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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Yukhi

    In one word. Post your current mood.

    Nervous... Got a practical exam in like 2 hours and I don't even know very well how to set up the electrodes.
  2. Yukhi

    Last Letter Game

  3. Yukhi

    word association game

  4. Yukhi


    Congratulations SullenGirl! And enjoy your new job :)
  5. Yukhi

    Penis Size

    I'm surprised this thread is still active xD The language is also getting deeper, I'm failing to understand much. Well, as long as you people are happy :)
  6. Yukhi

    I hate you.

    Hi sadface! I just found out your name is Shawn :) Anyways, there are also certain things I don't like about my close friends. But it doesn't really reach the level where I get irritated that I back off and end up feeling alone. I think you're gonna have to change a bit of your mindset cause I...
  7. Yukhi


    Hi musicismylife, feel free to give me a pm if you're interested to talk with someone from Asia xD Not sure where Huddersfield is though.
  8. Yukhi

    What should I do

    Hi donghoa! And... that is a super inconsiderate thing to do :( Before breaking up with him xD, I suggest you let him explain things first... and then break up with him :) There's probably only a dropper-ful of reasons why someone would just fly to another country without saying, not to mention...
  9. Yukhi

    Is it wrong to be glad someone is dead ?

    Eris I fully respect how you feel since you were the victim and you were there and you knew all the pain this guy caused others and to yourself. I voted yes though since generally my religion has influenced me and I think it's serious when life is included in the situation .... and also...
  10. Yukhi

    For all you bacon-lovers

    I LOVE bacon!!! :) I love bacon pizza too.
  11. Yukhi


    Hi Introv and welcome to the forums!! I'm pretty sure this forum will help you with something :)
  12. Yukhi

    Nerd crush, anyone?

    I extremely apologize to women that men in real life aren't like the ones you read in your stories xD You don't see those kinds of guys much anymore nowadays. The first time I read the thread title I read it as "Need crush, anyone?" xD I was thinking of crushed ice. Some girls look amazing...
  13. Yukhi

    Hello from New York

    Hi and welcome to the site betterconsciousness!! :)
  14. Yukhi

    Hello From Bogota (Colombia)

    Hi and welcome to the Solitario!! :)
  15. Yukhi

    Waiting On A First Kiss

    I for one would prefer myself putting more effort into gaining the affection than a girl than have a girl seek me out xD although that would be flattering but it'd make me feel awkward too. I agree mostly with grainofrice. The whole "guy tries to get girl" is a traditional way of starting a...
  16. Yukhi

    I have no friends

    Hi IloveMichaelJackson and welcome to the forums!! :) As long as you stick around here I'm pretty sure you'll get some friends in no time. Try to explain to your sister and tell her to leave you some space. If she refuses then just stop listening to her. She needs to realize you're a person...
  17. Yukhi

    Any Asians....?

    Chinese born in New York City and studying in the Philippines who likes Korean and Japanese culture :)
  18. Yukhi

    my situation

    So I'm guessing all your problems stemmed from the car accident you had when you were younger. Well on a positive note there's only more room to improve right. I say you should be around people more. If it's the brain injury that caused you to act the way you are, I'm pretty sure interacting...
  19. Yukhi

    just the basics..........

    Hey molly999 the stuff you mentioned are alot of the things people who haven't experienced them yet, would want as well. You're not alone :) Someday I'm pretty sure you'll get the things you're asking for and maybe something even better :)
  20. Yukhi

    Im so lonely and down on myself all the time!

    Shame on BJD for confusing people like that :P