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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. TheLoadedDog


    Mods, please delete. Sorry
  2. TheLoadedDog

    Have you ever...

    Yes. I got three cigarette butts in my mouth, four STDs (two of which science had not yet discovered), and high readings for cocaine. Definitely the last time I invite the Jehovah's Witnesses in for tea. Have you ever killed a man in the desert? Hmm?
  3. TheLoadedDog

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    Hey bloke!  Nice didge.
  4. TheLoadedDog

    So tired of Bloatware Forums like this

    Daddy issues?
  5. TheLoadedDog

    Traits of an Abuser

    I have black moods. I used to call it my dark side, but that sounds self indulgent. It's my nasty side. I am NEVER violent. I have a sharp tongue. I'm not proud of this. My love never wavers. I will hurt you. I will be truthfully sorry. I am a jerk.
  6. TheLoadedDog

    Five Million Dollars or True Love For the Rest of Your Life

    True love. This time last year, I'd have gone for the cash.
  7. TheLoadedDog

    The Chill out zone

    This is a good thread. We need a mundane thread. They're forecasting rain tomorrow. Only light. Mild temperatures. Seas slight on a low swell. Scattered frosts and fogs in the interior of the state.
  8. TheLoadedDog

    How often do you shed a tear thinking about yourself or longing for something?

    I'm Australian. We don't cry. Drawbridge UP. Walls secured. Rush to the rooftop battlements with longbows. Then I bawl my eyes out. In private.
  9. TheLoadedDog

    What are you feeling, hoping, thinking, or remembering right now?

    Walls up. Steel plated bastardry.
  10. TheLoadedDog

    What are you currently reading?

    Electrification of Sydney and Suburban Railways.  JJC Bradfield et al, a collection of technical papers presented to the Institute of Engineers in 1926.  It's got sex, violence, intrigue, passion, mystery, and isn't at alll dry.  The section on the adoption of British route signalling in double...
  11. TheLoadedDog

    In one picture(or video), post your current mood.

    Goths are cute.
  12. TheLoadedDog

    Pet Peeves

    I'd never stopped to think about that, but yes, it makes sense that it would be irritating. I've have kinda the opposite problem.  People don't knock on my door - because they can't.  I live in a small flat that was made from part of a house.  So the building just looks like a normal house from...
  13. TheLoadedDog

    Pet Peeves

    ..said no Australian ever.  :D I don't know how that thing got traction.  It was a short-lived advertising campaign in the United States OVER THIRTY YEARS AGO.  We call them prawns not shrimp, and they have been known to be barbecued, but they are generally eaten cold.  Prawns and beer - a...
  14. TheLoadedDog

    Pet Peeves

    This one has been festering for a while. I tend to cut people some slack on this, but... "Dingo ate my baby" jokes are NOT funny. She was a real little girl. She had a name. Azaria Chamberlain. Thanks.
  15. TheLoadedDog

    The gang is all here

    Welcome mate. This is a friendly site. Only a few strange ones (oh wait, that's me). Love your avatar. I used to have a friend with a lime green Ford Falcon. He called it Kermit. Yup, Kermit the Ford.
  16. TheLoadedDog

    What is your universal IQ

    That's what I was saying about intelligence versus being actually smart. There's no skill involved in the former (you're born with it), but there is in the latter (you work for it). Thankfully, I'm as thick as pig ****. :D
  17. TheLoadedDog

    What is your universal IQ

    My mum summed up IQ well. She said everybody's brain is like a sheet of paper. The higher your IQ, the bigger the sheet of paper. However, that doesn't necessarily mean there is anything written on that sheet of paper. What is written on it is smartness.
  18. TheLoadedDog

    What is your universal IQ

    Kamya, firstly let me apologise for sounding crabby. It's just that I've been bombarded with tests for various things on Facebook lately, and it's driving me nuts. I'm sorry. Anyway, I knew I wouldn't perform as well as you, but having been tested at 145, I got 115. What? And then I got...
  19. TheLoadedDog

    What is your universal IQ

    I saw it, and got too lazy, so IQ of zero for me.  :) I wonder about these tests though.  I confess I didn't scroll down all the way, but is it all pattern recognition?  That's only one type of intelligence, and there are others. It's like an autism test I did.  They said it wasn't one of...
  20. TheLoadedDog

    What are you thinking right now?

    I have very generic brown hair.  Well, that is to say, I HAD it; it's pretty salt and pepper now.  So, every time I get a haircut, my elderly barber asks, "would sir like some product?"  I had thought "product" was only from sitcoms, but no.  So I replied, "sir would NOT like any product." ...