Is Racism Natural OR Nurtural?

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[BLOG] Is Racism Natural or Nurtural?

IS Racism Natural OR Nurtural?
Racists are not born, but made!

Racism begins not in courts, classrooms and segregated societies, but at home. Specifically, in the everyday interactions between parent and child/children.

Children from young are often taught to hate or to distrust another for the colour of their skin, and to only seek friendships/relationships within their own race. The teachings used are often subtle, yet very manipulative. For the sake of all our children's children, we must seek to change not only ourselves, but our society.

Language plays a massive role regarding our attitudes to others, so it is all our duty to choose our words carefully. When we see or hear or a negative stereotype, so do our children.
Even in public schools, history is often taught from the perspective of just one race, Caucasian.

It is important that our children see that many people have been hurt and in some cases, even died due to a society of intolerance and bigotry.
Whether during the times of slavery or the current day itself, injustices such as these are still happening all over the world.
Just because mainstream media isn't reporting it, does not mean it is not happening, a fact many seem to forget or simply ignore.

Our everyday actions will tell our children what we truly believe when it comes to the many issues surrounding racism. The simple gesture of welcoming persons of another race into your life conveys to a child that you respect the persons and are glad to have them as friends.

Your willingness to take a stand against injustice in your community and around the globe, whether regarding the issues of the housing situation, immigration, education or police activity, all will ultimately give a message of fairness and hope to the children watching.

It is the children of all races that are being damaged and hurt by the racism, prejudice and bigotry they see and experience in their everyday lives. Our racism should not be passed onto our children. Instead we should be giving the children a sense of respect for all persons and cultures; the ability to work together despite cultural or religious differences; and the firm belief that we all are brothers and sisters created in the image of God, whether we are religious or not.

"No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than it's opposite.”

Words of the late great Nelson Mandela.
This here speaks volumes to me as something we could all learn from.

I personally despise racism as much as I do child sex offenders, both of which I believe should be punished by death. As a young child, I was raised in a very racist household. Whether Black, Brown or Mixed my father Martin was not a fan of any of these races and would continually enforce his warped ideology onto his three children. If they are not white, then they are not right, and he would not have it any other way.

As I grew older and turned to rap music, his racist outbursts would increase to the point if it had any 'Black Reference', then it would be banned from my family home.
Rap Tapes, Magazines, T-Shirts, Videos, Posters, absolutely everything!!
Even Adidas tracksuit bottoms were outlawed, as he had seen a photo of an old school New York Graffiti artist called Case wearing a pair! Lol, you just can't make this stuff up!

At twenty years old my then Fiancée gave birth to a beautiful mixed-race baby girl but due to her mother being light skinned and my daughter mixed, we were all disowned by my hateful, racist father.
Being that he was a multi-millionaire with a lot of say at the time, he then refused to let any family member have any contact with any of us, whatsoever.
Absolutely everybody stood by him and condoned his dirty actions, except my step-sister who threatened to run away from home if she did not get to see her new born niece. It was then and only then, were my step-sister, step-mum and step-brother allowed to see my daughter twice.

As you can probably imagine this cut me so deeply, so in honour of my daughter, I set out to expose my dad's racism online via poetry and hip-hop lyrics. This soon backfired when I was held on remand in Chelmsford, facing nine to eleven years for three charges, threats to kill, slander and harassment lol.

A couple years later adding further insult to injury, my step-brother showed me endless files of Large, Naked Black Women my dad had hidden away on his home computer, something that was kept highly secret until I wrote about it.
So basically this degenerate had disowned his first and only grandchild due to the tone of her skin, yet was very turned on by the sight of obese dark skinned women, excuse my French but what a c*t!!!

Looking back now I don't even hate my father for his deep seated hatred, I just pity him and the lack of parenting within his own childhood which lead to him disowning a gift so special. This clearly reflects his own self-hatred, of which he projects on to others to make himself feel good inside.

This also explains the many physical beatings I received from him as a young boy. The sad fact is not all of us are capable of loving others, hence lonely old racist men like him exist in today's world.

At the end of the day my daughter will always be my princess, no matter what him or anybody else thinks.

My name is Ian Dunne, and I am a proud father to a mixed-race daughter, one whom I'm very proud of!!

Copyright The Elusive Mr Dunne (All rights reserved)
It's ********, is what it is.
Look, when you're a kid, you're scared of the dark because you don't understand the nighttime.
When you're an adult and you work all the time, nighttime becomes your favorite part of the day. 😂
It's kind of like that. People are inherently afraid of what they don't know and don't understand. Fear Of The Unknown is one of the oldest and greatest fears there is.
But in modernity, with a highly technologically advanced civilization, cameras in everyone's hands and the ability for each and every individual to escalate their sense?
The only reasons for racism are bigotry, arrogance, and perhaps indoctrination for those who are raised by bigoted families.
Thousands of years ago it makes sense from a primitive idea of human evolution, but these were also the same people who saw a meteor shower and called it a "fire bird," so I mean, there's that. Archaic man is full of many marvelous and wondrous things, but also full of many terrible and disgusting things.
Archaic man is full of many marvelous and wondrous things, but also full of many terrible and disgusting things.
Cave man make fire. It be good. Ugghhh.


