- duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude lol this sht is so goood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( yeah im copying you (d) ) You're awesome

Man!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you'll be able to overcome the way you feel now. I'll try my best to be there when you need me, duuude. lol

- (hello) lol what else should I say? I feel at ease with you. You make me feel safe. You make me feel accepted and special. you're such a good guy. Don't change! EVER
- You always make my day. Always. You make me believe in my talents. You fascinate me because you always seem to know what's the right thing to say to make people see the worthwhile person in them. Thank you for being you! and your french is good

- I don't think that you'll read that but I'll say it anyway... I love you girl. you're such a good friend. I hope that i deserve to be your friend. I hope that I'll be able to fully undestand you. I hope that we'll stay friends for a long long time.
- I don't know why i always feel like you want to protect me. We don't talk much you and I but I really wish I knew you better. you're a nice girl. you're yummy. I love you.
- Awesome music style. You're awesome! I can add that it means a lot to me when someone likes that style
- My dear dear dear friend, we have only one thing in common but it's a huge thing.... I love your courage sweet girl

- I wish I could hate you... Hell, I cant...
- (for 3 people) guys i wish you'd accept me as a friend. I really want to be a friend to you but you're so distant. You don't seem to accept it tho even if i tried x_x I wish i was your friend...
There's still a lot of people I want to talk about but not now.
And everytime I think about you, I wish for you the best. You people all deserve to be happy. I love you all.