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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. xaero

    does anyone else have trust issues?

    I don't trust anyone with anything. I don't even trust my own parents. It seems like people will always betray you for one reason or another. Such is human nature I suppose.
  2. xaero

    Happy Birthday, xaero!

    My birthday is actually tomorrow, but thanks!
  3. xaero

    Ho w to talk to your boss in a meeting with him

    I wish I knew. My boss doesn't take me or my work seriously.
  4. xaero

    In one word. Post your current mood.

  5. xaero

    What Breaks Your Heart? (Seriously)

    Watching The Land Before Time
  6. xaero

    What are you thinking right now?

    I hate my job and my life.
  7. xaero

    are iPads overpriced?

    Apple's operating systems are just proprietary Unix software. If you build a PC and install any Linux distro on it, you get the same thing. PCs also "just work," and "feels cool" is subjective and somewhat irrelevant. It's like the difference between two solid green t-shirts; one of the t-shirts...
  8. xaero

    Who has virgin lips?

    I haven't
  9. xaero

    A Lonely Guy Looking For Love

    I only said that because I saw another post in this section where a guy made a thread searching for a partner and someone flamed him for it -__-
  10. xaero

    A Lonely Guy Looking For Love

    I'll try to word this as best I can without sounding desperate or selfish, as I'm neither. And, I know this isn't a dating site, so I'll put my anti-flame suit on ahead of time. To start, I only have one good friend. He recently joined the Army, so I don't get to see or talk to him very often...
  11. xaero

    are iPads overpriced?

    As much as I hate Apple and everything they stand for, I will admit that the build quality of their products is superior to a lot of similar devices on the market.
  12. xaero

    How do you cope with your loneliness

    Games and more games
  13. xaero

    Need suggestions

    You might like Skyrim. It's not an MMO, but it's probably one of the best single player RPGs of all time.
  14. xaero

    Official "Lonely Life Recent Game Happenings Thread"

    I'm currently playing Metro: Last Light on PC. It is by far the most atmospheric game I have ever played. There is so much attention to detail. For a game with such dark, depressing environments, it's quite beautiful.
  15. xaero

    are iPads overpriced?

    Apple products are overpriced and the company's business practices are rotten to the core.
  16. xaero

    Joining in

    Realism* And, it is the same in the sense that we both start off not being positive towards people or things. I'm realistic (not negative) about things, based simply on my own experiences. My philosophy doesn't apply to everyone, but like I said, it has worked for me thus far. In fact, it has...
  17. xaero

    Joining in

    Which is essentially the same thing.
  18. xaero

    Dead in about 20 years

    Really sorry to hear that, man :/. Do you have any hobbies? Maybe you could find a friend that likes the same hobbies as you. One of my hobbies is gaming. Are you a gamer too?
  19. xaero

    I wish I was dead..that way I wouldnt have to TRY

    I feel the same way you do at times. Only in my case I don't feel rejected, I just feel like everything is hopeless. Feel free to PM sometime if you'd like :)
  20. xaero

    Joining in

    Good for you for trying! I don't try to fit in. It's pointless. I'd rather be myself than conform to some collectivist, hive-mind of ********. I get by in life by following this simple philosophy: Assume everyone and everything is **** until proven otherwise. It's worked thus far :cool: