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  1. 4No1

    What are you thinking right now?

    People who advise in their articles(not the comments) on internet to "walk to work", where do they live? I was curious and checked, in my previous life it would take me 3h45min to get to work. Most people I know, work a little bit close, so it would take them 2-3 hours. And where I do live...
  2. 4No1

    What are you thinking right now?

    How do people answer "Do you speak English?" here... -A little = yes, we can have a conversation in English, no problem -No/shake their head = I don't want to speak English, but it doesn't mean I can't -Yes, I do = probably it's the only phrase I can say in Englsih
  3. 4No1

    What are you thinking right now?

    The advices how to become less poor/loose a weigth on internet make me mad. It seems you have to be rich to become rich. Like "invest/start your own business". Invest what? Or have less stress, I don't have any stress, it stress who has me and I didn't ask it for it. or educate yourself... I...
  4. 4No1

    Rate the last book you read

    Since we have a few of the reading topics, I'm not sure. But as I'm going to review/rate a little bit, then this is better I guess. The Crossing Places by Elly Griffiths not worth time, the characters are weird, ok, everyone makes mistakes, but they were supposed to be clever enough to...
  5. 4No1

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    Me too. I also prefer the beard(y) and also not in a gay way //sorry if it's too much
  6. 4No1

    Take out,eat out,or cook

    I'd like take out. But I have to cook at home :( Maybe I would like to cook if I had more free time
  7. 4No1

    Unconventional Ways to Attract a Mate.

    my unconventional idea is... no ideas to tell the truth, just to go have some rollerblading/beer instead... hmm, I was told, that in the city where I live now, women don't drink beer, neither I've seen any middleaged woman rollerblading here, so maybe they would like to have it?:unsure: I wish...
  8. 4No1

    What are you thinking right now?

    Here it was aslo. There are so many pictures in the social nets(like this one below)... And I missed it all :( I should have checked it.
  9. 4No1

    What Fictional Universe Would You Like to Inhabit?

    My one ) Does it count? Middle-earth as well.
  10. 4No1

    What are you thinking right now?

    Well, sometimes it's just a nonsence, but once I'm involved I just can't agree, so I try not to get involved. Like last time they told me that's impossible to but a prepaid sim-card abroad and that kid's passports differ from adult's ones. But it's me abroad with a sim-card and a kid with kid's...
  11. 4No1

    What are you thinking right now?

    Me too. I usually get invlolved in arguing with someone who doesn't undersdtand properly what is written and interpretate in way they like(work). I just can't keep quite when they say something like "Today is Friday" when it's Wednesday, I usually start with "but look at the calendar" and then...
  12. 4No1

    What are you thinking right now?

    Probably I'm making my biggest mistake ever... after being born 😁
  13. 4No1

    What are you thinking right now?

    What's wrong with them? Do they think, their employee are their slaves? I don't care who's son it is, I'm not going to help him with his student's work beyond my working hours. And even during my work time it's not my responsibilities. And you can do nothing about it because you will find...
  14. 4No1

    What are you thinking right now?

    Who did decide to start working so early? No matter how early I go to bed, I still can't be normal if I get up at 6-7am, even 8am. I can't wotk normal till 10, so what's the use of being so unproductive? :rolleyes: It's ages since we've had an electircity and in some regions it's still dark at...
  15. 4No1

    What are you thinking right now?

    I have to learn 2 languages and to finish one course. And probably need to get a mentor to be trained for a work... but instead I'm thinking of paying for a guitar tutor. What's wrong with me?..
  16. 4No1

    Lego Fans

    If I could I'd got most of the them 😁 All my sets are now left at my previous place and I can't get them for now :(
  17. 4No1

    Lego Fans

    OMG, a lighthouse! One of my dreams :love::love::love: It's so cool!
  18. 4No1

    What are you thinking right now?

    I wonder what job can I have, that doesn't need any talents, any specific skills or skills that can be learned/retrained fast and that one where ChatGPT(or others) is not going to replace me too fast... and where people 40+ are OK to start. And which can be a second job or a relatively well paid...
  19. 4No1

    What are you thinking right now?

    Thank you everyone. In my country too, maybe not the half though, but somehow they stay out of my radards. Thanks. I agree at some points. Not only because the work longer though, some don't but it changes nothing. Where I used to live there were bad and good schools, where I live now they...