to be in that area. I can't justify wasting money on gas to go up there.

Otherwise, the closet is the only place I feel a tiny bit better. It's a big walk-in closet and I have an entire set up in there. I have a small table and lamp, I bring my journal, my books, my laptop, etc. I have to go there during the day usually to get away from the light. And it's a bit quieter in there.
^ Great find! Cemeteries are really cool places. Many times when I travel around especially to small cities or towns I like to visit the old cemeteries. I have hundreds of pictures of old markers and head stones. It's fun to imagine the person living back in the old days and how the area must have been. Plus there are no dogs barking, kids screaming, loud stereos booming, and engines revving. It's nice to sit on an old bench, relax, and look at the scenery.
Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery atop Point Loma in San Diego is a cool place to hang out, the views are spectacular and some of the gravestones are quite interesting. 

Here in Cochise County, I have options for "happy places"---my home, for starters, as it's so peaceful here and the view of the Stronghold is magnificent! Then there's the Stronghold itself, so much open space and so much natural beauty out there... I'm ALWAYS happy when I'm in the wilderness, and there is wilderness to be found in every direction. All these mountain ranges which surround me have fire roads or BLM roads leading up into them, so the public can easily ditch "civilization" and find pure freedom in these wilderness areas. 

I know this website focuses upon loneliness, but I don't really feel that lonely, and I'm used to going solo in the wilderness, though I'd go with friends in the past. I suppose I need to make more friends here, lol, but I'm currently involved in a job search. I figure when the time is right, I'll meet some new friends, maybe co-workers on whatever job comes my way. Still, when I'm out there at the Stronghold and I encounter another person, usually we'll stop and chat for a bit as each of us takes a breather. 

That's another thing I like about living in a small town, folks are so much more friendly compared to back in the Big City. No foul city attitude to botch things, lol. Sometimes when I'm in one of our local stores, I'll start talking to some other resident and it's like we've known each other for years... laughing our ***** off the whole time. Even the gals are friendly, compared to those 'sand crabs' back on the beach in Coronado. I'm definitely liking that aspect of small town life, where folks aren't so jacked up with hostility, lol. 

Oh, yeah, there's another "happy place" here in Cochise County... my car. Back in ****, I was beginning to hate driving, as it was such a chore in that insane traffic... here, we have open country roads and back highways where you won't even see other drivers, lol. And the dirt roads are fun too, I fly out the dirt road leading to the Stronghold at freeway speed, raising a dust trail half a mile long as I drift through the broad turns, stereo cranked and yours truly having the time of my life, lol. No stinking badges either, it's all about FREEDOM, aye?

Yeah, dunno if you've been out here before, but this area DOES offer solitude in the wilderness for those who actually WANT it, lol. And that traffic back in Kalifornia? Damn, I still remember the ugly jams in L.A. rush hour during my "trucking daze"---ugh. Granted, when delivering a load of freight from clear across country, I'd try to go into holes like that at 0300 hours, but sometimes I got stuck dealing with the insane clusterfuck. Honestly, I don't even know how people can put up with that **** for years on end... when I bailed outta Kalifornia, I told myself, "I don't ever have to deal with that traffic again." As adults, we all make choices, right? Oh, I might still ease out there one day to go sailing, but I'll probably drive at night just to dodge all that insane traffic... stay with friends or family and just sail every chance I get. Hell, even marine traffic has gotten crazy over the decades, toward the end of my residence in Coronado I wouldn't even THINK of going sailing on holiday weekends, lol. Too many fooliots with no clue about the 'Rules of the Road.' Drunken fooliots too, which made 'em dangerous if they were operating powerboats.
I have a go to happy place, but it is always filled with walkers during the day, and young people smoking weed in the evening at night. It is rarely quiet
Alone, usually.
Bed. Love my bed. Sanctuary.
Imaginary landscapes if I can't get to nature at that moment.
Somewhere warm, quiet and dark, which usually is my bed, under blanket with an eye mask. Or, somewhere among trees.
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Where does your mind take you when you need to escape?

For me, I remember the various trips to nature that I have taken. More specifically I imagine being in this scenario sitting amongst the trees at the top of a mountain gazing down at all the different creatures doing their things:

Meditation, wherever I happen to be.
Where does your mind take you when you need to escape?

For me, I remember the various trips to nature that I have taken. More specifically I imagine being in this scenario sitting amongst the trees at the top of a mountain gazing down at all the different creatures doing their things:

Look beautiful and relaxing! Ultimate place to go to! For me, it'd be anywhere where there's nature, sun, warmth, tropical, clear blue water, sand, a pool, hot tub, a beach, mountain, cozy cabin in the middle of the country/woods, off-grid living, or even my own place if I had things set up the way I'd love it, so I'd be able to call it my ultimate space! I'd have a zen room to relax & unwind. My own shower is an oasis for me, as it's often set up with candles, essential oils, dim lighting to none, hot shower/bath, with relaxing music.
Where does your mind take you when you need to escape?

For me, I remember the various trips to nature that I have taken. More specifically I imagine being in this scenario sitting amongst the trees at the top of a mountain gazing down at all the different creatures doing their things:

I haven't got one.

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