How many here are autistic¿

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2020
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I was only diagnosed at the age of 39, I'm 40 now. Worst part imo is that my brain never shuts tfu.. (it's 5:51am and I ain't slept yet..)

Contrary to popular belief, autistic people aren't stupid, we just aren't popular, because we don't wear kid gloves in adult conversations, and we're too smart to converse well with stupid people (most neurotypicals in the modern day).
Who knows ...back in the day was in never hear even name in my youth 1960s/1970s. On Youtube finally found women and autism and been looking at some videos.
Why I several females I know who have traits but not sure if they are it.
I was only diagnosed at the age of 39, I'm 40 now. Worst part imo is that my brain never shuts tfu.. (it's 5:51am and I ain't slept yet..)

Contrary to popular belief, autistic people aren't stupid, we just aren't popular, because we don't wear kid gloves in adult conversations, and we're too smart to converse well with stupid people (most neurotypicals in the modern day).
Looking down on others isn’t good if you don’t like people liking down on you.
There are persons in the autistic spectrum in mine and my wife's family. They come across as not quite right. They do have a hard time.

I'll ask, what is normal? These family members aren't having difficulty from their deficits. The difficulty comes from those they interact with. People are simple creatures that respond to those that can shine in the limelight. It seems the most cherished quality is the gift of gab. If you don't have it (proverbial you) you aren't worthy.

There are people out there that work for the betterment of mankind and do amazing things. But they are never put on a pedestal like movie stars, singers, and sports figures. It escapes me why a person that entertains us for two hours is more revered than those that fight fires, lay down their lives to protect us, or even just the guy that invented the LED (without which none of our current technology would work).

People will never see your value if your specialty isn't something that entertains them. We are just taken for granted.

So I'll tell you, do what you do well, make yourself content and don't put a lot of expectation into those people that follow the shiny things.
There are persons in the autistic spectrum in mine and my wife's family. They come across as not quite right. They do have a hard time.

I'll ask, what is normal? These family members aren't having difficulty from their deficits. The difficulty comes from those they interact with. People are simple creatures that respond to those that can shine in the limelight.
People aren't as 'simple' as they seem. I mean, most are these days, but only because they've been dumbed down by the semi-useless education system, and terrible direction of the mainstream media.

The discovery channel used to be educational, now it's fulla backwoods hick shows like Auction Wars.. And nearly every non-documentary/kids show made past 2k10(ish), is a perpetual running alcohol advertisement. Like, sure, if the people weren't dumb enough after watching **** like Auction Wars, get em hooked on a liquid that'll make em stupid AF... Then make them believe that life is impossible without it.

And for decades now, TV/movies and everything else, has been teaching us that only good looking people deserve to exist, and [ugly people] definitely don't deserve to be loved.. And also that sex is the only thing that matters in relationships. Hence most relationships these days don't last (because the average person would rather date someone that they'd look good with in a porno, than someone that they actually get along with).

And now we've got the internet, which is slowly becoming worse (in a sense). More and more censorship of unpopular opinion, or opinions that oppose the current government/corporations.

On that note, does anyone remember the 'Sorry bro, got your money' meme? Cuz it seems to have completely disappeared from google searches (Ironic, cuz I'm fairly sure that's the unspoken motto down at Microsoft)..

Point is, mainstream media keeps people stupid, hooked on addictions, overly fearful of things they don't need to be afraid of, and in general, focused on anything but the important issues, as well as pandering to popular (yet relatively irrelevant) politics. I could expand more on that, but that will require a post of it's own, and I just got up, lol.
And those that fall for most of what you said don't have the brain power to think their way through it. To me, that's simple. Not that I disagree with you, no, not at all. But people will generally chase the shiny things because it doesn't take any thought.
And those that fall for most of what you said don't have the brain power to think their way through it. To me, that's simple. Not that I disagree with you, no, not at all. But people will generally chase the shiny things because it doesn't take any thought.
Take the path of least resistance. Yea.. But that's the education system for ya. Public schools at least. They teach people to listen, copy, follow instructions. This is why I don't have my grade 12 yet.. I've tried upgrading a couple times, but I'm not overly compatible with the current curriculum. I'd have had it wrapped up ages ago if it focused on creativity and expressionism, but it's just listen, copy, follow instructions.. And that's what gets pushed into people's heads as children, when they're most impressionable. That's why so many people still believe in religion, despite the complete lack of evidence. Well, that or desperation, or a mix of the two.

