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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Sir Joseph

    Another Example of intolerable extremists.

    In this case, it's the ironically mislabeled Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) objecting to canine handling soldiers expressing their Christian faith. It seems that putting Biblical scripture dog tags on their service animals offends MRFF's intention for a godless society. Once...
  2. Sir Joseph

    n00b here

    I've watched two good friends of mine get the prostate cancer diagnosis, follow through with surgery removal, and face the uncertainty afterwards. I can appreciate the distress and worry spent over it, but you needn't be alone in the affair nor give up yet on treatment success. While you're...
  3. Sir Joseph

    I don't want to live anymore

    You say "I exist without any purpose." Many people do, and then wonder why they struggle so much with life, feeling depressed and hopeless. Although my Christian perspective is usually rejected by people here, I none the less feel compelled to share it when the need arises. So, here's my...
  4. Sir Joseph

    I have everything, I feel nothing.

    Your situation may feel distressing 1withDarkness, but your philosophical maturity at such a young age is encouraging. The cultural trend these days is to be busy and completely consumed with our daily affairs, leaving little time for thought on one's purpose or meaning in life. A large number...
  5. Sir Joseph

    Happy Easter

    For those who care, may today be a joyful day of celebrating Easter. And for those that just don't get it but might like to understand what the big fuss is about that warrants the attention of over 2 billion people in the world today, here's a video you can watch privately from home. The Sunday...
  6. Sir Joseph

    I have depression and does anyone get depressed when they are not good in job?

    I certainly agree with others encouraging you here to pursue a better career path that'll give you more financial security. But until you do, or whether you succeed or not, let me provide a counter Christian perspective to your work situation. All work that serves mankind and helps society is...
  7. Sir Joseph

    Moral dilemma

    Yours is an extraordinarily intriguing post and a delicate issue for anyone to address. It's important enough though to warrant all the responses possible, so here's my Christian perspective which you're free to consider or ignore. I think that from an objective Christian view AND a relative...
  8. Sir Joseph

    Happy Thanksgiving

    I won't repeat the Christian heritage background I detailed last year for this American holiday, but do encourage others to give thanks, glory, and praise specifically to the one true God who's responsible for our many blessings.
  9. Sir Joseph

    I'm Broken

    Your situation may seem too distressing to overcome, but it needn't be. You know there's a plethora of people out there who's lives have crashed all the way down to the bottom like yours seems. Often times it takes the breaking of one's mind and spirit to finally call out to God for help. And...
  10. Sir Joseph

    Hi. I'm new here and going through a very difficult time at the moment...

    Welcome to the Forum Pegasus. I think you'll find all kinds of people here willing to listen and offer support. I try to provide a Christian perspective on life and your situation compels me to respond with two thoughts. If you feel strong ties to where you're living, I'd expect you to have...
  11. Sir Joseph

    is it wrong to kill yourself if you have nobody ? nobody whatsoever ?

    "If you're a real Christian, there is no viable justification; 'You shall not kill.'" Just to clarify for anyone interested, the Bible's 6th commandment is often used to condemn all killing, including capital punishment, war, and self defense, but such is a misinterpretation. The original...
  12. Sir Joseph

    is it wrong to kill yourself if you have nobody ? nobody whatsoever ?

    Right or wrong, I can respect one's desire to escape this life when subjected to difficult pain, suffering, or conditions that would limit one's physical or mental abilities. As a Christian though, I can't include loneliness as a viable justification. According to the Bible, we were created by...
  13. Sir Joseph

    Im Ray

    Welcome Ray and sorry too for your loss. It's a time to reach out to others, so make yourself get out and seek new people and interests whether you feel like it or not. Time alone doesn't necessarily heal, but time with others can.
  14. Sir Joseph

    Why am I here?

    I understand wanting to move back close to family and friends, but choosing to live in one of the most expensive cities in the world without a good job is not prudent. First of all, know that your success in this life is not ultimately judged on how well your career or finances are going, nor...
  15. Sir Joseph

    Putting in the effort

    I agree with your assessment Okidoke and have experienced the same in my life relationships. I can think of 3 reasons why my long time friends and family respond favorably to me but rarely initiate contact or action. First, they all have families, unlike me, which not only consume most of...
  16. Sir Joseph

    Everything feels hopeless.

    Asylum, you can freely dismiss my response as easily as the others, but at least allow me to say it for your consideration. I think we can all agree with some of your observations and frustrations with people and culture today. Yes, it is a messed up world of people focused on self interests...
  17. Sir Joseph

    Hi looking for place to vent with people who understand

    Welcome. Your situation's a familiar one here, so you should find some people understanding your plight and offering support. Let me be the first one here to say that Jesus already loves you more than anyone else ever can or will. Understanding, having, and appreciating that relationship will...
  18. Sir Joseph

    Feeling Sorry For Yourself?

    I know you and I share different religious beliefs TropicalStarfish, but you've also shown respect and ability to discuss serious things without offense. So, let me give you my Christian perspective on your point, and maybe it might prompt some encouragement for you or someone else here. While...
  19. Sir Joseph

    Offended quickly

    I'm not a doctor, but my life-long experience agrees with your admission Giro - that people who get offended easily are usually insecure about themselves. Let me offer a Christian perspective that many others won't like and you're free to disregard. We all want recognition, respect, love, and...
  20. Sir Joseph

    One’s Perspective on Life

    Similarly, your question goes beyond the scope of this thread and the site itself prohibits aguing over Bible passages.