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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. February203

    Relationships and negotiation.

    Yeah, I've been there. I've spent my 20s being a doormat having people walk all over me. I look back and wish I had more of a backbone. I should have advocated for myself better.
  2. February203

    Living in the slums with thieves.

    Lol, yeah I acknowledged that in the post. I take accountability for my own negligence. I think I'll get multiple coin copies made and I'll start carrying one on my person.
  3. February203

    Living in the slums with thieves.

    Right now I feel like venting a little. Someone managed to get into my car and stole money out of it. This bothered me but I meditated on it and managed to calm myself down. The money isn't that big of a deal. I'm healthy and employed so I'll make it back. But they stole something important to...
  4. February203

    Relationships and negotiation.

    Men and women are made different for a reason. Both have their role to play. And we balance each other out. I'm sure your partner doesn't hate you for being unable to move the oven. I don't know them. but in my past relationships I didn't hate my significant other for being unable to move...
  5. February203

    Relationships and negotiation.

    Yeah but you still have to negotiate with a spouse knowing when and when not to compromise is important. Just a quick example. If a couple is married and they have a child and one person wants to be a stay at home parent. But the other prefers they both keep their jobs. How do you resolve that...
  6. February203

    Relationships and negotiation.

    It seems like you have a problem with the word "value". I don't want to trigger you in any way and if it does, that's not my intention to do that also I think the point I was making is still valid. Here's a dictionary definition. Value: 1- The regard that something is held to deserve; the...
  7. February203

    Relationships and negotiation.

    I was reading a book about negotiation, and I realized that in all relationships, whether they are with friends, family, or romantic partners, it is important to provide value. When you have a positive relationship, you are providing value to the other person, and they are providing value to...
  8. February203

    Is social media causing more harm than good?

    I do agree that text is very a clumsy way to communicate. Is there a connection between texting and people sacrificing one another for a content?
  9. February203

    Is social media causing more harm than good?

    "A simulation of social experience" I never heard it described like that before, and I agree. It's kind of like junk food. You eat it, hoping it will satisfy your appetite but it's nothing but empty calories. You get your hit of dopamine from the positive or negative attention but really what...
  10. February203

    Is social media causing more harm than good?

    I'm probably not as informed as I should be on this topic but, I think it would be a safe bet that whatever settlement amount comes out of a lawsuit from Meta would only be a drop in the bucket. And probably won't be a big enough motivating factor for them to change their practices. The same...
  11. February203

    Feeling like you don't belong

    I've always been someone who doesn't fit in. I grew up in a heavily impoverished area where many people weren't as articulate as I was. It became very apparent at a young age that I was intelligent. When I was in elementary school, I easily impressed teachers with my vocabulary and wit, but my...
  12. February203

    Is social media causing more harm than good?

    Maybe I'm just being a skeptic but I don't have faith these platforms policing themselves or the third parties being effective. Mostly because they prioritize profit over integrity. These are companies. The only people they have to answer to are their shareholders. The only time the government...
  13. February203

    Is social media causing more harm than good?

    Why I blame social media is the algorithm, they're able to push an amplify different information. Most of these platforms amplify negativity over positivity because they realize that negativity Will generate more comments and engagement and the more people engage with the content the more profit...
  14. February203

    Is social media causing more harm than good?

    I think social media incentivizes certain negative behavior. Human beings are social animals so we do have an innate need for attention. But I think social media is causing the less empathetic of our population to try to garner attention at other people's expense. But I do agree that social...
  15. February203

    What book are you currently reading?

    The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo is a book that explores the phenomenon of how good people can be induced to commit evil acts. Zimbardo argues that evil is not something that is inherent in certain people, but rather a product of situational forces and the dehumanization of others.
  16. February203

    Is social media causing more harm than good?

    I'm looking at a video today while web surfing. I saw a video of taller woman having a psychotic break in beating on a random smaller teenage girl. While people watched, laughed and recorded on their phones. This was probably the worst day of that girl's life and people were actually recording...
  17. February203

    Forgiving my narcissistic parents.

    My parents split during my childhood. I'm at a point in my life where I can comfortably speak to them without the baggage, resentment and trauma from my childhood. They both haven't changed much even though I'm in my 30s We'll probably never really be close, but I do forgive them. I know these...
  18. February203

    Who's your ideal role models?

    I think people misunderstand stoicism. People assume that if you're stoic, you can't have hobbies or enjoy life. But there isn't one stoic philosopher who's ever said you couldn't. Throughout history there are many stoics who had families, hobbies, careers they've thrown parties and even enjoyed...
  19. February203

    Who's your ideal role models?

    Mine is hands down. Marcus Aurelius, I'm a super huge fan boy. He was popular for his kindness and integrity. Arguably one of the most powerful men in the world during his time. He did his best not to let power corrupt him. He went so far as to even share power with his brother, Lucius. Later...