I hate to use the term 'brainwashing', because it makes me sound like a conspiracy theorist, but it's not out of context for the way people are being raised in modern day society. They do it in a rather tricky way at that. They don't necessarily tell people what to think, or what they can or can't think, but they raise people to only believe a singular information source; whether that be the government, religion, corporations .etc.

In other words, only believe in those with money/power, and as such, they have many of us fighting the few that would oppose that formula (calling one another anti-patriotic, communist .etc, or just laughing off any idea that isn't mainstream). So they have people confusing the modern day Martin Luther Kings (that would alter their messed up perception of society), with Hitler. It doesn't help that many of those that are frustrated enough to stand against the system, often come across as radicals, since they're typically driven by anger, and people can sense that. And psychologically, people shy away from anger; so if you show anger, you've often lost the argument before it's even started.
so if you show anger, you've often lost the argument before it's even started.

Anger is only useful in a physical altercation. It can give you force and intimidation. But it doesn't help with rational thinking, which is what you need when you're trying to make a point. Sure the school system sucks. Teachers like to focus on the brilliant. It's easier than having to actually understand how to teach someone that doesn't get it. The thing is, the brilliant student doesn't need a teacher, only direction. It's the ones that fall behind that need to be taught how to catch up. Most often they are labeled and discarded.

It's the same with parents. They teach their children to be good little kids, failing to see that we are only children for 1/5 of our lives. Parents should teach their children how to be adults.

From my experience you'll never get help with what you need. You can either fall down on your deficits or you can rise above them by taking on the responsibility of rectifying those deficits on your own. We live in a perfect environment to become self taught. In my case what I'd taught myself was learned too late to help me through school. I didn't have an Internet. But kids today can look up anything and learn all they want. It's all out there.

It's hard to face the fact of those that are supposed to love you and try to understand you are so willing to tell you when you are wrong, but don't take the time to tell you what's right. This post is my experience. I don't know yours. If you take nothing else from this, take that you can improve yourself. It's effort. But think of get to decide where you go from here.
It's the ones that fall behind that need to be taught how to catch up. Most often they are labeled and discarded.
Actually my point about the education system goes beyond my own bias. The way they 'teach' kids, isn't efficient even for the 'brilliant' ones. Hell, I coulda been one of the brilliant ones if only my teachers woulda listened to me.

But the entire curriculum is screwy.. I've got to take grade 11-12 math, in order to take a college course in graphic design.. that's like having to learn how to take care of dogs, so you can fly an airplane..

For the most part, unless you're going to become some form of scientist or mathematician, you don't really need any math that a calculator can't do for you. So that's a buncha wasted years for a lot of kids that will never use what they're taught in practical application (and will forget most of it the moment they're not studying it).. and that's just one subject. I could go into much deeper detail to all that's wrong with the education system.

It's the same with parents. They teach their children to be good little kids, failing to see that we are only children for 1/5 of our lives. Parents should teach their children how to be adults.

Don't teach them how to be adults, treat them like adults, and through that, they will learn how to be adults. Thing is, kids are a lot smarter than they let on. We were all kids at some point, and when we were, we didn't think of ourselves as lesser beings, beyond what we were told by others. So, treat a kid like they're mature, they'll be more likely to act mature, but constantly talk down to them, throw your weight around and condescend to them, and they will eventually rebel, this is why teenagers typically rebel. It's not hormones or w.e. it's the kid reaching an age in which they get sick and tired of being treated like an idiot semi-slave, instead of as a person.

