for Americans..what do you have to complain about

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Id like to weigh in on this. This is a good one!

Well, I can start by calling out misconceptions about America/Americans that are always viewed by outsiders.

Because America is a superpower, I think that most people have an impression that everyone here is wealthy, or that the lowest earners of this country are still insanely wealthier than those of other countries.

If you want to see how ugly things can get in America, just use YouTube. Search for videos where people post their drives through Philadelphia, Chicago, or Detroit, for examples. In fact, here is one:

I myself have always found it laughable that as supposedly the greatest nation in the world, America boasts only two political parties to choose from: Democrats (Liberals) and Republicans (Conservatives). There is an impression that Democrats want people to live good lives and that its purpose is to strike down evil and inequality wherever it stands. Also, the Republicans are supposed to be racists and Nazis and want to take away reproductive rights from women, kick puppies, tie women to railroad tracks.

The Democrat party was created in the infancy of this country to continue to keep the enslaved under captivity. The Republican party was created to combat this. But I dont want to bore you with details of the past- lets examine the present.
NEITHER of these parties care about the lives of American citizens. Dems slander Reps, Reps slander Dems. Neither party have policies that benefit the people. Donald Trump triggered a derangement syndrome where rich white people are seen as villains in this country. But Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George Bush, and quite literally any other president in the 46 president history has done much to benefit the people of this nation. Joe Biden, the current president, is seen as some kind of savior, but it is very visibly clear that he has Alzheimers or something similar in his age. Its embarrassing and he hasn´t done much to effect POSITIVE changes since he took over for the last screw up. They are both garbage, just on different sides of yesterday´s paper.

Work here is plentiful and the pay is so well that the average American family can have a mom and dad, 2-3 kids, a house with a picket fence, a dog, and afford a vacation each year while two cars are parked in the driveway.

Despite how much our media projects job growth, companies wouldn´t hire if they were hanging on by the skin of their teeth because here, you go to college and put yourself $200K in debt in order to earn a bachelors/masters/doctorate/business degree, and they want to hire you for $15-17 per hour. And instead of hiring some qualified applicant for the quality of their education, they´d rather pay them an entry level salary for post degree level work.
Meanwhile this is happening, you have a whole other class of Americans who believe that they should be paid a CEO´s salary for flipping hamburgers at McDonalds where you cannot invest in yourself to develop more marketable skills for growth.
Neither the formally educated nor the non-formally educated can afford decent housing within reasonable ratio to work. That is to say, many Americans hold whatever job they have, and supplement that job by delivering food or packages on their own time to make ends meet. It doesn´t matter what class you are in.

America is seemingly the most racist nation in the world, if you watch the news. That is the narrative that is being pushed and the media will double down on it. People of color do not have a chance in this country.

The Reality
America is the least racist country in the world and remains the melting pot of cultures, for better or for worse. The notion being that black people get treated unfairly and that racism is ¨ingrained in all aspects and systems of American culture¨. But America has such programs such as public assistance that helps the underprivileged financially and with food. America boasts the benefit of ¨Affirmative Action¨ at jobs and schools which pretty much guarantees openings for SPECIFICALLY minorities, even if they are not as qualified as a white applicant.
This extends all the way to the way media reports a crime. There is an astronomical figure of violence in the black community and the media refuses to report on it. They will call anything a ¨hate crime¨ when there is a white and black person involved, and even evidenced by the recent Kyle Rittenhouse trial, even when the violence is white on white. (For anyone unfamiliar, Kyle Rittenhouse was a kid who shot and killed an attacker who drew a gun on him during the riots like 2 years ago. The attacker was also white. The media dubbed Rittenhouse a ¨racist¨).
If the crime is black on white or black on black, the media merely calls it a ¨tragedy¨ and even wont refer to black people as suspects. The media will refer to a suspect as ¨person of interest¨ if they are black.

¨Cancel Culture is a falsehood that only serves as a defense for when people are called out for being wrong/racist/sexist/accused of XYZ¨

Cancel Culture exists. People bow to political and racial pressure in this country. Because its not a racist country, but its race obsessed, if that makes sense. So people lose their jobs for saying many of the things that I have stated here. The media tries to back away from it and take attention from it. But its not really anything I can explain because its just too simply easy to see. Its in your face every day when you turn on the news or log into the internet.

