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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. MissBehave

    Anger is a poison.

    I used to be angry at God. This seething anger that would light up as soon as I heard anyone talk about religion. With age it let go...or maybe I just realized that sitting on those feelings was just a waste of energy. Now I'm mostly angry about my own limitations. Rarely about anything else...
  2. MissBehave

    Give a random piece of advice

    Always go down the darkest path. Usually way more interesting that the other ones. 😉
  3. MissBehave

    What is your weather like right now?

    Cold snowy weather. - 7 degrees. It's in the middle of the night and I can see stars 💕
  4. MissBehave

    In one word. Post your current mood.

  5. MissBehave

    Apologies to

    Better to lay down the sword and reach out your hand instead. ❤️ Better for all of us to do
  6. MissBehave

    Prostitution what do you think

    Yay! I choose the biggest teddy you got. 😁 🎠
  7. MissBehave

    Prostitution what do you think

    Hmm. I see it as prostitution if you are a cam girl, egirl or whatever.
  8. MissBehave

    People in their 30s

    😮 Nice. Hope it was a good representation of us Norwegians 😁
  9. MissBehave

    Prostitution what do you think

    I think that if we made it safe to practice that industry then we would atleast have less of those who abuse girls and force them into selling sex. When we are dealing with something like this that's bound to exist no matter what you do, then atleast give those girls the rights and the means to...
  10. MissBehave


    I've heard of that. 😇 Yeah, the threads tend to go on and off topic. As long as people are here and replying its a good thing I think. So how's St. Petersburg this time of year? Cold?
  11. MissBehave

    Best insults you have received

    Got called white trash at a party. ☠️
  12. MissBehave


    I don't pre either 😋
  13. MissBehave

    Last TV show you watched

    I watched The Haunting of Hill House and then The Haunting of Bly Manor. Happy to see some quality scary stuff. Usually the story behind is pretty ****** but I loved those 2. 💕
  14. MissBehave

    People in their 30s

    Only as old as your mind make you 😉
  15. MissBehave

    People in their 30s

    I'm 33 and come from 🇳🇴 😁
  16. MissBehave


    Are you from Russia? I've always had a fascination with Russian culture. I remember hearing someone speak Russian and instantly got this "oooooohhh damn what's this!?". 😻
  17. MissBehave

    Prostitution what do you think

    I don't get why it's so frowned upon at all. To me it's like any other profession. I do truly believe there are many out there that benefit from intimacy, even though it is purchased. Alot of people are lonely so why would it be wrong to sell something that will make another one happy. We all...
  18. MissBehave

    anyone else have a comfort item

    I have a plushie 😊
  19. MissBehave


    I was in a ****** relationship and found this site when i needed to recreate a voice for myself until i had the strength to leave irl <3