It's hard to face the fact of those that are supposed to love you and try to understand you are so willing to tell you when you are wrong, but don't take the time to tell you what's right. This post is my experience. I don't know yours. If you take nothing else from this, take that you can improve yourself. It's effort. But think of get to decide where you go from here.
I'm 40, lol. I'm well aware of my options. I'm attempting upgrading again this month. Tbh, the main thing that's been holding me back is that unlike the rest of the world, I'm just not all that interested in money. Because I know that no matter how much I have, it won't make me happy. Sure, happier than being broke, but still not worth the effort.

That's the thing, I know that I can accomplish anything if I put my mind to it (because im damned smart compared to the average individual), but even I can't force someone to love me, and without that, it's all pretty pointless..
I was diagnosed in 2016. It's not something I generally like to talk about, or open about. So, I'm not saying anything more right now.

Peace xx
I don't know where you are, but if you are in America, you'd be quite surprised how many options kids have today to learn. Even the "regular ole dumb ones" have a **** ton of options. It also matters who is advocating for you and what kind of interventionists are in the schools. Many public schools have excellent staff that fight for every kid, regardless of what their intelligence is. You are 40 and have no children, so how exactly do you know what goes on in schools today? I bet there's a lot that you don't know about, regardless of whether you are in America or not.
My school experience is like... Nixon administration. I don't have any clue to how schools today are. I was thrown out of school in 9th grade. Not for being disruptive or trouble. I just skipped as much as I went. But rather than assisting me with the issues involved, they quit me. In as much as they were paid to do what they didn't, it's just human nature. A new teacher wants to help all. A new cop wants to make a difference. A new congressman wants to fix government. Time goes on and that enthusiasm vanishes. The chore seems too big. So they devolve into a slot where they do as little as they have to while still being paid.

My experience as a parent is more contemporary. In the early part of the new century my son was repeatedly disciplined in school. The things they accused him of were out of character, at least from my perspective. It continued, he'd been suspended a number of times.

I was eventually allowed a meeting with the principal, his teacher, and one of the last students to accuse him along with the boys parent. The boy finally confessed that my son hadn't done what he was accused of. It was a game among the boys to see how much trouble they could get my son into. These were his second to fifth grade years. It had gone on long enough to give my son a reputation for trouble-making. They would stage a lookout and when a teacher was approaching they'd goad my son into fighting back or some other prank to make my son look guilty.

His teacher that last year literally hated him and had no interest in uncovering the circumstances. Accusing him was just matter-of-fact.

The other boys were confronted. We got an apology from the principal, a halfhearted apology from the teacher, but the damage had been done to my son.

While it was the shenanigans of the boys, it was the teacher's responsibility to pursue the claims from my son. Instead he was labeled a liar and punished for the things the other boys did. My experience with school systems doesn't instill me with confidence in them.

I'll advocate for teachers getting a living wage, and for the school-board to supply materials and supplies. It comes from my view that teachers mold the future and they aren't given their due. Better benefits means better teachers. We cannot expect to have people to solve world issues if we pick and chose those that we feel deserve to be educated. The greatest minds in the world were, from some perspective, trouble students.

A difficult student needs more attention, not less. Is that the consensus today?
Is willfully stupid (ignorant) all that much better?

It has nothing to do with being ignorant. A lot of people wouldn't even know how to begin to research something like that and find what they need to find. Yes, some are just lazy and don't want to bother or just want an easy answer, but not all of them and I wouldn't even say the majority of them. Researching and finding the proper, unbiased information isn't all that easy, especially when dealing with medical conditions.

