Hi Lee, Sadly, I have given up on people. I read a lot to combat loneliness. Lately, I have given up on my hobbies.
I understand, people suck! I have put maximum effort into myself. asking what’s wrong with me, is somthing odd in one way or another. I have Come to the conclusion, far less wrong with me, than most others. Most individuals are so predictable I sit and watch the interactions of many others; people play social games to manage, manipulate, use, abuse, everyone around them. I sometimes wonder if these people sense I know the games people play, and fear or feel exposed in some way or another. So they laugh and joke in their groups everyone inviting others around them to some barbi or a get-together, or party. No one ever invites me! But on the other hand I don’t want to even go, as they honestly they make me feel sick to the stomach, the level of fakery and shallow games, and they think arrogantly I don’t see it, or it goes over my head, WRONG. I have ever done anythng to them, I help them out, pick stuff up, given um a lift home after too many beers. example “ hi mate, lovely to see you” all very friendly warm and inviting, we have to get together for a meal, give you a ring bla, bla, bla ( Umm yea we will see)!! Next time you see them your treated so though they hardly even know you. People whispering in each other ears, over some trivia, you would thing they are CIA or something passing national secret garbage. Sad. I keep feeling near to ending it all, as I have now have no family, friends, nobody!! All this on top if nearly dieing about 6 months ago from a heart attack and stroke, leaving me in with same problem as Mr Bruce Willis the actor. Honestly I do feel I cannot keep this B/S game up too much longer. it just feels there no light in that tunnel. I try and go on line to try and find a possible companion. All that is, pay, pay, and pay to type messages to people I don’t know. Not that stupid and won’t play that game and can’t afford to throw money anyway. Just need a companion, and for the life of I can’t find anything/ anyone! All feels hopeless to me… In summery; I feel 98% of people I come across are disingenuous/ and the most part I am Ghosted, some say hi, little more than that, I may as well have leprosy or something, and I have done NOTHING , the crime of maybe being a free thinker, and not a sheeple! I ahve even had it on this very site, someone said " no will read this, we just drive off the site". due to my terrible crime like saying Convid 19 is scam. or there is no ISS space station type things, mass media is as fake and fake, Intolerance and bigotry!

HAH, the one or two I used to speak to over Whats App.I say this somethign is not what you think due to, bla,bla,bla, and after a couple of mins on my soap box. The response is, as though they never heard a word I said, and just go on with something they want to ask or talk about. UUUR what, I am just talking to myself or may as well!!