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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Badjedidude

    Any hope to find my "type" is practically nonexistent...

    ^^^Exactly. The way I see it, a healthy relationship is more along the lines of "happiness +" rather than "+ happiness" ...if that makes any sense to anyone other than myself.
  2. Badjedidude

    Female attraction to beards and tattoos

    I've never dated a woman with a beard, so... idk. :( But I'm indifferent when it comes to tattoos and piercings. I'd only refuse to date someone with tattoos if they just had awful tattoos. Poorly drawn, in poor taste, etc.
  3. Badjedidude

    Count to a Million

  4. Badjedidude

    The Walking Dead

    If you've watched the show, you'll get it:
  5. Badjedidude

    What are the most important things in life...for you?

    Friends, money, truth, progress, honesty.
  6. Badjedidude

    Worst experience asking somebody out

    Or it'll make my heart get big. [/URL]
  7. Badjedidude

    Count to a Million

  8. Badjedidude

    Penis Size

    If you're THAT intent on finding other peoples' opinions, I'm sure there's a reddit or forum out there for that. A quick google search will show you the way.
  9. Badjedidude

    Fixing ruined friendships

    Oh, awesome! :D I hope you feel a bit better, even if it's just from going to one meeting/group. Every little bit helps.
  10. Badjedidude

    I need a friend

    Welcome to the site.
  11. Badjedidude

    Count to a Million

    ... Twenty-nine.
  12. Badjedidude

    Female attraction to beards and tattoos

    You may be pleased to hear that beards seem to be on their way out. Fashion runs in cycles. For the past few years, it's been somewhat fashionable to have a beard and be fairly scruffy (to an extent)... but now it seems that the clean-cut look may become trendy again. *shrug*
  13. Badjedidude

    Canned Responses

    Good to see you back on the forum, Soph.
  14. Badjedidude

    Count to a Million

  15. Badjedidude


  16. Badjedidude

    Fixing ruined friendships

    This. So much this. We absolutely CAN choose our family, and it doesn't have to include our biological family, because... let's be honest: We didn't choose to be born into our biological family. They didn't even necessarily choose us, either. They chose to have a child (or maybe not, in some...
  17. Badjedidude

    Fixing ruined friendships

    I've heard sooooo many stories like that. It makes me sick. I don't want to turn this into a hating-on-religion thread, but... it certainly seems to be the fundamentalist, religious families that will gleefully disown and degrade their own children/siblings for being gay (or of another faith...
  18. Badjedidude

    Fixing ruined friendships

    Let me be as clear as possible here: THERE IS NOTHING SHAMEFUL OR WRONG ABOUT BEING GAY. Period. I also have to say that if your family and friends have disowned you for possibly being gay, then they are despicable, disgusting, unloving, ignorant people. Sorry if that sounds offensive, but...
  19. Badjedidude

    Lonely loser

    Welcome to the site.
  20. Badjedidude

    Any hope to find my "type" is practically nonexistent...

    Not really. That would imply that you could only blindly feel through the hay until you feel a prick. Penis jokes aside... Have you tried targeting non-belief/atheist/agnostic groups? There are forums, dating sites, etc... all full of members who don't belief or who are questioning their...