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  1. Anarchic Torchic


    She did, i saw the dissapointment in her eyes one day when i didnt. Like i said i send mixed signals. And yeah she didnt dare to ask me out, she withdrew. You are right about many things, but like i said shes ignoring me now. I really started liking her, but thats just the end as far as im...
  2. Anarchic Torchic


    Oh im fascinated by her beyond compare. But her flat out ignoring me only conveys one thing to me, just stop. No one wants a guy chasing them they arent interested in. Im just really confused she 180d on me all of a sudden.
  3. Anarchic Torchic


    A girl i know and of whom i knew liked me at a place i frequent just started all out ignoring me. And i am really confused about this, like 3 weeks ago i think she attempted to ask me out, but now, nothing. Like shes actively expressing disinterest. I kinda sent her mixed signals i guess, but i...
  4. Anarchic Torchic

    Cat Person or Dog Person?

    Cat person definitely, i have one cuddling me and purring right now actually. I love thier chaotic nature, and cuteness 😸 Ill also actually meow and purr back at them lol
  5. Anarchic Torchic

    What game consoles do you have?

    Like the M32, or 32M or something? Dont remember, passed on that one.
  6. Anarchic Torchic

    What game consoles do you have?

    Nokia N-gage lol. I have played almost all except the newest gen and stuff like N64DD, JaguarDD, or that one console that never got released to the public.
  7. Anarchic Torchic

    Hardest Boss Battles in Games

    Dragon slayer Ornstein and executioner Smough. Also the four kings if you use equipment that doesnt scale both from dark souls.
  8. Anarchic Torchic

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    Sometimes i have a little beard, sometimes i dont. But people have been calling me Axl since forever, even my mom calls me that :LOL:
  9. Anarchic Torchic

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    Well i look pretty much exactly like
  10. Anarchic Torchic

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    Are you Canadian @dan27 ? I love Canadians, theyre so laid back and understanding and kind from my experience. Best place i visited in my life i think.
  11. Anarchic Torchic

    My Story of Loneliness.

    Yeah you really gotta have a click with someone, but even those that i did with i abandoned. I moved around a lot when i was young, and im just so used to losing people that i hardly ever put any effort in. I think i always have this feeling in the back of my mind of like whats the point if...
  12. Anarchic Torchic

    Songs that define you

    Hey fat bottomed girls make the rocking world go round :LOL:
  13. Anarchic Torchic

    Songs that define you

    I love the intro to moonlight sonata. My moms boyfriend is actually related to beethoven.
  14. Anarchic Torchic

    Making decisions

    For the most part i think i did, there are a few exceptions, and one major one, which i deeply regret. Betrayal. Outside of that i just regret i never got to finish high school i guess, but that wasnt a choice though, it was forced. I could go back probably but id feel so out of place now...
  15. Anarchic Torchic

    Songs that define you

    Express yourself, what are the songs that define you? Ill start, i once had someone straight up tell me that they thought i was like the person in this song, and they were very right. I also think its a song that suits a lot of people on here. And here it is...
  16. Anarchic Torchic

    If your your an average guy, things suck, and theres nothing you can do

    Add a cambric shirt without no seam nor needle work, and an acre of land between the salt water and the sea strand, and then shell be a true love of mine :sneaky: Jokes aside though, like i said, im not average at all, i am definitely not representative of society, nor are the people who like...
  17. Anarchic Torchic

    Anyone play guitar?

    @Bones 2.0 maybe you can help me with something. I havent played in a few years, and now i keep pressing my hand against the high e string, sometimes muting it. Like im holding it wrong. Do you know like the propper way to hold the neck? So it leaves a little space for the high e string?
  18. Anarchic Torchic

    Men's washrooms are designed by sexist women..

    Thats a bit too much info for me. But yes girls restrooms are very nice lol. I accidentally went into one at a canadian sportsbar once and they had like a little waterfall. And mens restrooms are uhm like a waterfall flowing upside down, very unclean yes.
  19. Anarchic Torchic

    Pamela Anderson

    Someone mustve referenced this song before but, hot for Pamela Anderson :sneaky: Its hot for teacher ofcourse.
  20. Anarchic Torchic

    Anyone play guitar?

    I also have a very broad love for music, from chopin to slayer and most in between. I mostly was into rock and metal, but when you start playing guitar you really learn to like a lot of other music, you really open up. I remember playing for a friend on her birthday once a few years ago, thats...