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  1. edgecrusher

    Relationship with God

    I think the main difference is that science doesn't take things on faith and is willing to change it's view when something new is discovered. It's just the word used to describe the act of making conclusions based on actual tested observations. Where as religion takes everything on faith and is...
  2. edgecrusher

    Type Some Lyrics from the Song You're Listening To Now

    Following our will and wind We may just go where no one's been
  3. edgecrusher

    What has been said to you about your singledom?

    Apparently it's "weird" that I want something serious and that I don't just casually date around with lots of people and "hook up." I don't want to make someone what most people would call "girl/boyfriend material" and I don't even see it as wanting someone specifically for the purpose of them...
  4. edgecrusher

    What are you thinking right now?

    That's all I needed to hear, something to remind me how out of place I am. There has to be someone out there.....
  5. edgecrusher

    Relationship with God

    And I don't look down upon it. It just blows my mind that anyone would be ok with accepting that. I have a hard time seeing it as anything more than something that holds us back. Which is why I referred to it as complacent. I see many atheists refer to it as ignorance and I don't really think...
  6. edgecrusher

    Relationship with God

    I agree that that is a possibility. However, it kills me when people seem to be ok with the idea that there is something that is so above us that we will never understand it. As if there are problems we will never be able to solve. That things that we don't currently understand will always be...
  7. edgecrusher

    Relationship with God

    My main thing is, I just think we should observe the universe and see what it has to show us and go from there. It makes sense. Religions like to start with the answer(god), and then try to find ways for it to make sense. That's backwards. So many people accept god as the answer to the origin of...
  8. edgecrusher

    Walk in the Park

    I am too actually, lol. I would probably go to a place like that to read sometimes if there was a place like it here.
  9. edgecrusher

    Who has a Playstation 3?

    Thanks for the info. I think I need an official PS3 controller though because I had an off brand one but it didn't have the sixaxis function so I couldn't play Beyond Two Souls because it seems it requires it.
  10. edgecrusher

    What do you drive ?

    Silver 02 Honda Accord. My next vehicle will be a smaller 2 door vehicle. I never have anyone in my car except maybe one person and rarely so I do not need a 4 door.
  11. edgecrusher

    If you were a toy,which one would you be?

    I am in no way surprised that BJD was the one to say it. :D
  12. edgecrusher

    Walk in the Park

    Nice photos. Wish we had a park like that here. And I wish I had someone to walk with in it, lol.
  13. edgecrusher

    Official "Lonely Life Recent Game Happenings Thread"

    Well I think Destiny has mostly run its course for me for now until some new content for it is released. So now do I want to play the other classes and max them out or do I want to play something else? Can't decide.
  14. edgecrusher

    What are you listening to?

    oWFEVbfCcOY o90RZ0THscw
  15. edgecrusher

    Why no one has it all

    There is no such thing as perfection. So, no.
  16. edgecrusher

    Who has a Playstation 3?

    I do but I no longer have a controller. I bought it from a friend for $50 and the only games I've played on it are Shadow of the Colossus and The Last of Us. Both of which were amazing. One of these days I'll get a new controller and try Uncharted, Infamous and Journey.
  17. edgecrusher

    Relationship with God

    The more we discover about the the universe, the more I think the following quote is true: "Our universe is bigger than the gods we invented."
  18. edgecrusher

    What are you listening to?

    Nine Inch Nails - Wish, Closer, and Just Like You Imagined
  19. edgecrusher

    What are you thinking right now?

    If only....
  20. edgecrusher

    Type Some Lyrics from the Song You're Listening To Now

    Wish there was something real Wish there was something true