Men's washrooms are designed by sexist women..

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2020
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Or so it seems.. most smaller public washrooms only have one stall for men. As if they assume no more than one guy will ever need to **** at the same time.. or that men don't deserve privacy while taking a piss..

But I went into a woman's washroom in the same place, and there's 3 stalls.. that does seem to be the standard though, women get approx 3x the stalls of men..

So yea, here I am, taking a dump in the woman's washroom.. screw it; I identify as someone that really needs to ****. Cuz to hell with whatever dignity I had, when it's comin out like brown sour cream..
If you put stalls on all the doors in both rooms, you wouldn't need to separate them by gender, anyone could just go in either damn one. I've gone into the men's before. If you gotta go, you gotta go. **** it.

Though, I do believe that men's rooms don't have as many stalls because most men just piss and leave without needing privacy....or so I assume, what with the way things are. Also, women can't stand and piss, without buying a stand and pee device. If we could, I'm sure we would love to just use urinals.
I've been in many places around here with large fancy bathrooms. But, only one, maybe two stalls. Then they have huge troughs to pee in. I'm like WTF! I might as well just pee outside, and sometimes do, in order to get more privacy. Our fancy super expenisive multi-floor library uses pee troughs as well. I agree! I can't imagine any guy thinking these are a good thing.

If you put stalls on all the doors in both rooms, you wouldn't need to separate them by gender, anyone could just go in either damn one. I've gone into the men's before. If you gotta go, you gotta go. **** it.

Though, I do believe that men's rooms don't have as many stalls because most men just piss and leave without needing privacy....or so I assume, what with the way things are. Also, women can't stand and piss, without buying a stand and pee device. If we could, I'm sure we would love to just use urinals.
Well.. It would, in a sense, be more appropriate for women. They don't really have anything to stand and compare down there. No shame to be had. And it would take some wicked aerobics to get a peek at whatever there is to judge. Otherwise it's Mostly, hair, or no hair.

But no, some guys do prefer privacy. It's actually interesting, there used to be mandatory nude swimming for boys in school swimming pools, and that was only around 70-80 years ago. But the boys started expressing their embarrassment, and eventually it became mainstream for them to swim with suits. And now, most swim change rooms even have stalls, so guys can change in private.

I agree on the properly private stalls without creeper gaps. It's not that hard of a concept..
I've been in many places around here with large fancy bathrooms. But, only one, maybe two stalls. Then they have huge troughs to pee in. I'm like WTF! I might as well just pee outside, and sometimes do, in order to get more privacy. Our fancy super expenisive multi-floor library uses pee troughs as well. I agree! I can't imagine any guy thinking these are a good thing.

Sure they do, the big tough manly men. Like "wtf, man up and piss on my leg already!!!"

Lol.. that picture gave me a good laugh. Like, wtf buddy, ya wanna hold my dick..?
Thats a bit too much info for me. But yes girls restrooms are very nice lol. I accidentally went into one at a canadian sportsbar once and they had like a little waterfall. And mens restrooms are uhm like a waterfall flowing upside down, very unclean yes.
Yea.. men def get treated like **** in this society, just in a passive aggressive manner, so that they can gas light us if we try to say anything about it..

Side note, this urinal talk reminded me of this scene from an anime called Erased. It was so cute and hilarious. Cuz as boys, I'm sure many of us had similar experiences.


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Since I raised my daughter from 1.25 months to 26.50 in away, I needed changing stations instead of using my car. Really passed me off about no changing stations in the 90s.
Uhh.. if you were changing her diapers at the age of 26, I don't think a change station would work..🤔
Gonna sound weird but hear me out... I actually prefer the mens room, so roomy, no queues, and best of all wayyy cleaner, only thing I hate is some men pee super loudly lol it's like a waterfall, sooo noisy. But I deffo use the mens room a lot at the gym, they must think im up to all sorts when I swan out of there 🤣
I've been in many places around here with large fancy bathrooms. But, only one, maybe two stalls. Then they have huge troughs to pee in. I'm like WTF! I might as well just pee outside, and sometimes do, in order to get more privacy. Our fancy super expenisive multi-floor library uses pee troughs as well. I agree! I can't imagine any guy thinking these are a good thing.

Once in Ireland I went to use the john and it was a trough slightly lower than waist high, with a MIRROR behind it. The trough was six feet wide or so. All I could think was “You gotta be f…”
Gonna sound weird but hear me out... I actually prefer the mens room, so roomy, no queues, and best of all wayyy cleaner, only thing I hate is some men pee super loudly lol it's like a waterfall, sooo noisy. But I deffo use the mens room a lot at the gym, they must think im up to all sorts when I swan out of there 🤣
Wow! Men's rooms cleaner then womens!?!?! Unless it's a super nice place the men's bathrooms in the places I've been are usually very disgusting so much so I won't even mention it here. But, if I absolutely have to go number 2 I stand above the toilet and go. It's a little awkward but there's no way in hell that I'm cleaning the seat, putting a germ protector on it, and then sitting on it. Several times I just totally skipped the toilet and went outside. I keep toilet paper in my vehicle just in case. ;)
I actually second. For having cleaned both in public places, women are more disgusting than men. By a mile.
I actually second. For having cleaned both in public places, women are more disgusting than men. By a mile. girl roommates were gross. The guy ones, were clean.

I will say in the high school I work at, we have more vandalism in the boys restrooms. girl roommates were gross. The guy ones, were clean.

I will say in the high school I work at, we have more vandalism in the boys restrooms.
That's very true.
And least they don't stuck bloody tampons in the toilet paper machine, though. 🤢
Wow! Men's rooms cleaner then womens!?!?! Unless it's a super nice place the men's bathrooms in the places I've been are usually very disgusting so much so I won't even mention it here. But, if I absolutely have to go number 2 I stand above the toilet and go. It's a little awkward but there's no way in hell that I'm cleaning the seat, putting a germ protector on it, and then sitting on it. Several times I just totally skipped the toilet and went outside. I keep toilet paper in my vehicle just in case. ;)
British men like to keep the toilet perfume fresh 😂 positive stereotyping for the win!
Gonna sound weird but hear me out... I actually prefer the mens room, so roomy, no queues
I was just at the mall the other day, I went into a department store, and in the entire multi-level store, there was 4-5 women's washrooms, and one men's washroom.. all the way at the top(6th) floor..

I think it was like, The Bay, or something, but it was unisex. They sold beds and stuff. That was easily the most gender bias washroom situation I've seen in my life.

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