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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. U

    What do YOU have to offer?

    Let's see 1) I'm studying to be an engineer and aspire to eventually get a Ph.D so that means financial stability 2) I'm good at analyzing problems of various sorts from diverse viewpoints and an analytical perspective be they social or ethical. (Guess that's why I study engineering) 3) As an...
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    Lonelier on Facebook?

    I'm only on Facebook for the News feed from reputable sources. It's a nice way to congregate all the daily occurences.
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    Loneliness level quiz

    I scored a... 14 Well then. Bye everyone!
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    Perks of being single ?

    1. No nagging 2. Not having to put up false airs to impress someone 3. Being able to do things your way 4. Privacy especially if you live alone 5. Spend money on yourself etc
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    What are you eating/drinking right now?

    Ginseng Candy
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    What is your weather like right now?

    Rather unfortunately dank and dismal. Where I live in some place in NY, it's nearly always cloudy. That is one reason I'm transfering from my current college to another one where the local climate is not as dismal.
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    Never been..... Not Single!

    I've never had a GF or anyone remotely closely to that.
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    Can't watch sports because I feel envious...

    Same reason I hate watching videos of other people play piano. It makes me jealous how well they can play and how much emotion they can put into their performance.
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    Being hateful

    And the best part is that he used to be super evil but redeemed himself. You can do that too!
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    List 3 qualities you have good or bad!

    -I'm boring to be around. -I'm prone to procrastinate. -I don't like showing emotion and such not because I think its somehow cool but because its just not comfortable to do so.
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    Flaking out on date

    Some time ago, acquaintances and friends would ask of I wanted to hang out with them. I would almost always decline because I was always too shy to hang out with too many people. I just didn't think I would be fun to be around and I thought I'd just stay in the back of the group going where...
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    Would you date someone you don't think you're going to marry?

    I would prefer not to because I don't want to develop an emotional ties if I'm sure I won't be ever marrying that woman.
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    5 Love Languages

    11 Words of Affirmation 6 Quality Time 4 Receiving Gifts 4 Acts of Service 5 Physical Touch
  14. U

    One positive thing you accomplished today...

    Today was the first day of college classes so they were my first ever college classes as a freshman. The accomplishment was that I sat in the front row of all the lectures but did not start sweating and stinking from nervousness as I normally would. I surprise myself sometimes since I...
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    If you could instantly change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

    Let's say you could change one thing, just one thing about yourself instantly. What would you change? I'd change my personal laziness to strict devotion and dedication. I'm not lazy when I'm helping out other people and friends. In fact, they say I do too much sometimes because I tend to work...
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    What are you eating/drinking right now?

    Vanilla Flavored Greek Yogurt
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    Happy Birthday, OddlyUnique!!

    Happy Birthday!
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    Happy birthday, WK95!

    Thanks Lonekiller.
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    Made parents angry at me

    I don't think I have ADD. In only get distracted when the topic or matter at hand is boring. The thing is, sometimes I am forgetful of simple things such as locking a door after bringing in a large box (Otherwise, when my hands are free, I never forget to do so), closing the toilet cover after...
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    Made parents angry at me
