The Paper Duck Chronicles - Episode 1

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Feb 24, 2011
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Note: This is something I wrote last December from depression on FB. Of course some friends gave me advice and others were pretty damn critical about it. This is Part 1 of my story...please share your thoughts and opinion. I thought I'd share this so you would know a little more about me and my life a little.

My Story

I've been stressed out for the past couple of years and recently I've never been this super stressed out since last year around this time. However, its gotten worst.

Last Year...
I met her.
A girl I was in love with.
Her name was...I'll call her Angelica Smith.
We first talked on a dating website. I won't say the name of the site, but I'm sure there are some folks on here who knows it.
We talked for a while. Then we decided to meet. We met, went out, and had a blast. We then let each other know we liked one another. Day after day we would talk on the phone as if we were teenagers who were in love for the first time. We then planned to spend New Years at her college apartment. Once again I'm not going to list the details on her fully.

She came back to my house, spent the week and then we left to spend New Years in her town. I spent almost a week there. She was such an amazing girl to be around. She was very beautiful, had beautiful long black hair, brown sad eyes, and smooth Carmel skin. She loved being with me but I noticed she didn't smile alot. Then after New Years we still kept talking but she was acting strange. Whenever I would compliment her she was always negative about it. For example, if I told her she was beautiful she would deny it. Hell, whenever I tried to tell a joke..lame and cheesy jokes but enough to smile...the wrinkle on her mouth never folded to form that smile. She always looked like she was in thought and sad. Deep down I think she was somehow cold and alone. But how could she be if I was there to talk to her and give her my opinion?

February came around. I wanted to plan out a decent Valentines Day for her. I went all out. Scheduled a few days off work. Bought a bus ticket, a giant bear w/ a heart and a big box of her favorite chocolate candy. So I told her before hand about me wanting to see her again. She accepted. A few days later we talked on the phone but we had an argument about something she didnt agree with me about. I cannot remember to this day. I however remember us arguing before that about me not being able to afford to buy Victoria's Secret stuff for her. It made me a bit ticked and I wanted to talk to her about it but I let it go. I'm the type of person to let things go if it doesn't bother me as much. It was just a sting in my opinion. Maybe she was challenging me to do it. Who knows? But anyway, she told me to call her back within 5 mins. Plus, her and I needed to talk because what she said to me pissed me off and she needed to know. I needed to discuss this with her, but I needed to be careful on how I discussed this. So I wrote down how I felt and then waited to call her back. 5 mins was up. So I called and the phone was busy. So I gave her 10 mins. Nothing. 30 mins. Nothing. So I call again. Busy signal. I was like "What the hell?" So I gave her 10 more mins. Nothing. So finally I call again. Busy. Call. Busy. Call. Busy. Call. Busy. This was a big mistake. Finally, she answers on what is probably the 16th call back. "WHAT THE **** IS YOUR PROBLEM!? IF YOU CALLED ME AND SEE THAT THE PHONE IS BUSY YOU SHOULD KNOW I'LL CALL YOU BACK! I WAS ON THE PHONE WITH MY ******* MOTHER, TELLING HER ABOUT THE UPCOMING SURGERY IN MY BACK! DON'T YOU ******* DO THAT AGAIN!" she yelled. I mean this shocked me. Hearing her super pissed off like this for the first time. I mean I always knew she had a sharp tongue but damn she almost broke my cellphone with her yelling like this. I tried to calm her down and apologize. However,I knew that I needed to talk to her about her sharp tongue as of late, especially with how she just talked to me. So I was silent and waited for the right moment and read the note to her. I currently don't have the note anymore so this is only from memory:

Dear Angelica,

I care about you alot. You know I do. But theres something I need to talk to you about. Please forgive me if this seems really rude
Lately, you've been really cold towards me. Whenever I want to share how I feel to you [like complimenting you or doing something for you] you just nod and pretend like it's nothing. You don't even laugh at my jokes even if it is cheesy just to be nice. Then just the other day we had a talk about something and you got into a big argument with me and it happened again today. I don't appreciate how you are treating me. All I ever ask is that you just show me you care. I just want you to love me. That's all I ever asked.

