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  1. MentatsGhoul

    What are you thinking right now?

    I just need to learn to let things go. Seriously. I don't do anything, I'll never know until it's too late, and she'll just probably abandon me like everyone else does. I ask her, I risk driving her away more by acting like I'm needy and clingy. If I go away first, I will have learned nothing...
  2. MentatsGhoul

    "Stop caring what other people think" rant

    To be fair, that was just one example, not really the biggest problem I face in life lol. But I actually have the exact same issue as you with people telling me I look tired all the time, or even telling me I'm sad when I'm actually doing alright. Probably because my eyes make me look like a...
  3. MentatsGhoul

    I am Skinny and Unattractive

    I wish I had something better to tell you, but, I will say I've genuinely met a HUGE chunk of girls who have a thing for skinny guys, seems to be getting more common nowadays in fact (maybe as a counter to the whole "making gains" obsession most young dudes have these days). My ex was actually...
  4. MentatsGhoul

    "Stop caring what other people think" rant

    Chances are, if you've ever tried talking about any self-esteem issues you have, you've gotten this line "Why do you even care what they think? Just be yourself", or some variant of it. Alright, this might seem a bit toxic, but, I genuinely get annoyed by this bit of advice. I recently got this...
  5. MentatsGhoul

    Told her...

    So, as a followup to my last thread in the relationships section (not gonna go over it all again, read here if you care, and as the title of this thread suggests, I told her how I felt. The response however, was really not something I...
  6. MentatsGhoul

    Dislike your own appearance in some circumstances?

    I have the same issue. I'm gonna go out and say that, when I'm not wearing glasses and my hair looks alright, I look well above average even in the mirror, yet even when I take pictures of myself, I need to take dozens before I find one I even sort of like. And even the ones I do don't really...
  7. MentatsGhoul

    A vicious lonely cycle (living trapped)

    Go for the freelance online work you said you could do. At the very least, you can maybe make a start on building up a CV, and it's still better than nothing (especially if money is lacking as it is). I think... if your life is at that point, then you just need to fill it as best and as healthy...
  8. MentatsGhoul

    What are you thinking right now?

    I feel like such a lazy piece of honeysuckle with my family, but, i just need to take some time off. Seriously, there's waaaay too much on my mind, a complete information overload, and I feel like a mental breakdown in just one step away. Still, it sucks when I finally get a quiet hour to myself and...
  9. MentatsGhoul

    What are you thinking right now?

    Thanks man haha. I'm still (probably) gonna tell her soon, maybe even today, but really I am trying to piece together all the interactions we've had and... seems I'm just a friend to her. So, no expectations, other than getting it off my chest really.
  10. MentatsGhoul

    What are you thinking right now?

    Life really is unfair.
  11. MentatsGhoul

    What to do...

    I will definitely remain friends with her. And who knows, if the feelings don't go away, I might just tell her to get it off my chest eventually, but for now, I'm getting it off my mind.
  12. MentatsGhoul

    What to do...

    Update: I can't do it. We couldn't find the time to skype call, and now it seems implausible for a long time since I'll be with my parents who are extremely nosy about me talking to anyone on the phone or skype or whatever. Also, it's becoming very clear to me that she doesn't feel the same way...
  13. MentatsGhoul

    I'm not sorry

    Look... if you can honestly look at your life the way it is now and say that you're satisfied (and there's an important distinction here- satisfied, not happy. I don't personally consider happiness much of a driving factor in my life even), then who cares? Live the way you like. That said, I...
  14. MentatsGhoul

    How many people over 20 are still virgins?

    Exactly twenty, still a virgin, though, I've had some sexual experiences (I guess if you can call them that even). It doesn't bother me too much honestly, I believe if I just wanted the sex, I could bite the bullet and gather enough courage to try to hook up with someone. Admittedly though, it...
  15. MentatsGhoul

    What to do...

    I guess when it comes to that, I really can't tell what her reply is going to be, nor can I really do anything to change it, so... it's gonna be what it's gonna be I guess, not much point in over thinking it. But... you're both right I guess. I should tell her. I'm gonna wait a few days, try to...
  16. MentatsGhoul

    What to do...

    Yeah, she would. I'm not sure I've ever met anyone like her. I want to tell her, and well, truth is, she's probably not going to be interested. But, I feel objectively, it doesn't sound like the best idea to bring it up, the way my life (and hers actually) are right now...
  17. MentatsGhoul

    What to do...

    Then that would be great, amazing even. But that's a pretty big "what if" unfortunately. I don't know.
  18. MentatsGhoul

    What to do...

    You're right, but, as I said (maybe in not the clearest terms)... if anything happens, it WILL have wider ramifications on my life as a whole. Say we're together for 9 months now, the same length I was with my ex, and say we break up. That's the end of the second semester of my last year. It...
  19. MentatsGhoul

    What to do...

    I've almost posted this thread several times, but I keep having second thoughts. Guess I should just go for it. So, long story short, I have feelings for someone, but I'm not sure if I should tell her, or even really do anything about it due to several complicating factors. Full story- there's...
  20. MentatsGhoul

    What's a painful truth you've had to swallow?

    I think for me, it's... you can try to be a good person, in fact, you absolutely should. But at the end of the day, we all make mistakes. And sometimes, no matter how good your intentions or how much you care about someone, your actions can end up unintentionally hurting them more than any bully...