that is the question. I am a a lonely and sad person. so when I first stumbled on this site. I was extremely excited. I thought to myself, maybe here I can find people who understand what I'm going through. and can relate to the pain and indifference that I feel on a day to day biases. and who knows, maybe I'll even find a friend? but my excitement was short lived. while still considering joining and becoming a registered member. I decided to take a look a round. and see what kind of group I would be joining. my first impression was good. I posted a message. and a friendly person responded to my post. but then I stumbled upon a post by a regular member who seemed to be a person of influence on this site. they found themselves presented with a dilemma. whither or not to continue being a member of this site. and it wasn't till I read the situation that prompted said question in the post. that I found myself wandering if I want to be a member of this site after all. supposedly this person is a long time member who is said to have helped many a person. but I question how caring of a person this is. because her argument with some one on this site was in regards to a dispute of personal beliefs between the two of them. so question to anyone on this site is, is this a common occurrence on this site? are people only helped if there personal beliefs are a like those of popular culture? because if so.... then I do not want to be a member. its my personal belief that all people deserve help. no matter what country they come from. or the color of there skin, or what they believe in. cause if you look down to the core. the whole point of this forum is to give people a place to voice their loneliness and sadness. and for any caring person out there who wants to help some one over come there heartache to do so. but if you can't separate your personal beliefs from your need to help some one. then why bother? all you do is give some one like a negetive view of what this site represents. and to be honest. many others may have been scared off from joining who could have really used help. for the same reasons that I have mention. so what do you say people of this forum? are my views correct? should I not join?