Today I Am My Daughter’s Hero

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Feb 5, 2023
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My eldest has been having a tough time, over the past few years especially. One thing she loves is animals. She has a few pets: two tanks of axolotls, a rabbit and a bearded dragon. She was living out of home for a while and I encouraged her to return home after her flatmates became too much of an anxious frustration for her and told her it was okay to have her animals here with us too. She is studying vet nursing and copes with several health issues as well as working in hospitality.

Her bearded dragon died suddenly a few months ago for no discernible reason and she was quite devastated. Then recently her bunny got really sick, but her quick noticing of the bunny’s behaviour helped get him urgent treatment from the vet who thought bunny wouldn’t make it thru the night, but he did and slowly overcame a major infection and after about three weeks he is his old self albeit with some serious scar healing from a tracking infection. And this sudden illness was on my daughter’s birthday, which would’ve been an awful present.

Two weeks ago she bought another bearded dragon, a three legged one we call Stumpy who had been in the pet store for over a year. His siblings had chewed off the lower half of one of his rear legs. My daughter loves to save disabled animals. Many of her axolotls are deformed too.

Fast forward to yesterday, when she took her eyes off Stumpy for a moment while he explored our garden, he vanished. We searched for hours without luck. He had obviously found himself a hidey hole and hunkered down for the night. My daughter was so upset. She placed a message on a community FB page, then today walked around to many neighbors with “lost” pamphlets of Stumpy. We looked around the yard more today and into some neighboring yards without luck.

About to go to bed tonight I saw my daughter crying in her room and I found it very difficult to comfort her with any words, and she doesn’t take to hugs because of a condition she suffers, so I was at a loss.

I decided to go out to search one more time before I went to bed. It was almost midnight and Stumpy had been gone for over 30hrs. He could be anywhere really as properties are acreages here with only wire fencing and easy for him to roam, but I hoped that he would still remain nearby. I chastised him under my breath.

Then, I found him. He was tucked under some leaves behind an old concrete flowerpot. I couldn’t believe it. I did a double take. My heart was racing and when I presented my daughter with Stumpy she burst out crying all over again. My other daughter and wife couldn’t believe that I’d found him.

I felt like a real hero and my daughter gave me a big heartfelt hug. I think it’s the most significant accomplishment I’ve achieved in years and years. It felt wonderful to make my daughter so happy.

While I was in bed she sent me a text. “Thank you daddy, I love you”.

Tonight I’m a happy man.
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That is just amazing after that time. :)
Great job.
My eldest has been having a tough time, over the past few years especially. One thing she loves is animals. She has a few pets: two tanks of axolotls, a rabbit and a bearded dragon. She was living out of home for a while and I encouraged her to return home after her flatmates became too much of an anxious frustration for her and told her it was okay to have her animals here with us too. She is studying vet nursing and copes with several health issues as well as working in hospitality.

Her bearded dragon died suddenly a few months ago for no discernible reason and she was quite devastated. Then recently her bunny got really sick, but her quick noticing of the bunny’s behaviour helped get him urgent treatment from the vet who thought bunny wouldn’t make it thru the night, but he did and slowly overcame a major infection and after about three weeks he is his old self albeit with some serious scar healing from a tracking infection. And this sudden illness was on my daughter’s birthday, which would’ve been an awful present.

Two weeks ago she bought another bearded dragon, a three legged one we call Stumpy who had been in the pet store for over a year. His siblings had chewed off the lower half of one of his rear legs. My daughter loves to save disabled animals. Many of her axolotls are deformed too.

Fast forward to yesterday, when she took her eyes off Stumpy for a moment while he explored our garden, he vanished. We searched for hours without luck. He had obviously found himself a hidey hole and hunkered down for the night. My daughter was so upset. She placed a message on a community FB page, then today walked around to many neighbors with “lost” pamphlets of Stumpy. We looked around the yard more today and into some neighboring yards without luck.

About to go to bed tonight I saw my daughter crying in her room and I found it very difficult to comfort her with any words, and she doesn’t take to hugs because of a condition she suffers, so I was at a loss.

I decided to go out to search one more time before I went to bed. It was almost midnight and Stumpy had been gone for over 30hrs. He could be anywhere really as properties are acreages here with only wire fencing and easy for him to roam, but I hoped that he would still remain nearby. I chastised him under my breath.

Then, I found him. He was tucked under some leaves behind an old concrete flowerpot. I couldn’t believe it. I did a double take. My heart was racing and when I presented my daughter with Stumpy she burst out crying all over again. My other daughter and wife couldn’t believe that I’d found him.

I felt like a real hero and my daughter gave me a big heartfelt hug. I think it’s the most significant accomplishment I’ve achieved in years and years. It felt wonderful to make my daughter so happy.

While I was in bed she sent me a text. “Thank you daddy, I love you”.

Tonight I’m a happy man.
Awww, what a lovely story! Good job, Dad - it’s moments like this that make parenting so worth it. Thanks for sharing your feel-good story. 😊💞
Good on you, kind Sir. She's going to remember this forever 💜 I know this because I remember the less-than-nice thing my father did to our pet bunny when I was young. :-/

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