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  1. beingnobody

    Roll Call: How Many People here are over 30 or 40?

    Any lions in that lair?
  2. beingnobody

    Teaching moment (on deaf ears falls) my last post I was criticized as having "nothing good to say after critemizing Tubby the Orange Toddler, Yet Trump himself, who announcer himself by disparaging women, insulting and belittling Hispanics, immigrants, Muslims, political opponents as "enemies," nothing good to say about...
  3. beingnobody

    Reticence rules

    You don't have much self respect
  4. beingnobody

    Reticence rules

    I love America. Maybe you should be speaking to all these bubble dwelling loons who hate America so much they are stockpiling guns calling for "civil war" because facts and reality terrify them and they cannot coexist with diversity. I own no guns because I don't feel threatened by everything...
  5. beingnobody

    Reticence rules

    Eggshells be sharp. People have become so delicate and fragile that intelligent thought is now in peril. Evidenced clearly by fact our country is on verge of civil war over an ex-President who is just barely literate. Honestly, if his daddy had not planted a platinum spoon in his mouth Donald...
  6. beingnobody

    Serious ?. Do you think people are getting dumber?

    You have been thoroughly groomed. Do you have a Rush Limbaugh tattoo for a tramp stamp?
  7. beingnobody

    Serious ?. Do you think people are getting dumber?

    greater good. People who confuse feelings and beliefs ( opinion) with facts and reality become danger to society
  8. beingnobody

    Serious ?. Do you think people are getting dumber?

    To what would you attribute our backslide?
  9. beingnobody

    In one word. Post your current mood.

  10. beingnobody

    "Pro-Life" my caboose

    ,mostly perception
  11. beingnobody

    Life experience with guns; abbreviated

    Before age 24 I experienced 3 instances of having a shotgun pointed at my face from less than 10 feet and survived uninjured. I have had two friends killed by gun. 1 accident, 1 suicide.. i have hunted and killed small game, rabbits, squirrels and birds. Have trained and qualified multiple...
  12. beingnobody

    "Pro-Life" my caboose

    Among my relatives are multiple households with at least 2 AR15 's along with multiple other rifles, shotguns pistols and bows. Every male in my family hunts except for me. I served 12 years in the military and have hands on experience with multiple firearms, automatic weapons, grenades and...
  13. beingnobody

    "Pro-Life" my caboose

    You are correct. Tie problem is not specifically AR15's. The problem is the epidemic of gun fetishization which has become a mental illness Stockpiling and hoarding guns just to be defiant and spiteful, and thinking it's funny, is perverse and obscene. Not to mention ignorant and "irresponsible."
  14. beingnobody

    "Pro-Life" my caboose

    Sweetness ensues. I hope regurgitating that mantra didn't put a strain on your brain.
  15. beingnobody

    "Pro-Life" my caboose

    Don't forget the church militias preparing for the Civil War they are itching to start to provide an excuse to murder
  16. beingnobody

    "Pro-Life" my caboose

    In the United States, guns are obviously valued more highly than human life. ESPECIALLY the lives of babies and children. THAT is the "mental illness" driving mass shootings. Too many Americans own AR15's out of spiteful, petulant, childish defiance. Not "need ."
  17. beingnobody

    Working woke woke

    ...woke Woke Woke WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE wWoke