My niece when through a very hard time for three years trying to figure out why she was having such intense abdomen pain.
I would actually chalk that up to the ****** health care system. I could be wrong mind you, as I'm not privy to what level of treatments she was going through. But in my experience with it, it's too much of a rush job. They're medical professionals but rushing through patients like they're working fast food.. And I live in Canada.. So I don't imagine her scenario is much better. But if these people had the proper time to work with their patients, and give each one the care they deserve, I imagine it wouldn't be so much of a 'guessing game'. Or at least that game wouldn't take three years..
Nothing is normal, except the setting on the washing machine.
Lol.. I know. That's why I put normal into quotes, because it's rather stupid that our society has coined such a word, purely for placing judgment on people wholesale, for doing the kinds of normal human behaviors of which should never be judged. IMHO, that's a large part of why so many people are suicidal, or have mental disorders in the first place. Because we're effectively forced to give up our childhood innocence, and a large part of our happiness with it.. Can't do this or that, have to 'grow up', 'act normal' .etc. Even the simple concept of displaying extreme happiness/euphoria in a public area can be seen as 'abnormal'.
The only things that are seen as universally normal, is to walk around like a damned robot with arms at sides.
No, it has nothing to do with making myself look stupid. It has to do with not going to the extra effort for someone who may just attack me and not respect what I post.
While I understand not tossing pearls before swine; perhaps gauge someone's personal reaction to you before hoarding those pearls, lol. Otherwise you may just create a self fulfilling prophesy.
My first account here was me as a bitter, angry bitch who attacked first and asked questions later.
Lol.. guess we were the same in that sense. But naw, my judgment of you since coming back has mostly been based on you from now. I don't hold grudges. I've actually been in multiple situations in my life in which people have treated me like ****, but I came to see them as neutral or even liking them. I do have a way of making people more positive when they're around me long enough. Few give me enough of a chance to get to that point though.
I've actually had many dreams in which I'm sitting back, having long philosophical conversations with some of the worst people in my life (people that I never came to terms with).
One thing I can say, is that anyone that sees me as bigoted or judgemental, clearly doesn't know me at all.
Okay, but do you assume everyone who disagrees with you is arguing with you?
Is that not the definition of an argument? To think otherwise would be to assume you're right. Lol. Well, anyone that directly disagrees via txt or voice.
The KKK is a pretty old organization, so while your theory on intelligence in that regard may be true today, it probably wasn't way back when. Times were different back then, everything was different back then. I'm not saying it was right, regardless of the era we are talking about, but the era does matter. You can't know if you would say the same thing if you were born back then...none of us can because we would be different people if we were born in a different era.
Eh.. I can. I mean, we're not talking about Nazi Germany here, that was a bit different. People weren't forced to join/follow the KKK, or having their families threatened if they didn't join. It also wasn't a governmental organization.
See, I have always been a very passive person. I detest violence and don't see a point in it. I don't care for blind hate at all. Even in the early-mid 80's when racism was still largely a thing, I always told myself that if I was around more black people, I'd be the one standing up for them. TBH, if I was to join the KKK at all, it would only be in an attempt to change the hearts and minds from within the organization.
I actually did, but to break it down, it's the people that make the best choices available to them, while taking into account potential consequences, objective morality, gain vs loss .etc. The only thing gained with violence is a false sense of power. For when you take that power through physical force, you never really have it because any smart person will live in constant fear of the blow-back from that method.
Of course you could factor in those that are smart enough to get away with murder, kill someone in a way that cannot be traced back to them. But one of the main definers of intellect is to know that you can always be wrong, so with that said, even those people, if they were truly smart, would fear the blow-back of said event.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Negativity is not something you want coming back to you, so anyone that is truly smart will avoid negative actions unless they are a very last resort.
So, do you have to be a genius in all areas to be a "true" genius and not an idiot? And who's to say that there aren't more "geniuses" out there, they just aren't rich enough or famous enough to be able to make any of the "respectable solutions" happen? Because let's be honest here, the average not rich person isn't ever going to get a whole lot of anything done because they don't have the means to do it. Doesn't necessarily mean they haven't tried, but it's unlikely they will get far unless they get backing from someone rich and/or famous.
And if someone is rich or famous enough, it is very unlikely they will do anything good with it anyways. That's why the world is the way it is. Because it's run by idiots that would prefer to make a quick buck, than to make the world a better place. They tie money to happiness, yet, they work a lifetime before retiring, despite having millions or billions.. The truth is, if people truly valued happiness over material gain, then a lot more people would be happy, instead of spending a lifetime working towards a happiness that they'll never receive. It is this state of the world that is solid proof that most people are idiots. I mean, if you can't figure out something so basic, you're not exactly a genius.