anyone else have a comfort item

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Sep 24, 2021
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when i was younger my mum took me to a shop and bought me this frog balloon thing it was cute this was when she was pretty much strung out 24/7 on what ever she took i moved away and lived with my gran when i was 11 due to my mum and dad being junkies and he would hit me and her alot so it was a nasty environment. I had to drop out pretty young. Here the min age is 16 i never really liked school anyways i was bullied alot but i used to talk to this inflatable frog i had i called it froggie (ik genius name) but id always just treat him as my friend id take him to school and just do everything with him i was picked on for doing so i know its kinda weird but i feel really happy when he is with me i still have him and i still talk with him even tho he cant reply is anyone else like me?

apologies in advance for the ****** grammar or what ever i did wrong
Now that you've explained your backstory a bit there, I can see why you feel the way you do. I can't say I blame you, that would be a lot to deal with for anyone.

Anyway, I don't have a specific comfort item necessarily. But my things in general give me comfort. They remind me of a happier time in my life, when things were better.
It's funny but I think I have but not one and not permanent. I like to have with me small items which remind me of something nice, a person, a place or a particular event.
I have this stuffed animal I got from the hospital after getting surgery as a kid. It's a lion lying down so If I get overwhelmed or anxious while at home I hug it and just pet its mane. Eventually, I started to think of my lion as a sort of guard dog which made it easier for me to sleep at night.
I have a security blanket, and had it since I was a kid. I like touching fabric and stimming it, and it helps with the stress
I have a quaker parrot named Henri. He will stay on my shoulder all day long. If I bend, he will reposition himself. He never flies off, and I did, however, once accidentally put him in the hamper with my tee-shirt. If he should pass away, I will get him taxidermied.

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