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  1. JJW

    Answering with questions...

    What others?
  2. JJW

    What do you think of people who can forgive easily?

    I can't. But I keep my discontent to myself.
  3. JJW

    Misogyny Festers Here

    I don't know the posts she is referring to. I've stumbled on a few posts that I felt should be deleted for their content. Perhaps that is the basis for my opinion. I think there are posts that a woman could be expected to be offended by. She presented that she shouldn't be required to have...
  4. JJW

    Misogyny Festers Here

    You say that like it's a bad thing. ;-) I'm just saying, if they condemn all women because they can't get a date, or any other reason, then it is fair to call it misogyny.
  5. JJW

    Just another one

    I'm sorry about your Dad. I can't relate. I had a really bad relationship with mine. And I was there. And it never goes away. Different circumstances I know. But having someone die in their lap isn't something I'd want for anyone. I don't know how you would have dealt with it, but not...
  6. JJW

    Misogyny Festers Here

    I would argue that Aardra has as much right to post her discomforts as do those she is speaking of. Isn't it all just feelings? Is it not so that your post is bitter because she nurpled your sensibilities? I'm on her side. I think people that degrade others are covering for their own sense...
  7. JJW

    Just another one

    It is comforting when others feel empathy for what we go through. Even the little condolences give us a bit more strength. So, thanks. I'm okay. Was a time I wasn't, and it's the people that are willing to take their time to respond to a person's grief that helps us stand up again. There...
  8. JJW

    How many here are autistic¿

    Anger is only useful in a physical altercation. It can give you force and intimidation. But it doesn't help with rational thinking, which is what you need when you're trying to make a point. Sure the school system sucks. Teachers like to focus on the brilliant. It's easier than having to...
  9. JJW


    Me too. For some reason I tend to take responsibility even when I've not agreed to what they have promised me to. What started this thought is me having spent two years remodeling my wife's house. Almost done. But she wants a laminate floor laid down. I've already finished the floors in two...
  10. JJW

    How many here are autistic¿

    And those that fall for most of what you said don't have the brain power to think their way through it. To me, that's simple. Not that I disagree with you, no, not at all. But people will generally chase the shiny things because it doesn't take any thought.
  11. JJW

    What are you listening to?

    The click click clicking of an old, worn fan.
  12. JJW


    When people rely on you, if you fail them, who do you let down? Them or yourself?
  13. JJW

    Once a day: What are you thankful for?

    Blue sky, green hills. Sunshine after it rains. Kittens, frogs, and bugs. Little kids. A good book. Someone that is happy to see me.
  14. JJW

    What makes life worth living?

    Take yourself away from everyone. Be alone, completely alone. No contact with anyone. You are in an abandoned town and there isn't another soul to be seen. It will take you only a matter of days to realize what makes life worth living. Community. Relationships. Being able to grow with...
  15. JJW

    A hypothetical question to the women here.

    I wouldn't expect women to be concerned with your history. It's not a job interview. it's character and first impression that matters. Add to that that different women will respond differently. Some might want a forceful man that takes them. Another might like to be wooed. Still others...
  16. JJW

    Questions for the Men

    I never in my life asked a girl out. I never initiated the first kiss. Sometimes we guys don't have the confidence or self worth to expect the girl that we are fond of to have any interest in us. Fortunately for me there are women that don't mind being obvious or even taking control of a...
  17. JJW

    How many here are autistic¿

    There are persons in the autistic spectrum in mine and my wife's family. They come across as not quite right. They do have a hard time. I'll ask, what is normal? These family members aren't having difficulty from their deficits. The difficulty comes from those they interact with. People...
  18. JJW

    Just another one

    Hi JOA, Welcome. About 30 years ago my body stopped working quite right. I lost my fine motor control and found movement in general to be difficult. One of my hobbies was drawing which I couldn't do any more. I had another silent trauma that my mind was protecting me from. Without much else...