There was other stuff but I cannot remember the rest at the moment.
She was quiet.
Then she asked me how long have I felt this way. I told her not too long. She just recently started acting like this.
"well it must have been a while cuz im now hearing about this!" she said. My stomach sank because I knew she was pissed. But was I wrong? She then started going off at me in the phone saying what I said was total ******** and even if that was the case I should have said something sooner. Which is true but the first time I let it go. It was all out of anger which I was wrong to do it from the source of but she needed to know how I felt. So now was better than never. Then she said: "You know what. I don't want to talk to you. Don't call me. Don't even bother coming here! I won't pick you up!" then she hung up.

A few days later, 3 days before that Sunday/Valentines Day I called her. We talked and I tried to fight to get her back, but she stated that I pushed her back into a position all her exes had her in for 3 years. She said that all of her exes were verbally abusive and one was physically abusive. She had to go see a shrink and even that didn't help. She explained that she didn't want to be with me anymore and that there was no hope. I ****** it up. I told her that wasn't fair. She didn't even give me a chance. "I'm sorry but thats just how I am" she said.

We didn't talk for a while. I deleted her from my friends list on facebook and she sent me a message saying:

February 14 at 10:50am

Guess you deleted me as friend...could you send me my books address is XXXX XXX Street Apt. CXXX XXXX, FL 32XXX...Thanks

My response was:
February 14 at 3:35pm

Yes, I deleted you as friend. 1. Because you're not forgiving and won't let things go and 2. I tried pleading and reasoning and whenever I spoke you tend to jump to conclusions and wouldn't try to be a little understanding. Yeah, I did say I want to be your friend but then it dawned on me; How could we be friends if you don't trust me? Thats being fake. You're only friends with people you can trust or know you can eventually trust and let's not ******** you already said you cannot trust me anymore. So why try? Why start over? Oh, right no sense starting over like you said. Also, I'd rather be honest and tell the truth than lie or cheat and seemingly you cannot handle the truth when someone tells you it. Seriously, you should be mad at yourself...not blaming me for what I said and not because I supposedly "hurt" you. You're hurt and angry at yourself because the truth stings and you know what needs to be done. You're 21 years old Angelica nobody should have to tell you this, you didn't think it hurt me when thinking about telling you this? It did. It might not matter now but one of these days you'll see what I'm talking about. If you don't care then you definitely have something that needs to be focused and worked on and get mad all you want..seriously. Right now I don't care anymore...I just don't give a flying ****. I'm moving on with my life and learned a lot from this and I hope you should do the same. But know this: If you don't wake up and see what I'm telling you, you will end up alone. If it sounds cruel I'm sorry but its the truth. So deal with it. When you really care about someone sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. What i told you was an example of that. All I can say now is I did love you at one time but you're just too stubborn to realize the fact. Wake...up..Angelica Smith.

Btw, I'll send your books when I get the chance.

I wont call YOU, message YOU, I wont ever speak to YOU again. YOU got what YOU wanted. Have a nice life and take GOOD CARE of YOURSELF.

She had let me borrow her Twilight books to read. I wasn't a fan but I wanted to be closer to her in every way possible. I mean don't get me wrong, those books are good but it's the films I don't like. Anywho, so I didn't talk to her for a week. Then I got a text message. Can you guess who? Yep, you guessed it. Her. She messaged me because she was in the hospital. She said that shes sorry if I'm bothering her and that if I could send her, her books. I told her I didn't think she was bothering me. I was done talking to her and everything. The texts went back and forth til we got to what might be a resolution. We talked everything over and agreed to discuss our problems openly. I thought we were back together, but I was definitely wrong.

At the time something bothered me. Something she had said. I questioned her about it since we did have the agreement. Then, her tone changed from a sweet but painful voice to a cracked, angry, enraged of a voice. She was back in that angered state, before I knew it we WERE through.

I blocked her from facebook and AIM officially. Stayed off her radar and never called her ever again.

After that whole incident I stopped dating and visiting dating websites altogether. I kept to myself. Blaming myself. Hurting myself.
Then my best friend Seth woke me up. He explained to me that she didn't know what she wanted and that while I'm hurting myself spiritually she's probably out having the time of her life. I needed to move on with my life and that when I'm ready to date to forget about her. He was right but after her it was hard to trust any woman. Sometimes it still is. Lately, I've been trying to meet girls and go out on dates but I don't have any luck. Some have turned me down for stupid reasons and reasons I don't know about. Some have led me on and just simply wanted to be my friend.

