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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. sk66rc

    Facebook group

    Wouldn't exactly call it strong but few more people have joined in... I know it started out really slow but seems to be putting along...
  2. sk66rc

    When was the last time you made a move on someone?

    It wasn't the first time I've flirted with someone, though it was one of the rare times I've flirted... Small tables talks aren't really all that unusual... We just seemed to click naturally so I wanted to see how far it would go...
  3. sk66rc

    Facebook group

    Sorry about that... Wish I knew the problem when it happened & may be I could've fixed it... I know how it can be when you leave with bad experience, sometimes it doesn't leave that good of an impression of people who run it... Hope someday, may be when it gets little more people into it, may...
  4. sk66rc

    When was the last time you made a move on someone?

    I'm not sure what qualifies as "making a move" on someone... I think I've done that unintentionally few days ago... I was playing in a poker tournament... There was a woman sitting at the same table I was & we started making a small talk between hands... At one point, we started joking...
  5. sk66rc

    Facebook group

    Yeah... All the bad experiences I've heard about on-line stuff & with the general idea behind this forum, it's nice to see some people breaking out of their shell... When things are meant to be, I guess it has a way of happening...
  6. sk66rc

    Negative remarks from a friend

    Well... I'm not quite sure what you mean by "move on with these negave thoughts..." There are few things that I wanted to mention first... Are there truth to anything she has said in e-mail? You think she owes you an apology so I'm thinking what she said was wrong? Perhaps you think that...
  7. sk66rc

    positive side of online dating

    Ok... Something happened today that inspired me to start this thread... I see all the negative or questionable side of the on-line dating scenes & that's based on, among other things, my own personal experiences... I was wondering if anyone had any positive experiences... And I'm not talking...
  8. sk66rc

    What you need to know about Online Dating

    I had a questionable outlook, at best, on "on-line dating" due to my own personal experiences & some of the horrible stories I've heard... Well, up until today... I heard some great news about 2 people & that sortta renewed my thoughts on it... I understand all the "up hill battles" &...
  9. sk66rc

    Facebook group

    Well, I'd be damned...!!! Who'd thought...!!! Group started out sortta slow... Then I've gotten a message popped up on my Facebook notification that I've gotten a message in the group... I looked it up & I couldn't be more pleasantly surprised... With a small group of people, something nice...
  10. sk66rc

    wouldnt it be better cheaper rent/bills ?

    Definitely...!!! Just about everything, or every system, has their down-falls if you look close enough & with pretty convincing arguments at that... I'm not defending the idea of capitalism... I'm just saying, honest people shouldn't suffer due to actions of few dis-honest people...
  11. sk66rc

    In Person

    I'm not trying to put anyone on the spot... I was just curious... Also that way, may be we know what to look for, or avoid in this case...
  12. sk66rc

    One positive thing you accomplished today...

    Woke up today? Does that count?
  13. sk66rc

    Ever thought you were a boring person?

    Ummm... Yeah... I'm sortta boring person...
  14. sk66rc

    wouldnt it be better cheaper rent/bills ?

    Believe it or not, feeding poor people does have benefits from large corporates points of view... It's called "Tax wright off" or "Tax relief"...
  15. sk66rc

    Gambling Addiction

    I usually try to put little bit of money aside from each paycheck for that purpose... After all the bills have been paid & done everything I need to do, food & gas in the car & etc, out of the money I have left over, I'll put little bit on a side to have fun with... I guess most people do the...
  16. sk66rc

    Gambling Addiction

    No worries... I just didn't want people to think I'm "shaming" people for occasional gambling for entertainment purposes... Like a lot of stuff in life, I do believe in moderation with a right attitude is the key... Problem I have is when people actions, or their addictions and/or their...
  17. sk66rc

    In Person

    I was just wondering if any members here actually met up in real life... I've read few people actually got together as a couple after being on here... But I'm not talking about romantic relationship wise, just a friendly get together & started hanging out or something... And if that's the...
  18. sk66rc

    12 insanely bad pieces of sex and relationship advice

  19. sk66rc

    12 insanely bad pieces of sex and relationship advice

    Lol... I remember seeing a movie in high school in English class... Thought it was funniest movie, well for me, it was... How about that sex scene, eh?