Horror Movies

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Mine still is What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? Staring Betty Davis and Joan Crawford
I love Whatever happened to baby Jane too but my all time favourite is still Hitchcock's Psycho.

Over his career, Hitchcock had always flouted Hollywood’s production code those rigid rules that had been in place since the 1930s that prohibited onscreen nudity, sex and violence. Nowhere is Hitchcock’s brazen censor-defying clearer than in Psycho’s “shower scene”.

Marion steps into the shower, a shadowy figure rips back the curtain, and cinema’s most visceral scene unspools, brutally, before our very eyes.

Hitchcock, the master of suspense, never actually shows knife slicing flesh. Everything is implied, through liberal doses of chocolate sauce, hacked watermelons, Bernard Herrmann’s screeching violins, and Leigh’s blood-curdling screams.

In one 60-second scene, Hitchcock shatters all the rules. It’s the most famous of all bait and switches: you expect one thing, but get another. Up to that point, no film had killed off its lead character so early in the story (nowadays, such an audacious twist shows up everywhere, from The Lion King to Games of Thrones). As Leigh slides down the blinding white tiles, arm outstretched, a new kind of cinema is born: twisted, shocking, primal.
I love horror movies, but I don't have any favorites. I don't do favorites. There is way to much diversity out there to pick one and say "omg this is the best."
I agree with randomguy about Psycho, but I also enjoy The Birds. Well, anything Hitchcock really. The Conjuring universe is pretty good. Stephen King movies and Wes Craven. The list is endless, but I don't find many actually "horrory" at all. They're just good movies.
I don't really like horror movies - I figure there's enough horror in the world and the news, why do I want those visuals in my head? I especially don't like those kind of horror movies that are overly gory, disturbing-type **** - like the Saw franchise and movies like that.

Now Hitchcock on the other hand - brilliant! I can easily watch any of his movies because as Randomguy says, the action is implied and it's up to the viewer's imagination to fill in what you're NOT seeing.

One horror movie that has stuck with me all these years after seeing it as a teenanger is "The Shining" - just the thought of those two little girls is enough to send shivers down my spine.
Idk if it's my favorite but it's the most impactful, Halloween 1978. I to this day without having watched it in years will have Michael Meyers dreams. They used to be terrifying now their more like entertaining survival game-ish, tmi prolly lol. But still that white Shatner mask sticks with me. The score is so simple yet creepy. Loomis building the lore of Michael Meyers. That's probably my favorite aspect.
I don't like horror movies,there is too much of the horror in real life that is going on in today's world.
Lol there definitely is some darkness in us horror movie enjoyers. It's hard to pinpoint or explain. Some are just sick thrill rides and others can be intense emotional journeys. But then there are also just your cuddle up with someone thrill ride jump scare movies. I can see where you're coming from though. It's how I feel about true crime stuff. I get why people like it but it's too much for me.
Lol there definitely is some darkness in us horror movie enjoyers. It's hard to pinpoint or explain. Some are just sick thrill rides and others can be intense emotional journeys. But then there are also just your cuddle up with someone thrill ride jump scare movies. I can see where you're coming from though. It's how I feel about true crime stuff. I get why people like it but it's too much for me.
Lol too true
I love Whatever happened to baby Jane too but my all time favourite is still Hitchcock's Psycho.

Over his career, Hitchcock had always flouted Hollywood’s production code those rigid rules that had been in place since the 1930s that prohibited onscreen nudity, sex and violence. Nowhere is Hitchcock’s brazen censor-defying clearer than in Psycho’s “shower scene”.

Marion steps into the shower, a shadowy figure rips back the curtain, and cinema’s most visceral scene unspools, brutally, before our very eyes.

Hitchcock, the master of suspense, never actually shows knife slicing flesh. Everything is implied, through liberal doses of chocolate sauce, hacked watermelons, Bernard Herrmann’s screeching violins, and Leigh’s blood-curdling screams.

In one 60-second scene, Hitchcock shatters all the rules. It’s the most famous of all bait and switches: you expect one thing, but get another. Up to that point, no film had killed off its lead character so early in the story (nowadays, such an audacious twist shows up everywhere, from The Lion King to Games of Thrones). As Leigh slides down the blinding white tiles, arm outstretched, a new kind of cinema is born: twisted, shocking, primal.
Wow, You did this film justice! I am sure many from our forum will check it out or re-check it!
Idk if it's my favorite but it's the most impactful, Halloween 1978. I to this day without having watched it in years will have Michael Meyers dreams. They used to be terrifying now their more like entertaining survival game-ish, tmi prolly lol. But still that white Shatner mask sticks with me. The score is so simple yet creepy. Loomis building the lore of Michael Meyers. That's probably my favorite aspect.
I never saw that one; however, it is now on my watch list! Thanks for sharing!!
Idk if it's my favorite but it's the most impactful, Halloween 1978. I to this day without having watched it in years will have Michael Meyers dreams. They used to be terrifying now their more like entertaining survival game-ish, tmi prolly lol. But still that white Shatner mask sticks with me. The score is so simple yet creepy. Loomis building the lore of Michael Meyers. That's probably my favorite aspect.
I don't know how true this is, I really hope it is as the irony kills me, apparently Shatner went trick or treating with his kids wearing what he thought was a Michael Myers mask having no idea it was his own face.
Love horror movies, both classic and modern. For the older stuff, I agree about the original Halloween (most if not all of the sequels are crap), easily one of the top scary flicks ever. I also love The Shining, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Alien.

Some more recent scary great ones are The Descent, Sinister and The Conjuring series. There's many more I like but these are the best of the best IMO.
Love horror movies, both classic and modern. For the older stuff, I agree about the original Halloween (most if not all of the sequels are crap), easily one of the top scary flicks ever. I also love The Shining, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Alien.

Some more recent scary great ones are The Descent, Sinister and The Conjuring series. There's many more I like but these are the best of the best IMO.
If you count the Danny McBride timeline and Rob Zombie trash yea really drags the franchise down. Otherwise I think the majority of the original 7 are good 5, 7 and 8 are trash but 1,2,4 are legit good and 3 is different but still good.
My favorite horror movie is "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)". I love it for the suspense and acting. Having seen it in a theater as a kid probably contributes my liking it the most.
Prior to that "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?" was my favorite. The acting is phenomenal.
I was just watching the Invasion of the body snatchers remake the other day. Such a classic.
The thing, Into the mouth of madness, the shining. I love old horror movies.

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