I wrote this story because this was the kind of **** I had to deal with. I gave myself time to regain my confidence, my grace, my strength. I became happy to live again, but that trust is still taking its time to be worked on. Sometimes though, I do get depressed and tend to take it out on those who don't help me resolve my problem. I'm not depressed because of Angelica. I just want to be given a chance. I'm a lovable person, but sometimes I get the feeling nobody wants to be around me. Maybe its just the stress, maybe it's just the people themselves. I dunno. But whatever the future has in store for me I hope it gets here sooner. I hope she finds me or I find her.

To be continued.....?
1, every women that Ive every been with are pretty..everyone of them dont think they're pretty... So I just call then beautiful or whatever nick give her positve reenforcements...over time she feels better about her.
2. You can tell a women theyre beautiful all you want..its your body launage..Its like everytime you see gatta have this WOW ur super hot N amazing...AM I LUCKIE TO SEE YOU.!!!!!
3. Not taking her to Vicotria Secrets
Was killing 2 bird in one stone..Your suppost to take her..Then she'll say..Honey pick out whatever outfit
...Im wearing it for you...
If u didnt send her fowers or candie to work...thats another NO...NO...

4. Shes having back surgery. She needs support becuase..its a very scary thing.....dude
5.Have you made any sexual advance on her...after all if you think shes hawt..put ur hands on her FFS.

All ur actions and attitude shows you dont care for her or in love with her...

Then you have the odacity to tell her she a stupid ass bitch in so many ways. .

You dont understand very mcuh about women dont ya???

Plus you,re still in this self aborbing mode..Its not all about you ..dude.

It disnt matter if shes right or wrong in ur eyes..dude.
Would you rather be right
or would rather chose Piece.
Ur god damn self rightousness is pushing her away..
Stop fighting her....
its like you rather be right than to get a piece of ass...Ok..the sugar coat version.."LOVE"...

**** the book dude....
You needed to suit N show up and be with her before surgery and after...
Be by her side..through some of her deepest N darkest hours..
Those are opportunities or actaully the truth of how how you really care N love her moments.

Thats went poeple now...who really cares for them or not...
For a couple of seconds after reading this, I felt kind of bad for you. Then, I did the math and realized you said all of this stuff to her 3 days before Valentine's Day, which was also about a week before she was going to have surgery. Your timing was very very bad. Even if she said it wasn't a big deal, it's a big deal. If a guy said all of that stuff to me at such a time, I would assume he didn't really care about me. Don't misunderstand- it's important to address your feelings and everything, but... you have to cut somebody a little slack at a time like that. It's quite possible she DID feel the way you described her- cold and alone.
But anyway, she told me to call her back within 5 mins. Plus, her and I needed to talk because what she said to me pissed me off and she needed to know. I needed to discuss this with her, but I needed to be careful on how I discussed this. So I wrote down how I felt and then waited to call her back. 5 mins was up. So I called and the phone was busy. So I gave her 10 mins. Nothing. 30 mins. Nothing. So I call again. Busy signal. I was like "What the hell?" So I gave her 10 more mins. Nothing. So finally I call again. Busy. Call. Busy. Call. Busy. Call. Busy. This was a big mistake. Finally, she answers on what is probably the 16th call back.

This...this is just so very annoying. She may have told you 5 minutes but that is not very long when it comes to phone conversations. If someone tells me that I tell them to call me back when they are done. I had a friend who used to call me, and if I didn't pick up she'd call right back. If we were texting and I didn't answer immediately she'd call me asking why I haven't texted her back yet. It was so ANNOYING! You may probably 16 calls!?! I'd be pissed off two, after the second maybe third attempt you should have just given up and waited for her to call you back.

I can't stress this enough, and this is for everyone, do not do that, ever. It is very annoying when you can't even take a dump without someone, the same person, ringing the phone constantly until you pick it up. If you can't get through to someone just give up and wait an hour or for them to call you back.
I didn't know she was going through surgery. She told me at the last minute plus you have no idea...whenever I did tell her how pretty she was I was pretty much alive. I was loud about it and didnt care who thought what.