Again, you're calling me out while quoting text to which I specifically called myself out for the thing you're calling me out on.. >,<

No, I saw what you said. I'm calling you out because it what you said doesn't ring true, given everything you've said before. I don't for one minute thing you assume that people are "as smart as you" when you begin talking to them. Especially considering how you reacted to me for simply disagreeing with you. No I didn't go into detail and yes, I could have. I didn't want to. I generally tend not to do that until I see how people will react to me because if they are just going to attack me, as you did, why should I go to the trouble of typing out a long ass reply filled with details when there's probably a high likelihood that you will just do the same thing? Also, you've been here before and I went back and looked to see how you reacted to me then. You seem to have already placed me in the "stupid" category.

Well, now we're getting somewhere at least. You could have made your initial reply with this context, instead of basically saying not to inform people of their potential disorders.

"instead of basically saying" Isn't that you trying to interpret what I was trying to say? I don't feel that's what I said. And did you have to attack me for it in the first place? Couldn't you have just asked me to clarify what I meant?

Maybe stroke symptoms was a bad example, since those are more urgent. maybe replace 'stroke' with symptoms of dementia. or what-have-you. But point is likely moot either way. I get the strong sense that you actually agree with a lot of what I say, but lack the inherent ability to correctly interpret my words/intentions. That would be the curse part of being autistic. I suppose in hindsight, I should have mentioned, it's not all sunshine and roses.

Stroke was a bad example, since it's life or death. As for someone with symptoms of dementia, even that could have more than one possible cause. Alzheimer's, just normal getting old, dementia, etc. You would still need a professional to diagnose it and I wouldn't specify one in a conversation with someone. I actually have talked to people about that. If they bring up one specific thing, I point out that it could also be other things and you can't know until you have them diagnosed. I've talked to my mom about my grandmother, but at this point, I really feel with her, it's just normal getting old.

And again, I ask if you are interpreting MY words correctly? You seem to think it's only me that has to interpret you correctly, but it goes both ways. Even if I were to have autism, we likely wouldn't think exactly the same way. It's true of NT people too. It's true of everyone, no one thinks exactly the same way, so reading words on a page has a massive potential of misinterpretation regardless of who you are or what you say.
You don't have to tell me anything about autism, I'm actually quite well versed in subject. I, too, have done quite a bit of research on it.

So you're telling me that if you were faced with the unavoidable choice of killing off 3 billion ignorant people or 1/2 billion geniuses/wise people, you would choose the latter? Keep in mind, the ignorant people include child rapists/abusers, woman beaters, any individual that would or has joined the KKK, extreme (toxic) feminists, and the type of guys that send women dick picks .etc.

It's not that simple. First, just because you are a genius doesn't mean you aren't a rapist or an abuser or part of the KKK or anything else you said. Those people are in every group, regardless of intelligence. Once again, you assume too much.

I feel that people seem to forget what forums are for, conversation. And when you blast anyone that goes one bit off the original topic, that effectively kills the primary thing that forums were made for.. I mean, it'd be a bit different if we started talking about donuts and making derpy comments, but there is an actual conversation happening, so there should be some value seen in that. Just my 2 cents.

And to an extent, I agree with you, but not everyone will go back and read the primary topic of the thread. Sometimes...a lot of times, actually, they just read the last page and go with that.
I was diagnosed in 2016. It's not something I generally like to talk about, or open about. So, I'm not saying anything more right now.

Peace xx
It truly is nothing to be ashamed about. I've just decided to own it. Look at the bright sides of it and add maximum emphasis to those, rather than to allow it to become another label to take me down. I've got enough stuff doing that already.. If you ever do want to talk about it, feel free to PM me anytime, or if you just want someone to talk to in general. The biggest downside I've found from it is being alienated from nearly everyone else, so it can be good to have someone to talk to that understands what it's like.

No pressure though.
I don't know where you are, but if you are in America, you'd be quite surprised how many options kids have today to learn. Even the "regular ole dumb ones" have a **** ton of options. It also matters who is advocating for you and what kind of interventionists are in the schools. Many public schools have excellent staff that fight for every kid, regardless of what their intelligence is. You are 40 and have no children, so how exactly do you know what goes on in schools today? I bet there's a lot that you don't know about, regardless of whether you are in America or not.
Not really what I was talking about with the education system. Any statements I make that relate to the system, whether it be governmental or education .etc, are not purely based on me or my own experiences.

