It's always good to know you're not the only one and to be able to find solace with others, to be able to talk about whats on your mind, to let it out. Even if I am a jerk and selfish. My best, second ever, and last relationship ended after only a year, and I don't care to mention the 4 years beforehand where I was too young to be considered legal and couldn't even go anywhere with her in person. That stemmed over into when we were actually together. Her ex husband constantly making jokes, or making it awkward and difficult. Far more than it would be if you'd meet someone fresh and never have that spark that is only yours and yours alone. I guess it was a shaky foundation. But it does definitely get better. One year, ten, fifty, a thousand, it hurts. But it gets better. That shadow always lingers. Even when I've forgotten she ever existed and someone asks me to cut up a hot dog and suddenly I remember her getting on to me for not cutting up the hot dog small enough for the baby to eat. It lingers. But it gets better. I try to remind myself that I learned so much from her. And that the only thing she left me with was not heartache, but knowledge, and the ability to grow, and do better by those who will come to me in the future than I was able to be for her in my youth, as sad as it makes me to admit. She found her love. I haven't. That doesn't mean she didn't love me. That means she found someone who gave her what she needed in life. And that I may one day find it for myself.
Welcome here, I'm glad to meet you, as I'm sure are others, and although I'm new here myself, and argumentative and annoying, I'm here to talk. If nothing else than to share experiences. That's life. Experiences. Learning from others. Learning from ourselves.