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  1. Anarchic Torchic

    Anyone play guitar?

    What kinda music do you like? Rock and metal i asume?
  2. Anarchic Torchic

    Anyone play guitar?

    Im sorry, but thats just so funny to me,.. devil music :ROFLMAO: But like at least you got something cool in return though i guess. Id probably burst out laughing if that happened to me, but i can understand it being frustrating. I never played bass, i do know the plucking technique, but...
  3. Anarchic Torchic

    Decade Decision

    60s, 70s, or 80s, i missed all of em, but i love the music from those decades. And i think id have felt much more at home back then. I do actually know how to travel through time, but just not backwards. And forwards time travel is very, very expensive to say the least.
  4. Anarchic Torchic

    Anyone play guitar?

    Oh you just got a new one aswell? Very nice! Mines more of a beginner guitar, but the quality is actually quite good. @Bones 2.0 a 12 string must feel very weird to play, like can you even play those with just your finger tips? I also never thought i was good enough, and ive never played live...
  5. Anarchic Torchic

    Anyone play guitar?

    Oh i just got mine in today, i also hadnt played for a few years. But i noticed i still have the muscle memory for the verses of Metallica's "Fade to black". Thats the best of my ability right now. And yeah my fingers also hurt. Its gonna be a while before ill get back to my old level of play i...
  6. Anarchic Torchic

    What are you thinking right now?

    That this thread makes me think of this...
  7. Anarchic Torchic

    Your Favorite old song (before 2000 prefereably)

    I love your taste in music! :D
  8. Anarchic Torchic

    I feel like love is just a game

    Thats the risk you take, like every single time you set yourself up to be hurt, and all you can do is trust that they wont hurt you. Unfortunately very often someone will get hurt. I did have like a super soft breakup once though, like we talked about everything and decided that its best to...
  9. Anarchic Torchic

    If your your an average guy, things suck, and theres nothing you can do

    Well imagine what it must be like for someone whos ugly lol. Ive had some pretty bad scars in my life. Worst of all probably is that when i was 17 i lost twelve teeth, which im pretty sure is universally considered very unattractive, or like repulsive. But then i found someone, we became drawn...
  10. Anarchic Torchic

    Maybe I've always been kind of depressed?

    Well if youre never really happy that is also a form of depression yeah. Ive also had extended periods like that in my life, paired with nihilism its not a good mindset to be in.
  11. Anarchic Torchic

    If your your an average guy, things suck, and theres nothing you can do

    But red hair is so lovely though. I think people just like to torment everything thats a little rare or different. Ive also continuously have gotten **** over my hair aswell cause its long. And people so often asume im must be gay lol. Sometimes i play along, cause i think its pretty funny :p
  12. Anarchic Torchic

    Horror Movies

    I was just watching the Invasion of the body snatchers remake the other day. Such a classic. The thing, Into the mouth of madness, the shining. I love old horror movies.
  13. Anarchic Torchic

    would you want to?

    Yeah, that chair scene with Beethoven is iconic!
  14. Anarchic Torchic

    Anything specific that turns you on or off in a potential partner?

    Turn off: almost everyone really.(ive just had really really bad experiences with people, and im almost never interested in anyone cause of it). Turn on: weirdos with overlapping intrests, being in love with me, and slightly shorter hair than me that is either red or black i think, maybe?
  15. Anarchic Torchic

    Falling in love

    And thank you :)
  16. Anarchic Torchic

    Falling in love

    I know her name yeah, but now every time i see her my vocabulary is just reduced to "hello/goodbye", and shes in a similair position i think lol. But i havent even seen her for a few weeks now, and im contemplating asking one of her co workers if shes still around, im not sure what else i can...
  17. Anarchic Torchic

    Falling in love

    Yeah ill be sure to play the song "Psycho Killer" on repeat as we walk through the park after dark lol. I was actually thinking about asking her to meet in the park, or maybe a movie. I think shed love Love and Thunder. I think she was wearing a Guns N Roses shirt when we first met, and they...
  18. Anarchic Torchic

    would you want to?

    Love and bureaucracy dont get along very well at all.
  19. Anarchic Torchic

    Falling in love

    So a few years ago i met someone on a bus. I looked at her, she looked at me, and time just stoped, she just stood there staring at me endlessly. Ive never ever seen anyone fall so hard for someone. But i didnt feel the same, all i felt was that id one day see her again. Fast forward to about...