I am well aware that things have changed in school since I was a kid. And there is much more acceptance and awareness of disorders than there was when I was a kid, and the only known disorders were ADHD or 'schizo' or 'retard'.

But when I speak of the education system being broken, I mean in the way they teach people in general. But I think I've said all this above.

But if you were purely talking about the part where I said that was the reason I haven't done my grade 12 yet, well, none of that extra awareness and such will help me. At best I can get a little leniency on times it takes me to complete stuff, or if I make the odd mistake because my brain misinterpreted something. But that doesn't change the way they teach us, which is still detrimental for me, and to a lesser extent, even neurotypicals.

Frankly It's not a matter of making me incapable of completing the classes, I am capable, but lose interest very quickly because of the format in which they teach. Give me a creative writing assignment and allow me to pick a subject, and I will ace it, and probably even have some fun doing it. But, tell me exactly what I need to write about, and it bores me to tears..
Researching and finding the proper, unbiased information isn't all that easy, especially when dealing with medical conditions.
I can somewhat agree with that. Given that by 'medical conditions' you mean mental disorders and the like. There's a lot of factors which are not taken into account when diagnosing disorders. Even the DSM-5 is full of flaws (of which will likely be discovered down the road as we learn more). And the way we handle diagnosing and treating people even on a professional level is woefully underdeveloped (in contrast to the potential of things). To put things into perspective, it wasn't more than 100 years ago that things like 'female hysteria', electroshock therapy, and lobotomies were a thing.

Everybody may not be stupid, but we do live in a society ripe with ignorance, and ruled by greed, so there's many ongoing factors which skew our ability to even say what is psychologically 'normal'.

No, I saw what you said. I'm calling you out because it what you said doesn't ring true, given everything you've said before. I don't for one minute thing you assume that people are "as smart as you" when you begin talking to them. Especially considering how you reacted to me for simply disagreeing with you. No I didn't go into detail and yes, I could have. I didn't want to. I generally tend not to do that until I see how people will react to me because if they are just going to attack me, as you did, why should I go to the trouble of typing out a long ass reply filled with details when there's probably a high likelihood that you will just do the same thing? Also, you've been here before and I went back and looked to see how you reacted to me then. You seem to have already placed me in the "stupid" category.
SMH.. I know this will sound ignorant, but .. This must be a woman thing.. It's way too mind fucky for me, lol.. You basically purposefully made yourself look stupid, so you could bite my head off when I called you on it. lol..

To be fair, please don't judge me based on what I said the last time I was on this forum. I have changed a lot since then (whether you choose to believe it or not). TBH, back then, I didn't do near the amount of research as I do these days before making arguments. And I was full of a lot of unchained anger.

I do have a bit of anger these days because this girl basically made me think we were soulmates, dragged me along while playing games for three months, then ghosted me after telling me how much I meant to her and that I'd be in her life forever.. So yea, I'm still dealing with that on a daily basis.. It's like a ghost limb.. I love her and I hate her.. that's a pain I won't get over anytime soon. But no, I'm not taking that out on you, I'm just putting it there as context to why I may come across more frustrated, and less composed than I did prior to that (of which you were not witness to.).

"instead of basically saying" Isn't that you trying to interpret what I was trying to say? I don't feel that's what I said. And did you have to attack me for it in the first place? Couldn't you have just asked me to clarify what I meant?
Because what you said at the time didn't feel very open to interpretation. And it did feel rather judgemental of my intentions.

Stroke was a bad example, since it's life or death. As for someone with symptoms of dementia, even that could have more than one possible cause. Alzheimer's, just normal getting old, dementia, etc. You would still need a professional to diagnose it and I wouldn't specify one in a conversation with someone. I actually have talked to people about that. If they bring up one specific thing, I point out that it could also be other things and you can't know until you have them diagnosed. I've talked to my mom about my grandmother, but at this point, I really feel with her, it's just normal getting old.

