Yes...I fine it irratating.
Cuz I get conflicting informations...
In many..many self help or healthy
livng books...itll say share your
life with family and freinds.
Family and friends are important.
It basic humans needs.
To love and be loved...
If I read other literature ..itll say
I should be able to be happy wheather i have friends N family or not..Happiness is an inside job and all that good ****....
At a personal level or experince..
Im much happier if Im around family and friends....I dont have to work
on that inside job as much...
Im able to love and be loved naturally.
Unfortunately...some of my friends and family are unhealthy or I grew up in a dysfunctional enviorment.
Everything is twisted and upside down....some family members break me or abuse me.
My perception of life is like looking through a fractured window..Love and pain is tangled up.
anyway...Ive been in relationship or with various women all my life...
Strange as it may be...
I wish to only have partner throughout my life.
Yeap.... I can attend any of the As support groups...
AA NA , Alanon. Coda ACOA..
alcoholism and codepency
Being an adult child of an alcholic...
I get in relationship with women that
has substance or alcholism....over and over again. It even states this in ACOA literature
and thats pretty much had been the story of my life.
Its a family disease...
Im on a mission the save my daughters life and Renaes life....
Dont know if Im acting out on my codependcy or whatever...
I feel if I dont do this I wont be able to live with myself and I certainly dont wanna check the **** out or get loaded.
Theyre my family. I love them both more than anything in the world.