Plus when we went to go see Avatar on New Years day we decided to look around the mall for a while. Thats when we went into Victoria's Secret. While we were in there I told her I would get some stuff there for her. She kept saying nah because she felt I couldn't afford it. It kinda pissed me off however I should have just did it instead of talking. Although, you still don't tell someone you supposedly care about that they cannot afford it.

Believe me...if you were there you would know everything that happened...all I did was told the truth about what happened.

She argued...she never tried to resolve anything...I wanted peace but I had to be openly the beginning of the relationship we agreed to be openly honest....and I was. She couldn't handle it. People who are supposed to be a couple and in love discuss things...not sweep it up under the rug and pretend it'll go awake for the sake of peace. Because like that you won't find will get worse and keep eating away at you. I'm a person of resolve and peace...not pretending just to stay with someone....honesty is everything.

Also I couldn't be with her during her surgery...she lives 3 hours away and I don't drive. Plus, she didn't want me to be around why bother? She was stressed out as it was and I didn't want to stress her out even more and the worst happens in surgery.

I know I'm not perfect...but I tried. I will post my other story soon to explain why I'm a bit awkward and mistrusting towards women...why I hesitate on things.

Sci-Fi said:
But anyway, she told me to call her back within 5 mins. Plus, her and I needed to talk because what she said to me pissed me off and she needed to know. I needed to discuss this with her, but I needed to be careful on how I discussed this. So I wrote down how I felt and then waited to call her back. 5 mins was up. So I called and the phone was busy. So I gave her 10 mins. Nothing. 30 mins. Nothing. So I call again. Busy signal. I was like "What the hell?" So I gave her 10 more mins. Nothing. So finally I call again. Busy. Call. Busy. Call. Busy. Call. Busy. This was a big mistake. Finally, she answers on what is probably the 16th call back.

This...this is just so very annoying. She may have told you 5 minutes but that is not very long when it comes to phone conversations. If someone tells me that I tell them to call me back when they are done. I had a friend who used to call me, and if I didn't pick up she'd call right back. If we were texting and I didn't answer immediately she'd call me asking why I haven't texted her back yet. It was so ANNOYING! You may probably 16 calls!?! I'd be pissed off two, after the second maybe third attempt you should have just given up and waited for her to call you back.

I can't stress this enough, and this is for everyone, do not do that, ever. It is very annoying when you can't even take a dump without someone, the same person, ringing the phone constantly until you pick it up. If you can't get through to someone just give up and wait an hour or for them to call you back.

I know now. Its one of those life lessons I've learned the hard way...believe me.
You know, also, its hard to know what is going on in a long distance relationship. As in, you aren't in the same room as them. If she used to accept your compliments and then all of a sudden became cold and didn't accept them, maybe she had done something wrong and the guilt was manifesting itself in her not accepting them anymore.

In any case, coldness, emotional coldness, is just shutting the door in someones face. Its a way to say "go away". I do equate it with slamming a door in someones face because it can really really hurt the other party, if they've been emotionally open with that person.

Everyone is afraid of being vulnerable. I get the feeling there is more to the story than she told you though because at first she was warm and open with you and then all of a sudden SLAM! Something changed. Could've been lack of trust, but I don't go mush on someone if I don't trust them.

Whatever the case, she didn't want you anymore.
SophiaGrace said:
You know, also, its hard to know what is going on in a long distance relationship. As in, you aren't in the same room as them. If she used to accept your compliments and then all of a sudden became cold and didn't accept them, maybe she had done something wrong and the guilt was manifesting itself in her not accepting them anymore.

In any case, coldness, emotional coldness, is just shutting the door in someones face. Its a way to say "go away". I do equate it with slamming a door in someones face because it can really really hurt the other party, if they've been emotionally open with that person.

Everyone is afraid of being vulnerable. I get the feeling there is more to the story than she told you though because at first she was warm and open with you and then all of a sudden SLAM! Something changed. Could've been lack of trust, but I don't go mush on someone if I don't trust them.

Whatever the case, she didn't want you anymore.