And again, I ask if you are interpreting MY words correctly? You seem to think it's only me that has to interpret you correctly, but it goes both ways. Even if I were to have autism, we likely wouldn't think exactly the same way. It's true of NT people too. It's true of everyone, no one thinks exactly the same way, so reading words on a page has a massive potential of misinterpretation regardless of who you are or what you say.
You don't have to tell me anything about autism, I'm actually quite well versed in subject. I, too, have done quite a bit of research on it.
I didn't plan on it.

But yea, I think we've both jumped to conclusions about one another, and could have been more careful with choosing our words. Regardless to which of us started the fire, the other hasn't done a good job to try and put it out. As I said, I'm not looking to make enemies here. Honestly, I hate the concept of coming on here to replies attacking my every point. I also hate having to defend my every point as if I were some bad intentioned villain. I would much prefer a more positive flow in the conversation. So if you can work towards understanding me, I'll do the same.

It's not that simple. First, just because you are a genius doesn't mean you aren't a rapist or an abuser or part of the KKK or anything else you said. Those people are in every group, regardless of intelligence. Once again, you assume too much.
I said 'genius', not 'evil genius', LOL.. Seriously though, if you're truly smart, there's much less likelihood that you'd host the kind of ignorance needed to do something like rape, or join the KKK, or abuse someone. Because you'd think of better solutions, and wouldn't be hating entire races based on what a few may have done to you. Keeping in mind, like I just said on the other thread, I feel the pre-established guidelines for what is classified as 'intelligence' are terribly wrong/outdated. That is to say, I personally would not gauge someone dumb enough to join the KKK, as 'intelligent'. Nor should anyone else. Like.. 'you hate all black people, because one stole you car... Okaaaay....' SMH..

Or people that smack their kids around because they think it'll make them behave better.. If you can't think of a better way to make your kids behave, I'd hardly call you a genius..

I will agree on one point though, it's not that simple. I mean, obviously it's easy enough for me to sit back and say I'd kill off all the stupid people if I could. But I'm no dictator. If put in an actual position of having that much power, I would change the education system, and police the mainstream media, in order to produce more intellectual, autonomous thinking individuals.

That, imho, is the difference between a genius and an idiot. An idiot may be smart enough to see the idiocy rampant in society, but too stupid to think of a respectable solution to weed it out. Like when Chairman Mao wanted to wipe the slate and start new, he resorted to mass genocide. I may speak flippantly, but I am no idiot.

Also note that a true genius will often be seen as an idiot, because they see things that no one else can.
You are 40 and have no children, so how exactly do you know what goes on in schools today?
Think I mentioned that I'm doing upgrading.. being 40 doesn't mean I'm not in school. Also I got a friend that's 20, met him at the place I worked at for a while. He's still going to school. And he's shown me some of his school work, and it's actually kinda agitating. Listen, copy, follow instructions. It doesn't teach people to think..

And to an extent, I agree with you, but not everyone will go back and read the primary topic of the thread. Sometimes...a lot of times, actually, they just read the last page and go with that.
True, but if the thread is on the 20'th page of the forum section, the chances of it being read at all are quite low.
Two wrongs dont' make a right. That's not a rational way to handle bigotry.
Well, I didn't say there weren't smart neurotypicals. They just think in a way that's less compatible with innovation in the current age (when compared to a higher functioning autistic individual). And to be fair, if NT's were taught to think in the way that autistic people naturally do, then perhaps I'd be one of the dumber people in society.
Well, I didn't say there weren't smart neurotypicals. They just think in a way that's less compatible with innovation in the current age (when compared to a higher functioning autistic individual). And to be fair, if NT's were taught to think in the way that autistic people naturally do, then perhaps I'd be one of the dumber people in society.
then you're as much a bigot as they are. and no better. and you don't know every neurotypical to assume this.
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