Well I certainly didn't get it anywhere from your name or status xD
I've known Jsd in chat and I can say he's a pretty funny guy
Eris is a cool, nice, and friendly person. She's an easy person to get along with :)
Cheaptrickfan can be feisty but is smart and stands up for what...
OMG! That's so, so....so ... girly xD But bring on the cupcakes :)
About SophiaGrace...hmmm... she has a graceful avatar. Lol :P
She also knows how to give great advice and has been a member here...for a long time xD
Hi unadventuregirl and welcome to the forums! :)
Condolences to you and may you recover soon from the negative feelings you're feeling. You'll feel better. I just know it! :)
grainofrice24 is someone I don't really know well yet. Well, not as much as the others but based on his/her posts, he/she seems like a nice friendly person. And also seems to like rice with pancakes @_@
God doesn't plan for anyone to spend their lives alone.
Keep your eyes out for more of those opportunities in the future. It's not over till it's over!
And glad you joined our small community :)
Try going to him and straight forwardly tell him what's going on, what exactly is going on inside your mind. Try to discuss any solutions to this problem. What the other members stated is right. You're in a DIABOLICAL mess!!!
In case you guys do breakup, sure it'll take time to mend the wounds...
Ahh... Well I don't think every German guy is like that. Anybody of any race could do that to you.
But then I acknowledge this must be a very hard time for you :( I pray that you will get better and that justice will be served :)