This is going to be a stupid thread because no one could ever possibly understand what I am about to write. ^_^
It's ******* stupid, believe me.
Right now, I have homework to do and I should be doing it but i'm too paralyzed with anxiety to do it. Why am I anxious? because it is due tomorrow and I dont want to do it. (this is called lazinesssssss). But I get anxious because I think about the consequences of not doing it.
This happens to me every semester.
It's a stupid problem.
That doesnt seem to go away. 
The only reason why I ever do my homework is because I have to do it. Not because I enjoy it, not at all. I hate my homework. I hate doing it even though a part of me knows that in the long-run it'll bring me fulfillment.
Believe me I've tried to tell myself that I am trading a short-term gain (enjoyment) over a long term gain (fulfillment). It doesnt seem to work.
And you know what? Every time this happens, when I become anxious, when I dont do my homework. I begin to hate myself. I hate myself...I hate myself...
I really do hate myself.
See, no one can understand how much pain this causes me.
I used to be an honors student and I dont know what the **** happened.
. I'm just shitting on myself over and over again.
It's pretty much taken away my self-esteem. The girl who used to get good grades is now just ******* lazy.
And you know what, I've stuck around wishing and hoping that I'd change. That hey maybe I could actually do better, but hey, I'm not.
And it ******* kills me inside. ^_^
If I were to do my homework now it would just be to make the anxiety go away, the self-hatred go away. Not because I enjoyed my studies.
I wish there was a way to enjoy my work instead of loathing it. Instead of attaching my whole self-worth to it. Instead of...
I dont know.
This thread is incoherent because I wrote it while anxious. I"m sorry.
It truely is stupid and I'm probably not going to get many replies and i'm certainly not going to expect that whatever someone says to me in this thread will offer me a magical fix that will make all my self-loathing, laziness,anxiety,depression **** go away. No. I know that whatever someone tells me (if they tell me anything) will be something that will require work. After all, this is my life and I have to want to change things to feel better.
It's ******* stupid, believe me.
Right now, I have homework to do and I should be doing it but i'm too paralyzed with anxiety to do it. Why am I anxious? because it is due tomorrow and I dont want to do it. (this is called lazinesssssss). But I get anxious because I think about the consequences of not doing it.
This happens to me every semester.
It's a stupid problem.
The only reason why I ever do my homework is because I have to do it. Not because I enjoy it, not at all. I hate my homework. I hate doing it even though a part of me knows that in the long-run it'll bring me fulfillment.
Believe me I've tried to tell myself that I am trading a short-term gain (enjoyment) over a long term gain (fulfillment). It doesnt seem to work.
And you know what? Every time this happens, when I become anxious, when I dont do my homework. I begin to hate myself. I hate myself...I hate myself...
I really do hate myself.
See, no one can understand how much pain this causes me.
I used to be an honors student and I dont know what the **** happened.
It's pretty much taken away my self-esteem. The girl who used to get good grades is now just ******* lazy.
And you know what, I've stuck around wishing and hoping that I'd change. That hey maybe I could actually do better, but hey, I'm not.
And it ******* kills me inside. ^_^
If I were to do my homework now it would just be to make the anxiety go away, the self-hatred go away. Not because I enjoyed my studies.
I wish there was a way to enjoy my work instead of loathing it. Instead of attaching my whole self-worth to it. Instead of...
I dont know.
This thread is incoherent because I wrote it while anxious. I"m sorry.
It truely is stupid and I'm probably not going to get many replies and i'm certainly not going to expect that whatever someone says to me in this thread will offer me a magical fix that will make all my self-loathing, laziness,anxiety,depression **** go away. No. I know that whatever someone tells me (if they tell me anything) will be something that will require work. After all, this is my life and I have to want to change things to feel better.