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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Brian

    American Idol

    Someone got to talking about it in the comment box at the bottom of the forum index, and somebody asked who was going to make a thread for it. I suspect this is that thread...
  2. Brian

    American Idol

    I hate that show and everything about it with the burning rage of a million dying suns.
  3. Brian

    When "yourself" just isn't good enough

    I genuinely, honestly recommend it to any lonely, awkward, low self esteem man (or woman, I know some fantastic firewomen) who is within 10 miles of a department with any sort of Volunteer or Station Residency program. Station Residencies are especially cool because you get a FREE place to live...
  4. Brian

    Grab the book closest to you, turn to page 44 what does line 4 say?

    Our lonely compatriots actually seem to be fairly well read on a broad spectrum of topics and genres. This is pretty cool. "Brother Godwin?" I had wanted to ask about the strange blind monk. from 'The Burning Land', part of the Saxon Tales by Bernard Cornwell.
  5. Brian


    That too. 'Falling in love' is literally our conscious interpretation of a hormone/chemical cocktail. And when daddy don't got his juice, life sucks a thousand dicks for a while. Sometimes, a long while.
  6. Brian


    So you're testing your limits breaking in to the mess of life, and right now you're drained. I like to think of our daily life as a give and take of energy, because it is, especially if you are an introvert like myself. We expend energy facing our trials, like work and education, or...
  7. Brian

    Never get enough opportunities to meet others

    Hey, I'm 23 which is basically college age...what do you think I spend my warm months doing since I was 21? Hiking, mountain biking, fishing. Use it while you're young to keep it when you're older. Starting now is not a bad idea at all. You will probably find that a lot of the people are a...
  8. Brian


  9. Brian

    A Question for Men

    Being a healthy size doesn't make you dumb just like being obese doesn't make you smart. I've seen some pretty dumb bimbos and plenty of gym rats who don't have a clue, but on the other hand some of the dullest people I personally know are soft of body and weak of mind. It's sad because they are...
  10. Brian

    When "yourself" just isn't good enough

    You know, I found that over the past few years as I grew in to adulthood and started working and got out in the world, my geeky tendancies sort of took a backseat to other things. I don't think I've abandoned them completely; I still play video games now and then, I love literature and the like...
  11. Brian


    What have the past few days been like, njs? Talk to us, punkin.
  12. Brian


    Those meatballs sound incredible. I wish I could cook right now. I'm at work and stuck with just a microwave...
  13. Brian

    Men another question special for you lol

    The thing is though she has them even on her arms from time to time. It's a disorder wherein her body retains too much creatine, an excess of which basically causes acne. I've seen documented proof so I'm not concerned.
  14. Brian

    A Question for Men

    15-20 isn't a big deal for me. The girl I'm dating right now had a little bit extra when I started dating her, and when she started birth control she probably doubled that excess. She eats right though and works out with me (sometimes I text her when I'm doing my routine and she'll go do pushups...
  15. Brian

    Men another question special for you lol

    Yeah that's kind of a thing with me too, health concerns. My girlfriend has some almost herpe-like sores now and then and when I found out inadvertently that she's been in a threesome before, and I kind of know what her younger years were like, I asked her if she thought she might have Herpes...
  16. Brian

    Myths and Truths

    Hmm, ok. Thanks. I like the examples, that helps a lot. Sorry I was snappy, today started off on an incredibly sour note and only got worse until I did some breathing exercises and let it go, lol. I was barking at everyone 'til about 4 PM.
  17. Brian

    Men another question special for you lol

    Honestly? It depends when you tell me. If I've known you for two months, it'd give me the creeps and I'd probably dump you. But if after six months or a year you were to say you needed to tell me something I'd probably be more understanding.
  18. Brian

    Never get enough opportunities to meet others

    Wow. What do you do for a living? Look on the bright side though, at least you have full time work. I know people who'd love 40 hours a week, and would kill for 58.
  19. Brian

    Myths and Truths

    What??? Am I sprechen sie Deutch? No. I just said this isn't at work, and it's immoral and unethical and expressly forbidden to make advances on patients or accept a patient's advances. Like, grounds for having your license suspended without question. There's no way I'd ask HR about it, they'd...
  20. Brian

    Myths and Truths

    As much as I would like to shag some of my female coworkers in the back of the ambulance on repeat and regular occasions, no. It can still happen though. And what if she makes a big deal about being offended? Like, to make other people stare? This isn't a hick town where the locals think...