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well, she'll see the real you and if the other way wasn't working too well, change. Don't listen to me though. I know nothing about attracting women.

I am the real me regardless if I hide my power level or not. I don't actually hide it out of shame or fear of other people's judgments like weaboos often do, but simply because it's a waste to try and explain complicated philosophical points to lay people. This is a very traditional opinion amongst philosophers. Among the Pythagoreans, for example, revealing the religious-philosophical secrets of their society to outsiders would get you expelled from the sect and possibly even killed. If I'm not mistaken, a few fragments by Democritus (I think?) advise against spreading philosophical knowledge to the common folk, for it decreases the value of philosophy and philosopher alike, as much as it constitutes an undignified act. It's believed by some that the bulk of Plato's philosophy was an unwritten doctrine, not covered by his books and reserved for his personal students. In any case, it's well-known that he considered books to be secondary to oral instruction, and his second letter expresses his reservations regarding the transmission of his doctrines very clearly: "I have never written anything about any of this - he says -; there are no and there shall be no writtings by Plato. What is now referred to as such was written by Socrates - from his times of beauty and youth. Goodbye, and obey: once you read this letter, burn it". Aristotle, too, valued oral transmission highly, and wrote his tracts specifically for his students to read, this being the reason why his work is sometimes considered to pose certain difficulties. Leaving aside modern introductory literature on philosophy, a vast corpus of easily accessible works was produced in the Hellenistic and Roman periods, a time when philosophy was experiencing a process of popularization. Any of such works - and the philosophies therein - are very useful in fomenting discussions with lay people who are naturally inclined toward it. This is as far as I go.
I am the real me regardless if I hide my power level or not. I don't actually hide it out of shame or fear of other people's judgments like weaboos often do, but simply because it's a waste to try and explain complicated philosophical points to lay people. This is a very traditional opinion amongst philosophers. Among the Pythagoreans, for example, revealing the religious-philosophical secrets of their society to outsiders would get you expelled from the sect and possibly even killed. If I'm not mistaken, a few fragments by Democritus (I think?) advise against spreading philosophical knowledge to the common folk, for it decreases the value of philosophy and philosopher alike, as much as it constitutes an undignified act. It's believed by some that the bulk of Plato's philosophy was an unwritten doctrine, not covered by his books and reserved for his personal students. In any case, it's well-known that he considered books to be secondary to oral instruction, and his second letter expresses his reservations regarding the transmission of his doctrines very clearly: "I have never written anything about any of this - he says -; there are no and there shall be no writtings by Plato. What is now referred to as such was written by Socrates - from his times of beauty and youth. Goodbye, and obey: once you read this letter, burn it". Aristotle, too, valued oral transmission highly, and wrote his tracts specifically for his students to read, this being the reason why his work is sometimes considered to pose certain difficulties. Leaving aside modern introductory literature on philosophy, a vast corpus of easily accessible works was produced in the Hellenistic and Roman periods, a time when philosophy was experiencing a process of popularization. Any of such works - and the philosophies therein - are very useful in fomenting discussions with lay people who are naturally inclined toward it. This is as far as I go.
Oooookay. You’re obviously existing in a different realm than many, so hopefully you’ll come across one that occupies that same realm. I’m guessing there are such circles to explore, but I wouldn’t know where they are myself. You would know better.
Oooookay. You’re obviously existing in a different realm than many, so hopefully you’ll come across one that occupies that same realm. I’m guessing there are such circles to explore, but I wouldn’t know where they are myself. You would know better.

We all exist in our own, unique realm. To some extent, the apparent homogeneity of people is an illusion fabricated by mass culture. One reading of Balzac is enough to demonstrate the true nature of the individual. Supposedly, Nelson Rodrigues once said that if people knew everything other people do in their private lives, no one would shake hands with anyone. Would you say this isn't true?
We all exist in our own, unique realm. To some extent, the apparent homogeneity of people is an illusion fabricated by mass culture. One reading of Balzac is enough to demonstrate the true nature of the individual. Supposedly, Nelson Rodrigues once said
You’re always quoting people. More than I’ve ever known in anyone else. Why do you do that? Are you trying to prove something to others, or even yourself?

that if people knew everything other people do in their private lives, no one would shake hands with anyone. Would you say this isn't true?
That’s what hand wash is for. I’m more than aware of what people do in their private lives.
You’re always quoting people. More than I’ve ever known in anyone else. Why do you do that? Are you trying to prove something to others, or even yourself?

Just because I have a kind of photographic memory for certain facts. You're reading too much into it.

That’s what hand wash is for. I’m more than aware of what people do in their private lives.

A truly godly invention. What would society be without handwashing? I believe we can safely say that civilized society would be nothing without it.
I think this thread has achieved its purpose, so I thank you all for your contributions. Just because I think you're often wrong in many ways doesn't mean I don't appreciate your opinions.