I got the feeling there was more to her story too and yeah I said the same did feel like she wanted me to "Go away". She just kept denying it...saying nothing's wrong..everything's fine. But hey...thats ok...thats the past. I've moved on. I just felt my story needed to be shared. However, more is on the way.
PaperDuck87 said:
I didn't know she was going through surgery. She told me at the last minute plus you have no idea.

You had enough notice that you didn't have to read her this letter until later. I do think it's important to talk about your feelings, but timing is very important. Honestly, the surgery might have played a large role in the behavior you were complaining about. It sounds similar to how I act when I'm stressed out, really.
Its all water under the bridge..just learn from it I guess...

she's probably slapping herself silly too.. Thinking to herself..this will be the last time she dates a dude with no car..wont fucvk her and make her feel liike ****.lol

she's woman...dude. She's not a little girl..Some women...I mean A LOT women feel will feel if though not woman enough..if u aint man enough..
Thats tthe effect it has oin a woman if you dont make a move on them..
Shes looking for a partner..and also a **** partner...not a friendzone dude.
PaperDuck87 said:
She loved being with me but I noticed she didn't smile alot. Then after New Years we still kept talking but she was acting strange. Whenever I would compliment her she was always negative about it. For example, if I told her she was beautiful she would deny it. Hell, whenever I tried to tell a joke..lame and cheesy jokes but enough to smile...the wrinkle on her mouth never folded to form that smile. She always looked like she was in thought and sad. Deep down I think she was somehow cold and alone.
She seemed like she was unhappy. Which doesn't surprise me if she has a history of abusive relationships. Whenever I come across a girl with really low self esteem i wonder if she's been in abusive relationships. Like, the kind of girl that just accepts insults as being true THAT kind of low self-esteem is a red-flag indicator for me.

PaperDuck87 said:
Then she said: "You know what. I don't want to talk to you. Don't call me. Don't even bother coming here! I won't pick you up!" then she hung up.
This reaction seems overblown to what you said to her. All you asked her to do was care and accept your compliments. I mean, sure, maybe she was stressed over the surgery, but to say that to you? It seems odd.

PaperDuck87 said:
A few days later, 3 days before that Sunday/Valentines Day I called her. We talked and I tried to fight to get her back, but she stated that I pushed her back into a position all her exes had her in for 3 years. She said that all of her exes were verbally abusive and one was physically abusive. She had to go see a shrink and even that didn't help. She explained that she didn't want to be with me anymore and that there was no hope. I ****** it up. I told her that wasn't fair. She didn't even give me a chance. "I'm sorry but thats just how I am" she said.

How the **** did you push her into a corner like her exes did??? Seriously, it doesnt sound like you are being abusive. If what she said was true, then you are paying for how others behaved towards her.

Do you remember what the position (corner) was? I'm curious.

PaperDuck87 said:
At the time something bothered me. Something she had said. I questioned her about it since we did have the agreement. Then, her tone changed from a sweet but painful voice to a cracked, angry, enraged of a voice. She was back in that angered state, before I knew it we WERE through.

Again, overblown reaction.

Just thought I'd point these things out, I thought they were out of place even for someone stressed out about having a surgery.

It seems like she just wanted to get rid of you. That's my gut feeling. Might be wrong but, seems like she broke up with you over nothing.

Sorry to hear things worked out the way they did. The yelling would have bothered me. The only time it's really appropriate to yell is to say "WATCH OUT FOR THAT BUS!!!!" and since I'm a parent I'll add that it would be appropriate to yell "GET YOUR ******* HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER!!!" Other than that? C'mon, she didn't have to yell at you like that.

@Sophia: The funny thing about it? I asked her everyday if shes ok or if she needed to talk to me about anything. All I ever got were "nods" and "nope, I'm good".

Lonesome Crow said:
she's probably slapping herself silly too.. Thinking to herself..this will be the last time she dates a dude with no car..wont fucvk her and make her feel liike ****.lol

Hah, you really think I want to be in a relationship restricting sex? You're crazy. She was doing that. Every time we played around she kept saying I backed off. I figured I'd respect waiting until she felt she was ready...You have no idea how bad I wanted it. But I was able to control myself....*facepalm* a fool. Then again she's a bigger fool for wanting her cake and eating it too. I was being a fool out of respect and love for her. :(
PaperDuck87 said:
But I was able to control myself....*facepalm* a fool.