PS- ALL presidents suck in this country. ALL of them. The democrats. The republicans. Just a hierarchy of politicians who hold on long enough to weasel their way into the highest office in this country. A-L-L of them S-U-C-K - Trump, Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Lincoln, Washington, Jackson, and I am gonna go out on a limb and guess the next succession of 6 or 7 of them are not gonna be much better.

Take care of each other!
Id like to weigh in on this. This is a good one!

Well, I can start by calling out misconceptions about America/Americans that are always viewed by outsiders.

Because America is a superpower, I think that most people have an impression that everyone here is wealthy, or that the lowest earners of this country are still insanely wealthier than those of other countries.

If you want to see how ugly things can get in America, just use YouTube. Search for videos where people post their drives through Philadelphia, Chicago, or Detroit, for examples. In fact, here is one:

I myself have always found it laughable that as supposedly the greatest nation in the world, America boasts only two political parties to choose from: Democrats (Liberals) and Republicans (Conservatives). There is an impression that Democrats want people to live good lives and that its purpose is to strike down evil and inequality wherever it stands. Also, the Republicans are supposed to be racists and Nazis and want to take away reproductive rights from women, kick puppies, tie women to railroad tracks.

The Democrat party was created in the infancy of this country to continue to keep the enslaved under captivity. The Republican party was created to combat this. But I dont want to bore you with details of the past- lets examine the present.
NEITHER of these parties care about the lives of American citizens. Dems slander Reps, Reps slander Dems. Neither party have policies that benefit the people. Donald Trump triggered a derangement syndrome where rich white people are seen as villains in this country. But Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George Bush, and quite literally any other president in the 46 president history has done much to benefit the people of this nation. Joe Biden, the current president, is seen as some kind of savior, but it is very visibly clear that he has Alzheimers or something similar in his age. Its embarrassing and he hasn´t done much to effect POSITIVE changes since he took over for the last screw up. They are both garbage, just on different sides of yesterday´s paper.

Work here is plentiful and the pay is so well that the average American family can have a mom and dad, 2-3 kids, a house with a picket fence, a dog, and afford a vacation each year while two cars are parked in the driveway.

Despite how much our media projects job growth, companies wouldn´t hire if they were hanging on by the skin of their teeth because here, you go to college and put yourself $200K in debt in order to earn a bachelors/masters/doctorate/business degree, and they want to hire you for $15-17 per hour. And instead of hiring some qualified applicant for the quality of their education, they´d rather pay them an entry level salary for post degree level work.
Meanwhile this is happening, you have a whole other class of Americans who believe that they should be paid a CEO´s salary for flipping hamburgers at McDonalds where you cannot invest in yourself to develop more marketable skills for growth.
Neither the formally educated nor the non-formally educated can afford decent housing within reasonable ratio to work. That is to say, many Americans hold whatever job they have, and supplement that job by delivering food or packages on their own time to make ends meet. It doesn´t matter what class you are in.

America is seemingly the most racist nation in the world, if you watch the news. That is the narrative that is being pushed and the media will double down on it. People of color do not have a chance in this country.

The Reality
America is the least racist country in the world and remains the melting pot of cultures, for better or for worse. The notion being that black people get treated unfairly and that racism is ¨ingrained in all aspects and systems of American culture¨. But America has such programs such as public assistance that helps the underprivileged financially and with food. America boasts the benefit of ¨Affirmative Action¨ at jobs and schools which pretty much guarantees openings for SPECIFICALLY minorities, even if they are not as qualified as a white applicant.
This extends all the way to the way media reports a crime. There is an astronomical figure of violence in the black community and the media refuses to report on it. They will call anything a ¨hate crime¨ when there is a white and black person involved, and even evidenced by the recent Kyle Rittenhouse trial, even when the violence is white on white. (For anyone unfamiliar, Kyle Rittenhouse was a kid who shot and killed an attacker who drew a gun on him during the riots like 2 years ago. The attacker was also white. The media dubbed Rittenhouse a ¨racist¨).
If the crime is black on white or black on black, the media merely calls it a ¨tragedy¨ and even wont refer to black people as suspects. The media will refer to a suspect as ¨person of interest¨ if they are black.

¨Cancel Culture is a falsehood that only serves as a defense for when people are called out for being wrong/racist/sexist/accused of XYZ¨

Cancel Culture exists. People bow to political and racial pressure in this country. Because its not a racist country, but its race obsessed, if that makes sense. So people lose their jobs for saying many of the things that I have stated here. The media tries to back away from it and take attention from it. But its not really anything I can explain because its just too simply easy to see. Its in your face every day when you turn on the news or log into the internet.

PS- ALL presidents suck in this country. ALL of them. The democrats. The republicans. Just a hierarchy of politicians who hold on long enough to weasel their way into the highest office in this country. A-L-L of them S-U-C-K - Trump, Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Lincoln, Washington, Jackson, and I am gonna go out on a limb and guess the next succession of 6 or 7 of them are not gonna be much better.

Take care of each other!

I guess you don't exaggerate too much
I guess you don't exaggerate too much
Wish I could say I was man. To be honest, I wasn´t too political until almost two years ago when everything got locked down and pretty much started the force feeding of the political crap. But it doesn´t take a lot to see this stuff.

Its just a shame that most people sit and believe one news source when we all walk around with the sum of human knowledge in our pockets these days.

I´m just happy to sit back and be a spectator while we ride this rocket into hell.
"America is the least racist country in the world"

Prove it, yankee.

"Because its not a racist country, but its race obsessed, if that makes sense."

Yep, sure. If you see everything through a racial lens, how can you NOT be racist? Maybe you are just better at hiding it, unlike some other countries I could name.
Do you live in America? If not, you shouldn't talk about what you don't know.

A prime example of the bitter, insular, and divisive American attitude. It b boarders on ignorance and arrogance. Judgement before facts. It serves only reiterate the initial argument. Likewise, before you judge me too, I also lived in America.
"America is the least racist country in the world"

Prove it, yankee.

"Because its not a racist country, but its race obsessed, if that makes sense."

Yep, sure. If you see everything through a racial lens, how can you NOT be racist? Maybe you are just better at hiding it, unlike some other countries I could name.
I mean, sure. I don't know how to respond to this. Take my comments how you wish. A question was posed, and I responded with the experiences I live every day as a citizen.

Please go back and highlight where I claimed that America is perfect. You can't. Because I didn't. America is a NATION. An entire country being pulled in several million directions at once. Is it perfect? No. And to think so is delusional.

But I never understand why America has to be the whipping mule for the world to take out the worlds frustrations about racism. It's not perfect. But it's not the Middle East. And it's not North Korea. And it's not Beirut. And it's not Somalia. And it's not Communist China. And it's not Brazil. And it's not Columbia. And it's not Mexico. All of these places listed here, and everywhere else in the world have their own problems/race issues/crime issues/drug pandemics/PANDEMIC pandemics/etc.

And yet and still, you'll never find opportunity like here in America. You just will not. But you don't have to take my word for it. Just ask the millions of people who risk life and limb to come to America illegally from the Southern border because they are seeking a better life. How many people do you know that risk their lives to come to a racist country for a better life? Our naturalization system is overflowing with people from all the other nations who don't share a border with us- folks from over seas who want their children to study here, and start families here.

Basically, America is the cool party that everyone wants to go to. But when there are rules about how to get invited, people get mad and pout and say "That party is lame anyway".

America has been good to my family.

As I said, take my comments as you wish.
A prime example of the bitter, insular, and divisive American attitude. It b boarders on ignorance and arrogance. Judgement before facts. It serves only reiterate the initial argument. Likewise, before you judge me too, I also lived in America.

How so? Do you really think people who have not lived in America to know the dynamic of gun laws/control/hunting/etc really know that much about it?

By any chance, did you live in rural or urban America? There's a major difference between the two concerning guns and how they are perceived and used.
How so? Do you really think people who have not lived in America to know the dynamic of gun laws/control/hunting/etc really know that much about it?

By any chance, did you live in rural or urban America? There's a major difference between the two concerning guns and how they are perceived and used.
See, there you go again, rash judgemental statements, oblivious to relevant information. But yes, people globally are actually well informed about a magnitude of issues from within the lower 48, thanks to the persistent wailing from folks such as yourself, and both American media and politicians, who view America as the world.

Likewise, and this may come as a shock to your behemoth ignorance, people travel. I'll lead with two examples; military and medical. There are numerous others too. Oh, yeah, there is also little things like internet, YouTube, CNN, Fox...

For the record, I have lived in three distinctively different areas of Pennsylvania. Two areas of California, West Hollyweird and San Luis Obispo, which is very farmy, or should I say, "Super real farmy". Likewise, I have travelled extensively throughout Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Montana. Seen a fair fricken few of your state and national parks. Camped on BLM land, and not taken the knee. And, I still have a place that I can call home, in Georgia.

Oh, I've got family dotted around, although for clarity, my mother's side are Canadian, eh! There's also a clan of Irish immigrants on the East coast. Also dotted around the East, are various offspring from Black families, who at some point in history their families were freed slaves who worked for our family. Thus, a high likelihood of any American baring our family name, having roots with Little Old Ingy-goo-land.

Ah, but guns and agriculture, oh yeah, what do we know. What does my fellow Ingy-goo-landers from the shires, know. Well, it would appear on the evidence hitherto supplied, a significantly greater amount than you.

Just another iddy bit if info, go look at your state flags, as a few of emotions still have Union Jack sitting in the corner. We also have them dotted around the globe, in a similar fashion. How about the U.S.?

Now, which state do you wish to discuss, and what law specifically. Ok, I'll admit, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, I might have to look up those areas, or call family there!

Now, you were saying?
Sounds like someone is making a lot of assumptions. Potentially deliberately misinterpreting my comments so he can go off on a tangent and act all holier than thou.

I would point out that traveling through places doesn't necessarily mean you know what it's like to LIVE there your entire life. I have family and friends all over the US, but the dynamic is quite different in every single one of those. But yeah, please, go on with your "bragging." Is that bragging or just you trying to "put me in my place" and be superior? Can't really tell.

I gave my opinion, doesn't matter to me whether you like it or not. And if you think people from all over the US think the same way about guns, agriculture or anything else, whether it's state to state or urban vs rural, you really haven't done that much research. And yes, please go on telling me how CNN and YouTube and (LMAO) FOX gives you ALL the "facts" you need. lol
I mean, sure. I don't know how to respond to this. Take my comments how you wish. A question was posed, and I responded with the experiences I live every day as a citizen.

Please go back and highlight where I claimed that America is perfect. You can't. Because I didn't. America is a NATION. An entire country being pulled in several million directions at once. Is it perfect? No. And to think so is delusional.

But I never understand why America has to be the whipping mule for the world to take out the worlds frustrations about racism. It's not perfect. But it's not the Middle East. And it's not North Korea. And it's not Beirut. And it's not Somalia. And it's not Communist China. And it's not Brazil. And it's not Columbia. And it's not Mexico. All of these places listed here, and everywhere else in the world have their own problems/race issues/crime issues/drug pandemics/PANDEMIC pandemics/etc.

And yet and still, you'll never find opportunity like here in America. You just will not. But you don't have to take my word for it. Just ask the millions of people who risk life and limb to come to America illegally from the Southern border because they are seeking a better life. How many people do you know that risk their lives to come to a racist country for a better life? Our naturalization system is overflowing with people from all the other nations who don't share a border with us- folks from over seas who want their children to study here, and start families here.

Basically, America is the cool party that everyone wants to go to. But when there are rules about how to get invited, people get mad and pout and say "That party is lame anyway".

America has been good to my family.

As I said, take my comments as you wish.
No need to lecture me, since I live in a country that doesn't need to constantly defend it's position in the world, and for the record I wasn't insinuating that your country was "perfect" either.

America isn't the only choice to immigrate for opportunity. Canada is pretty good, too. I mean, ask my grandparents and family members who risked everything to come here from Italy on a boat in the late 1950's.

I should see myself out of this thread now. Good day to you.
As a young Skippy, I always wanted to live in America. Decades ago I realised that my country suited me better.

Whilst this will never happen, I'd like the world's wealth to be spread all over.

John Lennon's "Imagine" is powerful.
No need to lecture me, since I live in a country that doesn't need to constantly defend it's position in the world, and for the record I wasn't insinuating that your country was "perfect" either.

America isn't the only choice to immigrate for opportunity. Canada is pretty good, too. I mean, ask my grandparents and family members who risked everything to come here from Italy on a boat in the late 1950's.

