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  1. L

    Why is everyone always so ready to ghost me?

    @Normski I am not ghosting you, you got me wrong. I don't come on this forum all the time and I work during the week so usually not at all then. I used to be on here more often but I lost my sister in late august and I've been struggling with that and other work issues lately and not really...
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    @Lonelyroad haha very funny. Maybe weed did kill somebody but they didn't die from smoking it hehehehe. @SpectraApocalypse I tried edibles and didn't really like them myself, they did **** me I felt too much. Which for me is rare, normally I enjoy something like that.
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    **** Sobriety

    @SpectraApocalypse I am old and I'm a lifelong weed smoker, and I have an IT career and I've always been a fairly successful guy. I work at home so I smoke while I'm working, and I've always called it the secret to my success. Other drugs and alcohol aren't like weed. They will literally...
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    @SpectraApocalypse to me there is nothing wrong with smoking weed, and I also thought that trolley girl should share a spliff of what she's got.. I like the good stuff myself, I drive across town to get it, when I could get some right down the street but it's not as good. But even after I...
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    Falling out with people over your opinions.

    My point on this was maybe it's the venue, for me facebook would not be the right venue to challenge my viewpoints. If anyone did it privately I would never block them, but I don't want to start a debate where family and coworkers might see or get involved. Somehow i've got 250 facebook...
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    Falling out with people over your opinions.

    Now me personally I'm not going to argue about my viewpoints on facebook. I actually don't post anything on facebook but I really would never post any controversial on there. It's because my family is on their, a lot of people I work with are on there. I don't care about their political...
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    Questions for both Men and Women.

    Yes but who does he want to have sex with, is it somebody else? or are they the virgin mother not wanting to have sex at all, and why. What about sex acts that are not actual intercourse, Bill Clinton didn't believe that was sex. I would be confused and suspicious or them, but no matter what...
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    Questions for both Men and Women.

    Well of course I would, I like people, but would be a relationship or a friendship. Any relationship i've ever been in involved sex. Is there any kissing. I've lots of had lots of friends of the opposite sex and that's is no sex relationships and I'm fine with that. But Iif I had a partner...
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    @SpectraApocalypse you are such a young guy, don't give up. You can make even subtle appearance changes that will make a difference. If you don't like your hair color it, straighten or curl it, grow it or cut it off. As guys we can get away with anything pretty much in that department...
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    I agree with @threejewels if you are down on yourself, then nobody will find that attractive or say very few people. Confidence in something is. attractive at least to me. And being well versed in a subject whether it's your studies, job, or even a hobby can be attractive, as long as it's not...
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    of course people at drawn to people who are attractive, it's almost a natural reaction, we like somebody we want to have sex with. Then if the natural inclination to that isn't enough western culture teaches us to be that way. Most of the celebrities and musicians have to be attractive...
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    Why is everyone always so ready to ghost me?

    @Lady Grey thank you so much for that, I really appreciate it and I apologize for not responding sooner. i had some problems with my family and I was not on here for a while. I hope you are doing well and we can chat anytime, I don't ghost anybody in the world, if you talk to me I'll answer...
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    @SpectraApocalypse I see several things in what your saying that I want to mention So your a 21 year old guy. I don't believe your that ugly first of all. Maybe you are overweight but you can fix that, I was overweight and I lost a ton weight by doing simple things like drinking water instead...
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    Where are you from?

    I lived in MIami when Hurricane Andrew came through, which was very bad. It was shocking when we found out south florida cannot be evacuated because the only roads that go out are 95, 75 and the florida turnpike, you can't get 10 million people out on those roads. It's the everglades to the...
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    Where are you from?

    Here in Charlotte we only got some wind but it wasn't too bad, I had a tree branch hit my roof, and that kind of scared me, other then that it was just a lot of rain. So not too bad. Since we are 3 hours from the ocean Hurricanes usually don't get us too bad, the only bad we ever had was Hugo...
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    Do You Go On The Rides At Amusement Parks?

    I think your probably safer on the amusement rides then you are when you get in your car and drive, they will give just anybody a drivers license. They do some kind of training of those amusement park rides attendants. Like people who are afraid to fly, they don't understand the chance is...
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    Where are you from?

    I would say Charlotte a warm climate. The summers get very hot, with a lot of humidity, I would say summer is the worst season, this year it was the worst because everyday was like 95 with 80%-100% humidity. The average daily temp here is 70 degrees. The spring and fall are very nice, there's...
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    Whats youre star sign?

    I am also a Libra my birthday is on the 18th.
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    Where are you from?

    I am from, and still live in Charlotte, North Carolina. Somehow I ended up staying in my home town. When I was a teenager we moved to New Jersey, I really hated it. Then I moved to Miami Florida in my twenties and spent several years down there, I did like Florida and I was planning on...
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    My birthday in 3 days..

    @Roxiee happy birthday to you. I would say don't cancel the dinner, it is your birthday so spend it with a friend. If he's your real friend he shouldn't try anything like that. If you can't find anyone to go along with you and you are worried about don't be alone with him, meet him at the...