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  1. V

    Sex and relationships

    Disgust is relative of course - as Seinfeld says, you'll kiss your partner on the top of their head, but if one of those same hairs ends up in your soup, you're repulsed. Philip Larkin said that sex is "usually a futile attempt to get someone to blow your own nose for you", which is a funny...
  2. V

    Sex and relationships

    Probably not a popular opinion, but the older I get, the more I find myself thinking that sex is kinda gross. It's pleasant to think about in the abstract, but often makes relationships difficult - by which I mean heterosexual relationships, I don't think homosexual relationships have the same...
  3. V

    How do you deal with adults sulking?

    Unfortunately my mother died many years ago, but yes, I think you're right, I think it is best to just try and get the person to understand that you are ready to communicate when they are.
  4. V

    How do you deal with adults sulking?

    Yes, this is exactly what I'm referring to - not difficulty communicating, that's slightly different, I'm an introvert and really struggle with communicating, but what I'm talking about is when an adult behaves in the childlike way of deliberately and pointedly ignoring you in order to be the...
  5. V

    How do you deal with adults sulking?

    My mum used to sulk, she would be sullen and uncommunicative for days (impressive, for a drunk), and somebody else close to me who is smaller and more wife-shaped also does this. You probably know the kind of thing I mean, responding to you in monosyllables if at all, not eating, sighing loudly...
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    I saw a woman interviewed on a TV show a while back, she was bisexual and had dated both men and women, and the presenter asked her what she thought the difference was, and she said "Men have a bigger ego because society forces them to compete with each other, and women are much more...
  7. V

    What do you see in the mirror today?

    I need to do something about my beard, it's starting to get out of hand. Otherwise, I'm gorgeous. I used to utterly despise my appearance when I was younger, but I feel better about that as I get older.
  8. V

    Tell Us How You're Feeling Right Now Using A Song Lyric

    "I'm tired of the old ****, let the new **** begin."
  9. V

    Only Positivity

    Learning is amazing.
  10. V

    How can I hate the British less?

    I'm British, and I'm married to an american. She says she was never impressed by my accent though. Ya know, when I woke up this morning, I literally thought that I had dreamt this thread. I was thinking to myself "that was a crazy dream, thinking there was a thread on that forum by someone who...
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    30 years married

    Ah, but this is my point - my friend did not want to end his first marriage, he wanted them to stay together, but she was absolutely adamant (and this was after they had been married only 2 years). I don't think his first wife was 'unhappy' either, she just thought she was, because the grass is...
  12. V

    30 years married

    I tell you another story - a friend of mine got married, and had a child. After only about 2 years of being married, his wife started telling him "I could do much better than you", "you don't treat me well enough" (he did), "I want a divorce" etc. So they split up. They both got remarried. My...
  13. V

    30 years married

    because of love. For me, anyway. If she would just make an effort to control her self-centredness (and not just towards me, to everyone, her family as well) and not lash out whenever she feels like it, our relationship would be good. Most of the time it is. It's the completely needless tantrums...
  14. V

    What time did you get out of bed today?

    I live on a boat and a battery went bad, it was filling the place with poisonous gas, I woke up in the night suffocating. So all the electrics have to be off until I can get someone to fit a new one.
  15. V

    What time did you get out of bed today?

    Around 6:30am, when it got light. Usually I'll get up much earlier than that, but I have no electric lights at the moment, so I have to go to bed when it gets dark and there's not a lot of point getting up until it's light. But I have to tomorrow, because work.
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    30 years married

    Louis CK: "Men do damage like a hurricane, damage that you can measure in dollars. Women leave a scar on your psyche like an atrocity." Neither is good!
  17. V

    I Feel 'Bad' Due To The Mask Mandate Ending Soon

    Masks are kinda a pain because I wear glasses and they get fogged up, and I have a beard at the moment too. But I absolutely loved lockdowns, everywhere was so quiet, I felt like this is how it should always be. I believe in the maxim that "Two thirds of the evil in the world would vanish if...
  18. V

    Afraid to end an unhealthy relationship

    Well, from what you've written, it sounds as if neither of you is happy in the relationship. So I would consider it that way: you are doing him a favour. If you both want the relationship to end, then it should end. If you do have friends and family a distance away, could you go and stay with...
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    30 years married

    30 years, that’s pretty amazing. Me and you and JJW seem to all be in similar relationships (although I’ve been married for only 6 years). My wife has borderline personality disorder (and depression), which I have read a couple of books about, and seems to be a ‘catch-all’ term for when...
  20. V

    Not attracted to women my age

    I think you are probably right about your ex-boyfriend. People like to put romantic interpretations on death, but often it is just the simple day to day horror. It is very sad. I don't know if it is self-esteem but I do feel that nobody should be interested in me - to be honest I feel this with...