[BLOG] Is Racism Natural or Nurtural?

IS Racism Natural OR Nurtural?
Racists are not born, but made!

Racism begins not in courts, classrooms and segregated societies, but at home. Specifically, in the everyday interactions between parent and child/children.

Children from young are often taught to hate or to distrust another for the colour of their skin, and to only seek friendships/relationships within their own race. The teachings used are often subtle, yet very manipulative. For the sake of all our children's children, we must seek to change not only ourselves, but our society.

Language plays a massive role regarding our attitudes to others, so it is all our duty to choose our words carefully. When we see or hear or a negative stereotype, so do our children.
Even in public schools, history is often taught from the perspective of just one race, Caucasian.

It is important that our children see that many people have been hurt and in some cases, even died due to a society of intolerance and bigotry.
Whether during the times of slavery or the current day itself, injustices such as these are still happening all over the world.
Just because mainstream media isn't reporting it, does not mean it is not happening, a fact many seem to forget or simply ignore.

Our everyday actions will tell our children what we truly believe when it comes to the many issues surrounding racism. The simple gesture of welcoming persons of another race into your life conveys to a child that you respect the persons and are glad to have them as friends.

Your willingness to take a stand against injustice in your community and around the globe, whether regarding the issues of the housing situation, immigration, education or police activity, all will ultimately give a message of fairness and hope to the children watching.

It is the children of all races that are being damaged and hurt by the racism, prejudice and bigotry they see and experience in their everyday lives. Our racism should not be passed onto our children. Instead we should be giving the children a sense of respect for all persons and cultures; the ability to work together despite cultural or religious differences; and the firm belief that we all are brothers and sisters created in the image of God, whether we are religious or not.

"No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than it's opposite.”

Words of the late great Nelson Mandela.
This here speaks volumes to me as something we could all learn from.

I personally despise racism as much as I do child sex offenders, both of which I believe should be punished by death. As a young child, I was raised in a very racist household. Whether Black, Brown or Mixed my father Martin was not a fan of any of these races and would continually enforce his warped ideology onto his three children. If they are not white, then they are not right, and he would not have it any other way.

As I grew older and turned to rap music, his racist outbursts would increase to the point if it had any 'Black Reference', then it would be banned from my family home.
Rap Tapes, Magazines, T-Shirts, Videos, Posters, absolutely everything!!
Even Adidas tracksuit bottoms were outlawed, as he had seen a photo of an old school New York Graffiti artist called Case wearing a pair! Lol, you just can't make this stuff up!

At twenty years old my then Fiancée gave birth to a beautiful mixed-race baby girl but due to her mother being light skinned and my daughter mixed, we were all disowned by my hateful, racist father.
Being that he was a multi-millionaire with a lot of say at the time, he then refused to let any family member have any contact with any of us, whatsoever.
Absolutely everybody stood by him and condoned his dirty actions, except my step-sister who threatened to run away from home if she did not get to see her new born niece. It was then and only then, were my step-sister, step-mum and step-brother allowed to see my daughter twice.

As you can probably imagine this cut me so deeply, so in honour of my daughter, I set out to expose my dad's racism online via poetry and hip-hop lyrics. This soon backfired when I was held on remand in Chelmsford, facing nine to eleven years for three charges, threats to kill, slander and harassment lol.

A couple years later adding further insult to injury, my step-brother showed me endless files of Large, Naked Black Women my dad had hidden away on his home computer, something that was kept highly secret until I wrote about it.
So basically this degenerate had disowned his first and only grandchild due to the tone of her skin, yet was very turned on by the sight of obese dark skinned women, excuse my French but what a c*t!!!

Looking back now I don't even hate my father for his deep seated hatred, I just pity him and the lack of parenting within his own childhood which lead to him disowning a gift so special. This clearly reflects his own self-hatred, of which he projects on to others to make himself feel good inside.

This also explains the many physical beatings I received from him as a young boy. The sad fact is not all of us are capable of loving others, hence lonely old racist men like him exist in today's world.

At the end of the day my daughter will always be my princess, no matter what him or anybody else thinks.

My name is Ian Dunne, and I am a proud father to a mixed-race daughter, one whom I'm very proud of!!

Copyright The Elusive Mr Dunne (All rights reserved)
I read some theories about racism, and I think they are right.
Racism is a defense mechanism to preserve the species, that is the basis.
We tend to think of it in terms of black vs white, but you can find racism all across the world.
That doesn't mean I condone it, of course, we are humans and need to overcome some basic instincts, including racism.
I thought it was a natural thing, I heard a famous boxer say, the blue birds fly with the blue birds and the yellow with the yellow... but I wish it wasn't real though.

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