Also, for brevity's sake I have omitted certain information, but the way this thread has developed has made it suddenly more relevant. For instance, after I said "I mean I hope we can at least be friends", she quickly answered "of course!" and then went on to talk about how she loves having so many friends and stuff like that. Prior to that, she once described herself as a "friend accumulator", to which I replied that "I wish I were like that". Seems like she's a much less judgmental person than some of you are, and I wouldn't have it any other way. This is unsurprising because, after all, we're not a judgmental people. God willing, we'll never be.

This is also one of the reasons why I remain in doubt regarding her intentions. I don't have many reasons to believe that she liked me very much, like, I'm probably not the "right" person for her, or at least I get that impression, but at the same time I think she's being truthful about valuing our friendship, and if she's being truthful about that, why wouldn't she be truthful about being busy? as @TheRealCallie said, there's only so much time in the day to do so much stuff.

And to be thorough about it, there's one other piece of information that very much adds to all of these doubts. It seems there's another guy she met some time before me, and judging by some of the things that she said, there may be reason to believe that he would make a better match than I do. Nothing wrong with that per se, but not knowing whether that's the case or not is not a particularly pleasant experience. In any case, as I said before, only time will tell.

Maybe deleting her contact wasn't such a well thought-out decision, but it's at least good insomuch as it prevents me from disturbing her any further, something I don't wanna do anyway. One thing is for sure, I was acting under the influence of the responses I received here. Maybe that wasn't such a great idea. After all, you received only a partial account of what transpired. @TheRealCallie was wise to remain in doubt, but @ardour was very quick to pull the trigger. Given the availability of information, I'd say the former had the correct stance in this case. I haven't blocked her, of course. I don't block anyone. That's just evil (unless, of course, you have a fairly decent reason to do so).

About her, one of her most amazing qualities is her maturity. If I had to define her in one word, I'd say maturity. Though we don't know each other very well yet, I'd say she's one of the most mature people I have ever met, probably more than I am. She's experiencing anxiety issues and is taking the appropriate medications. She resisted at first, but wisely acknowledged that she had a problem and accepted her predicament. Now that I got all this stuff off my chest, and can think about everything more clearly, I can say there's a very good chance she's being thoroughly truthful. Again, only time will tell.

Thanks very much, guys and girls!
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Oh, there's something else. I've said that she thinks I'm a very interesting person, but I may not have been clear or thorough enough about it. I meant to say that's exactly what she likes about me, and that is so precisely because of my erudition and my (at least I would like to believe so) ability to strike up conversation that is both insightful, meaningful and etertaining. She even said, and I quote "the most interesting people are on dating apps. I would never have met anyone like you at a party or in Lapa at night" (a region known for its nightlife).

Again, I wanna thank everybody involved and wish you all a merry upcoming Christmas!
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she thinks I'm a very interesting person,
That's not necessarily a good thing.
I've heard that my whole life.
That I am "interesting".
Problem is, I am not "interesting" like a tattooed bad boy on a motorcycle.
I am "interesting" like the way a garden slug shrivels when you pour salt on it.
Not so good.

Merry Christmas to you good sir.
Enjoy the Baccalao.
My people call it Baccala...close enough...
That's not necessarily a good thing.
I've heard that my whole life.
That I am "interesting".
Problem is, I am not "interesting" like a tattooed bad boy on a motorcycle.
I am "interesting" like the way a garden slug shrivels when you pour salt on it.
Not so good.

Merry Christmas to you good sir.
Enjoy the Baccalao.
My people call it Baccala...close enough...

I just ate that like 5 hours ago! LMAO! we call bacalhau the fish itself though, and bolinho de bacalhau the well-known appetizer. Meh, it's the same thing, it's all Latin. Italians are like the Brazilians of Europe. In many ways they are more like us than the Portuguese themselves.

Merry Christmas to you too, Unsigned!
Interesting thread. I stopped dating over 10 years ago after I just sensed I wasn't happy trying to impress females that would simply wait for the first opportunity to find fault and for me I found it offputting, it helps if your able to enjoy life being comfortable with yourself, something that developed with age, now Im past 45 females don't look at me anymore and it has taken the pressure off considerably. I can be myself, be polite and respectful as I always have been but not having to read into things or think because a woman looked at me and smiled she likes me.
If a female cannot communicate properly I find that probably the most off putting aspect and probably the key fundamental stumbling block preventing anything from developing naturally, which in a way is the best thing to find out early and kinda saves all the hassle of playing "guess my emotional state" which never worked for me like ever. The few success stories Ive experienced were all females with good communication skills, honest about how they felt, were clear to communicate it and all showed emotional stability, coupled with regular contact which is super important to develop even a friendship. Now I have no money, job, home and look like ****, women often give me a smile and offer to buy me a coffee, always makes me laugh, I had to look like a washed up smack head to get the attention, Im glad my dating days are over.
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