Thank you both for taking the time to view and comment on my work! :3 Yeah, I love Nujabes. I honestly was never even going for a Nujabes vibe, but I guess there is a pretty clear connection there. Similar taste in samples for sure though. I'm mainly influenced by El-P, Blockhead, and MF Doom on my beats. I really love the old-school, funky, trippy, odd samples they use, and the the way that they layer and arrange them. They also have those really choppy varied percussions sounds like I often times use. Lately I've been using similar samples but more trappy style drum patterns.
I'm finally getting [another] (my last one broke before I was able to really use it) midi-controller for christmas. This one:
I can really take my intrumentals to the next level now. Sampling is all but dead this days, so I'm working with my mentors on learning how to actually play music. I'm going to learn the basics of music theory and start playing out melodies and tapping drums/samples on the drum pad. Interpolation (, it's basically where you play/rearrange samples out with new sounds) is primarily what people are using these days. Flying Lotus does this. They did this on the original music for the GTA soundtrack, because paying for copyrights to samples is typically mad expensive. Though, people still do sample, and will continue to, you just can't sell that music easily.
I just made a Facebook page for my art, and will put it all on there as well as in this thread as I make it.
Right now I'm writing a new song, and working on a couple beats. I take a bit of time to make art, because I have ADHD and go into hyper focus for about an hour or 2 at a time but get distracted easily. Sometimes I will work like 12 hours on one thing though... Hopefully be done those by the end of the week. I sorta need to focus on learning to drive right now. My real life comes first.
Anyway, thanks again yo. ;D
Oh yeah and here's this: