What?!! You just continuously called her "typical" without knowing a damn thing about her and were utterly condescending and rude. How can you NOT see that you're a hypocrite? And sorry we are all too dumb to keep up with all your points and to have you repeat yourself.
You can keep repeating yourself and say many things to make anyone who isn't praising or showing anything but sympathy with you, sound mean, but anyone whose been following and has any level head will see that no one was being nasty with you in your threads. At least not intentionally. It's become apparent that you see what you want to see. You want to block or ignore people telling you what you don't want to hear not because they're mean or nasty. That is also why people ignore you over time and you think the worst of them as well. You in fact inadvertently do what you claim is being done to you just in a subtle and safe way. Until now. This thread has the spotlight on you now. Wave.

I don't know what to say to you in order for you to realize that you're only creating your own smaller and more lonely hell.
And ya know, I really really wanted to understand and empathize where you're coming from and believe it or not I genuinely cared... but then you get easily upset with your melodramatics and dare say things like "if you were in my shoes you would commit suicide in a day". Well then, I guess your high horse is entirely too high for any of us to reach and that alone is an extremely selfish, ignorant, and insensitive statement. Congratulations for being what you hate. That's indeed being condescending in it's worst kind of form. But everyone else is mean while you're innocent right? So, you've lost a great deal of my respect now so excuse my bluntness and please, take it how you take any reply that doesn't say what you want to hear.
Believe it or not, I can relate to much of what you've said and I would've hoped we could have been friends but now I don't want to ironically based on the very similar feelings you have right now towards some people. I too act like a total moron around people I initially like and more likeable around people whom don't strike me initially. Keyword is initially. And my insecurities are mistaken for me trying hard to be something I'm not but really I've been mistaken for something I'm not my entire life. It's embedded in me so much that I get extreme anxiety over making any sort of reply or statement and think the worst about 'myself' because I know I don't take criticism easily either. Mostly because I believe most of it like an idiot and I let it peck at my self esteem. Where as, yours is thinking the worst of others and you don't think they have the capability of understanding you unless they are you or a clone of you.
See, with you, it's more obvious you're actually trying hard. I'll explain. Your liberal ideals actually contradict yourself with your habits and dating choices. It's to imply there is an open, equal, and fair minded thought process. Instead, I see high morals that entirely miss the point of such a political stance. They sound more far-left liberal. Whom enjoy hate speech just as much as who they hate, Trump supporters. Which is why you can't click with someone in that political stance and in fact made it a point to mention it too. That alone says a lot.
Sometimes there are band wagoners because they see the attention they get, flocking with 'those' type of people that appeal to them, ego boosts, and/or blame shifting for all their negative traits in life. Indeed no different than their opposing political party.
And yes, I am emotionally biased about all this because it really upsets some people who potentially had much more substantial disadvantages, seeing anyone spread hate speech and only make their party look like something they're not. It makes it impossible for ANY progress with it's childish emotions from both sides. That is precisely why I'm a liberal whose turned moderate. Too much hate and too many people entirely missing the point of their political stances while only re-affirming their confirmation bias or boosting their own egos. It's not for the betterment of their country and fellow person, it's in fact for themselves and their unhinged, brainwashed, and misplaced emotions. Again, no damn different than what you actually hate.
You recognize and acknowledge a large part of your problems whilst practically saying you want to clone yourself yet still primary blame it on your looks. And that same logic can't apply to other people because??? And everything you've been doing here and claiming also can't apply to you because??? My last reply in another thread that I'm sure upset you (despite my over apologetic approach) was hoping that awareness would at least alleviate some of that victim mentality and spark some self-reflection.
Which leaves me to my own selfish conclusion; Do you want sympathy or someone to re-affirm your thoughts? Because, you clearly are not listening to people just as much, if not more, than your hypocritical and rash conclusions and accusations. I constantly see you ignore people or tell them they don't get what you're saying on here which if it were in reverse you'd be extremely upset over it.
There so many traits or imperfections that you "grow" to love or admire about someone that will cloud away the negatives you used to notice. If YOU let them. If you let even one small negative completely turn you off, that's again, on you. Accomplishments, finances, education, and one's position in life is something that should at least be heard and not initially deemed as a lesser person. Unless of course, you constantly feel you deserve better or you're hiding the fact that you're judging people whom don't have the same advantages (again, opposite of liberal). Or lastly, you care about how it will make you look. Then, you're your own problem. Not your looks. Not saying to lower your standards but compromise and understand that you're far from perfect too. Not keep boasting about yourself and then say that it has to be your looks. Being humble is a huge attracting trait in itself. Boasting is actually an ugly trait.
You can continuously repeat yourself and point out the things you want in bold, but don't get upset when you're doing the same to others or assuming they are because they aren't replying to you with extreme precision. Either way, it's abundantly clear we are not going to see eye to eye but I can't just let you continuously continue your own self made cycle and play the same broken vinyl record that you think no one understands in almost every one of your threads with your own hypocritical underlining condescending nature.
Best of luck finding a place where you belong. Try opening your own forum and pay people to compliment, agree, and praise you in order to keep you from your own hypocritically negative thoughts. Then I'm sure you'll fit in just fine.
