Who's your ideal role models?

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"Be tolerant of others and strict with yourself."
Supporting Member
Nov 7, 2023
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Mine is hands down. Marcus Aurelius, I'm a super huge fan boy. He was popular for his kindness and integrity. Arguably one of the most powerful men in the world during his time. He did his best not to let power corrupt him. He went so far as to even share power with his brother, Lucius.

Later in his life he was betrayed by his good friend Avidius his general, who attempted to become the next emperor. Marcus managed to stop Avidius, and instead of punishing him for treason, he chose to forgive him.

When his health started failing instead of returning home to die comfortably in his bed around his family and loved ones. He instead chose to die in his military headquarters because he didn't want to abandon his army in the middle of a war campaign. He stayed on the front line for years even though he didn't have to He could have easily just left the responsibility with his generals. He took his responsibilities seriously, and chose discipline over comfort.
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I looked into the stoics and actually bought his book. Full of aphorisms.
I think I need some stoicism in my life. But I would never fully embrace their philosophy. Life is meant to be joyful too.
I looked into the stoics and actually bought his book. Full of aphorisms.
I think I need some stoicism in my life. But I would never fully embrace their philosophy. Life is meant to be joyful too.
I think people misunderstand stoicism. People assume that if you're stoic, you can't have hobbies or enjoy life. But there isn't one stoic philosopher who's ever said you couldn't. Throughout history there are many stoics who had families, hobbies, careers they've thrown parties and even enjoyed sports, hunting, and alcohol.

But don't worry. My intentions aren't too convince people to practice, follow, or learn about stoic philosophy, I'll just leave it at that. My main point is that if what the historians have said about Marcus Aurelius is true Then in my opinion he's a good role model. 😉
I think people misunderstand stoicism. People assume that if you're stoic, you can't have hobbies or enjoy life. But there isn't one stoic philosopher who's ever said you couldn't. Throughout history there are many stoics who had families, hobbies, careers they've thrown parties and even enjoyed sports, hunting, and alcohol.

But don't worry. My intentions aren't too convince people to practice, follow, or learn about stoic philosophy, I'll just leave it at that. My main point is that if what the historians have said about Marcus Aurelius is true Then in my opinion he's a good role model. 😉
He is a good role model. Especially in these modern times where complaining is a default strategy for dealing with problems one encounters.
Ok a few role models I like .
Paul macartney. You can still be full of life in your eightees.
Gandhi...peaceful protesting. He was a smart guy.
Salvation Army soldiers....these people are real McCoy Christians, carrying the big load of social work for the poor.
Can't go wrong with Pierre Gasly. <3


From top team drop out, to loosing few friends in car crashes ....... to winning Monza.

Redemption indeed. <3
I don't really have role models. There are so many people out there that people could and do learn from, so it would be limiting to only pick a couple. I also don't do favorities for the same reason.
Joe DiMaggio.
My father's favorite Yankee.
Dressed well to and from the games and presented himself in a dignified manner at all times (I can work on that one).
Loved Marilyn to his dying day. She would have lived a long and happy life had she stayed with him.
Yeah...my role model is Joltin' Joe.
I'm sure there are many out there but right off hand I'd say myself. I've been through a lot and still kept the ability to care, to laugh and to be grateful.

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