Uh, how is it foolish to back off when someone says no? No is no.
SophiaGrace said:
PaperDuck87 said:
But I was able to control myself....*facepalm* a fool.

Uh, how is it foolish to back off when someone says no? No is no.

Let's just say she was quite the tease. She claims she was a virgin yet the things she did and said...uh-uh. No way in hell. However, I was being a gentlemen but in the eyes of "Some people" its foolish. I could have left her after all those times waiting...but I didn't...because I did love her...and only people in love do foolish things. Although, she would have never understood matter how much I tell her this.
You know, I know a lot about sex, because of the internet, and I might not act like a virgin, but I still am in the physical sense. o.o

>.> that was entirely too much information, but mightve been true in your exes case.
PaperDuck87 said:
@Sophia: The funny thing about it? I asked her everyday if shes ok or if she needed to talk to me about anything. All I ever got were "nods" and "nope, I'm good".

Don't do that either. You ask, she (or he (ladies)) doesn't want to or says they are good leave it alone for a few days (and don't go asking "are you sure" oh man that is annoying). When you ask it shows the person you care and they can talk to you when they are ready.

Its very simple. You dont understand women. They communiately differntly then men....
It about honoring her and valuing her as a person and getting her to feel shes more important to you than anything else in the world...

Serveral times u said u got into a miss agreement with her...and you cant even remember why...Thats becuasse it wasnt improtant to you..but to her its everyhing...
Letturing her only kills her spirit even more. The letter you wrote her closed off her spirit to you even more...
Shes simply hurted and wants someone or a man to love for her and value her. She knows what she wants....but you didnt undertand her to be able to give those things to her.
Lonesome Crow said:
Its very simple. You dont understand women. They communiately differntly then men....
It about honoring her and valuing her as a person and getting her to feel shes more important to you than anything else in the world...

Serveral times u said u got into a miss agreement with her...and you cant even remember why...Thats becuasse it wasnt improtant to you..but to her its everyhing...
Letturing her only kills her spirit even more. The letter you wrote her closed off her spirit to you even more...
Shes simply hurted and wants someone or a man to love for her and value her. She knows what she wants....but you didnt undertand her to be able to give those things to her.

What the hell are you talking about? She's always been closing herself off to me...she never talked to me about anything until the last minute. She didn't want to be emotional with me, never wanted to share, never wanted to ****...what else can I do to help her? Slap her around like her exes and then make her hate men entirely? **** no. I was honest. She asked for honesty, she got it, and couldn't take it. I felt I had to walk on eggshells at certain times because I knew about her anger issues and how she dealt with stuff. This is why I hesitated. I cared too much about her feelings and put myself in the fire for her many of times only to get spit on and burned. Plus, you only know half of what I've experienced with her...if you knew the other would be singing a different tune. So don't tell me I didn't give her what she wanted.

When her best friend died in a car accident I tried to console her and hug her but she kept pushing me away and telling me to **** off....literally. Then theres the time when she got into an argument with some girl on the phone who stole her friend that passed boyfriend. She wanted to drive over there and beat her ass. I could understand her anger but she didn't have to resort to violent threats. Then again it's easy to say that since im not in her shoes but what the hell..? After she hung up with the girl she was crying again and didn't want to be bothered. Once again I slept in her bed alone while she slept on the couch. So you see everytime I tried to help her she pushed me away...BUT when it came to foreplay...she kept pulling me in.

In other words...she played me like a fiddle...***** sake man.

Will...its like this ....
This is just your side of the story...
Shes not here to defend herself.
Im not ready to nail her ass upside down on a cross , pour gasloine and flick a big...just yet. :p

Since u wrote all this ****...
Would it be helpful if I tell you..I had the same mentally as you did and did the same **** that you did..and lost serveral beautiful loving drop dead goregous women....

Would it aslo help you..if I inform you that..the informations Im passing on to you are informations I learned or gain from a professional marriage couselor or relationship counselor?

If you want to vent...just vent
Its part of the healing process..
It okay for you to feel angery..

Let me assist you..
Ill go then you go..

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