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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. StarDust

    Zen Meditation to manage Emotions

    Àfter years of searching, I found Tai C'hi ☯️ Can be referred to meditation in motion. It is the practice of Tai C'hi that has helped me to manage my emotions. I current practice Chen Style.
  2. StarDust

    were to begin

    Hello Don , feel free to poke around and ask any questions you might have. We are a friendly bunch 😎
  3. StarDust

    were to begin

    Greetings Evalynne, welcome to the forum 🌼
  4. StarDust

    How to be funny?

    This best explains my thoughts on humor:
  5. StarDust

    Sheila's Perspiration

    Wish I was lucky as you, Finished. When i go hiking in the summer, i bring a an extra T-shirt 👕 and pair of socks 🧦 to change into as soon as I get back to the car. Quick fix to freshen up and reduce the not-so-friendly aroma.
  6. StarDust

    Sheila's Perspiration

    In terms of diet, it is my understanding those who regularly enjoy food from the onion family, such as garlic and leeks, tend to carry a more pungent body sweat.
  7. StarDust

    Want to keep it Platonic

    Sounds to me, after a couple of times out with you, she now feels more a ease and dressing down... to her comfort level. Rather ask her dress more modest, in which she may take offense, request a semi formal (or business casual) dress attire. Perhaps find a nice cafe and explain after...
  8. StarDust

    Russia invades Ukraine and takes control of Chernobyl.

    Hello 4to1. I been thinking that we (world countries) should have done more to support Alexei Navalny -- what if world leaders stood with Navalny?? Maybe that was our window of opportunity we missed... and now this? In Canada, we do see the 'no war' protests happening in Russia and we...
  9. StarDust

    Russia invades Ukraine and takes control of Chernobyl.

    In first reading, I felt somewhat relieved that UK, and most certainly other countries, are in 'preparation' mode. But as that was settling in my mind, an edgy knife was stabbing me from the inside out. I still can't come to conclusion if I am in agreement or not of an offensive, defensive or...
  10. StarDust

    Russia invades Ukraine and takes control of Chernobyl.

    My fears exactly! I still can't believe this can happen... IS HAPPENING!!! I am getting the urge to read some Leo Tolstoy...
  11. StarDust

    Hi there!

    Hi Joshua, Greetings and welcome to this forum. Feel free to poke a word or two in any of the treads / discussions.
  12. StarDust

    Do you blame yourself?

    I hate mirrors! Like you, I can get very critical of myself. I seem to always be having a bad hair day, and I have this lousy fake smile 😬 I now keep conscious of that critical voice 🚫 and stop it immediately! Suppress it. It gets easier with practice. And then I pay myself a...
  13. StarDust


    I tend to believe we all have our mountain to climb. For some people, we hit this mountain early in life. For others, it is later in life. For some, climbing this mountain may seem natural, for others, 'Where the hell are my hiking shoes!" Happy to hear you decided to tackle the mountain!
  14. StarDust

    Worse Fears.

    For me, I fear being killed by someone. Perhaps this is why it takes awhile to trust someone. And.... where do these feelings originate? Being bullied in school. Then hanging out with another set of bullies to bully the bullies LOL 😉
  15. StarDust

    Last Letter Game

  16. StarDust

    LOLdogs thread

    Playdate... truly, they do love each other 🐕💕
  17. StarDust

    Another lonely newbie

    Greetings Nickname. Welcome to the forum.
  18. StarDust

    Instant attraction?

    I 've met people that made me cringe in the first ten seconds. Would then spend more time I care to admit on evaluating why I had such a strong negative reaction to such a person. Results are in! I clash with Pisces. 😎
  19. StarDust


    Kevin Hines attempted suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate bridge. After leaping, Hines had instant regret: "When my hands left that rail—and my legs curled over—as soon as I left the bridge, I thought, 'I don't want to die'." He had gone over the railing head first, but when he regretted his...
  20. StarDust

    Brain Damage

    Thanks, Colster, for your comments. As for update on my friend: Stage 4 cancer - terminal. 3 months of life remaining. I am devastated. Totally unexpected.