I should see myself out of this thread now. Good day to you.
Good day to you too. I'm happy to hear that your grandparents had a fair shake at life in the wonderful country of Canada. Everyone deserves that, despite where they came from, or which nation welcomed them into open arms. I hope they are staying safe during all this convoy business going on over there- a social issue occurring in a country outside of <checks notes>... the evil American empire.
Oh god, not sure how I'd take people talking about Britain so I don't blame the Americans for their colourful responses, I am just as patriotic and biased about Britain and all our problems... Wait... we have no problems... :censored:

That being said, I worked in America for 6 weeks. It was a once in a life time opportunity, and I went on my own. The first place I've ever been on my own. My thoughts... I didn't see everyone living luxurious lives like I thought I would... I saw homeless half baked on the street, I've never seen this before, I got followed and shouted at for giving a homeless man my lunch and some water. No one shouted when I was given a free lunch at places just because they liked my accent though.... I couldn't understand the mind set, and often those I met were very confrontational people.

Race... America... yikes, I will say this, before going there I wondered why African Americans go on about racism so much. I thought, cant possibly be that bad? When I went there, a few things happened to me, that has never happened to me in England, that were race related. Opened my eyes to the reality faced by some.

Funny side note - I flew to and from America first class... champagne in hand, the only black person in first class actually, I was asked to move seats because a family wanted to sit together, I said, ask him.. pointed to a white man and went back to watching god knows what. I never said to ask him due to race, more so gender, I thought, a man should offer his seat, the woman said, I was going to, not everything is about race 😅 I was like wow, half way to America and race relations are getting worse by the second. I think personally America is used as a burning bright example, because it is a desirable place, everyone wants to be in the USA, however... doesn't mean it should be held to ridiculous standards. If they were able to make everyone get along, I think you'd all have to consent to being microchipped and controlled.
How about all the homeless in America? Are they fortunate too? How about the people who struggle to feed their children because they can't afford the high prices? If you think it's as black and white as all that, you should do more research.

Do you live in America? If not, you shouldn't talk about what you don't know.
very true

America is the best country in the world, in terms of military might.
America is the worst country in the world, in terms of number of incarcerated people.

Meanwhile, Finland has been ranked the happiest country 5 years in a row.
And Bhuton, concerns themselves with Gross National Happiness.

There are rich people who commit suicide, and there are people who live in huts as hunter gatherers who are as happy as any wealthy suburbanites, if not happier and more well adjusted.

I think the real reason America is such a great country, is because everyone is so busy trying to convince themselves that it is. Meanwhile, there are people who live in literal huts, made of foliage, married, with children, who depend on hunting and foraging to provide food for themselves, and have a shaman for medical care, who are just as likely to be as happy as a family living in Orange County, CA, if not more so.

In America, Poverty and great suffering, are next door neighbors to wealth beyond imagination. And, I don't believe those two people can be close neighbors without some friction occurring, most of the time...
What do I have to complain about.

Well, there's "standards of living continuing to fall, the more we move away from New Deal politics" for starters.

I believe in "making America great again". Just not the way that phrase is usually used.

It was great from 1930something to 1970something, maybe 1981.

The 1990s were good too.

Everything else, not so much.
..that you perceive as so severe that you think violence is the solution?

If you are so fortunate as to live in the United States, no matter how poor you may perceive yourself to be, you live a life of comfort and luxury compared to about 75% the occupants of this planet.

Other than the fact a lot of people spend way too much time on the internet and TV allowing people to get rich manipulating emotions I don't understand why there is so much anger and hatred for people who have nothing to do with your own life.

There is nothing going on in America that is in any way physically threatening to me,..or ANYONE else in this country, no matter what someone who gets rich manipulating people's emotions tries to convince you to believe.
I live in the US and don't feel that way, but know exactly what you mean about those who do. Brainwashing and violence is everywhere. I don't pay attention to half of what's out there, because most of it is bs.
- High Income Taxes
- That the Capital Gains tax exists at all. It should not be a thing, IMO.
- "Restorative Justice", aka, not prosecuting dangerous criminals like the DAs in my state
- Birthright Citizenship, aka Birth tourism

Those are just a few. I could go on but what's the point...
..that you perceive as so severe that you think violence is the solution?

If you are so fortunate as to live in the United States, no matter how poor you may perceive yourself to be, you live a life of comfort and luxury compared to about 75% the occupants of this planet.

Other than the fact a lot of people spend way too much time on the internet and TV allowing people to get rich manipulating emotions I don't understand why there is so much anger and hatred for people who have nothing to do with your own life.

There is nothing going on in America that is in any way physically threatening to me,..or ANYONE else in this country, no matter what someone who gets rich manipulating people's emotions tries to convince you to believe.
75% of occupants of this planet are bullied by America obviously not Canada, Mexico, or Europe anymore lol

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